What do you, as a player of this mod on the Discovery server, want changed or added to the mod?
I'm looking currently for more general wants. No "I want 200 more range on this gun" please. If you think guns need altered, simply say that "Certain guns could do with more range" etc.
If you want more transport ships, say it.
If you want more systems to explore, say it.
If you want icecream to buy..say it.
This thread is literally to judge the community's desires and not for slinging poo at each other, so please avoid fecal throwing.
I'll start the ball rolling: I'd like a proper exploration/research mechanic ingame that would reward exploration and consequential research.
I'd love a good-looking transport about 3.5k cargo that can defend itself
Core nerf to be re-balanced
A new generic gunboat that's not a huge tub (like Conference or Rogue gunboat).
Topic is about mod related schtuff, not community specific stuff. Admins are part of the community specific stuff. Please don't bring mods or admins into it unless they are related specifically to the mod wish. (IE, Admin monitored research grants etc)