' Wrote:I like flying bombers and chain sniping your caps. I'd also like flying about shooting down nova torps and going trololo.
Maybe some kind of really short range CD that would neutralize the explosive mechanism of the torpedo inrp? In practical terms, a CD that stopped torpedoes but was super short range to make it not as effective against ships.
Very unrelated, but would nova's work when lagging like crazy? My computer sucks, so anything more than a one-on-one makes me get screen lag. Seriously, combat is annoying like that. Nova's are torps so they track, and if people are raging about them they must be good! But I think they suck with fighting other bombers.
Nova's are fine if I decide to use them. If not, they are super overpowered:D
Make Flaks use less energy - so they can fire continuously.
Make them do less damage, so their primary role is to act as a 'push' screen, and to harass, not necessarily destroy, snubcraft.
Then make a Torp-mounted version of the Flak, so that escorts can mount them and use them against Novas.
' Wrote:But that's the catch. Two fighters on a bomber will rip it to pieces in a minute or two at the most.
Right. No.
' Wrote:However fixing solaris( 4.85 stats with 4.86 range) would improve the situation, this together with flak receiving more range and less energy per shot.
And add spread. Class 7 turrets just flak so therei s reasonable defense. You always got SNAC, now the uberneses of bombers just got raised.
Then clearly two of the three people need to learn how to aim.
I'm a bomberwhore, regularly killing fighters easily, and I still take significant amounts of damage doing so in the minute of combat it takes.
EDIT: Of course I really only fly the barghest. Bit of a big target, dontcha know.
gone four years, first day back: Zoners still getting shot in Theta :|
Let's see...
We have a "buff solaris", "buff nova", "nerf nova", "nerf flak", a few "buff flaks"...
A regular day on Disco.
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.
' Wrote:Then clearly two of the three people need to learn how to aim.
I'm a bomberwhore, regularly killing fighters easily, and I still take significant amounts of damage doing so in the minute of combat it takes.
EDIT: Of course I really only fly the barghest. Bit of a big target, dontcha know.
Shooting a bomber that is attacking a fighter is something different than shooting a bomber evading and firing novas.