I was like "Damn it would suck to be in the orbiter. Being so close to the moon yet never being able to set foot on it."
Then a bit later on in the film, I was like "Oh hell naw, I'd rather be the dude in the orbiter."
Yep. Watched it too and felt the same way.
I did some research too.. Seems that Apollo 18, 19, and 20 were real missions and 'top-secret.' There is evidence of Apollo 19, and 20. The U.S. Government denies both, including Apollo 18.. which.. there is no evidence of. Except for the one pilot that was in Apollo 19 and 20. It's pretty interesting stuff what he believes in and what not, and the somewhat-proof he has.
So basically.. The movie is fiction, with hints towards realistic scenarios based on a professional eye-witness account.