' Wrote:Same can be said for many chokepoints. Outcasts could block the Tau 37 hole in Alpha in a similar fashion. Has it happened? Not to my knowledge. The only actual chokepoint block at the moment I know of, is the Molly base near the O49 hole.
Corsairs have players and seem to attempt a new base every week...
Outcasts, lol you gotta be kidding me.
I actually support the Kappa -> O41 idea.
Although Kappa seems to have become a hub for Jump Holes...
Maybe lose O74? Its a guard system that people use as a way of avoiding Gamma
and there are NEVER any players in there...
Speeding lanes up might be nice, everytime I come
back to house space I am confused why people even like
trade lanes... they are so slow and you have to be none AFK
to use them... :|
' Wrote:Just as a general thing, I think certain JHs should be made 'not worth' by moving them, but don't cut off any route completely, if your raiding it won't matter that much if a JH is further away in the same system,butit would affect someone who powertrade where time to money ratio is everything.
Well as AD said, they have to add silly amounts of distance that isn't possible by moving a couple of jumpholes (which would punish those who aren't using the whole route).
' Wrote:Corsairs have players and seem to attempt a new base every week...
its only like 8 of us doing it over and over... mostly fer teh lulz...
Oh, coming up next week, we shall make a base in Manchester... Corsairs wanna go to New York and pew like everyone else.
on a more serious note; even totally shutting off the omicrons by blockading all holes in Theta wouldn't have much of an impact.
Other then APM (bhg traders) and the occasional zoner, there is no real benefit from doing so... however shutting down Kappa and Gamma, well then your talking about an evil move, as that would totally seal off BHG Core and Order without any hope of escape (cuz LN shoots anyone in alaska, and nomnoms have badass NPC's)
I'd rather relocate a couple of holes and add a couple of minutes, over any of the other alternatives you've mentioned. Omega-41 hole in Theta can be moved another 30k easily.
' Wrote:I'd rather relocate a couple of holes and add a couple of minutes, over any of the other alternatives you've mentioned. Omega-41 hole in Theta can be moved another 30k easily.
The point is that he has to add more than just a couple of minutes, and by moving other holes I guess that'd unbalance some other trade routes. Which is why this discussion is happening before anyone dives in with in-game changes.
' Wrote:Sure thing we still have two freeports on both sides, from where enemy battleshps are being deployed (That are freeports! Not even a shipyards! Why would there be numerous faction capital fleets stored?).
Unfortunately that makes so-called raids very easy for interested parties, with only difference that they won`t (I hope) come from one place at the same time.
But that aside. If you decide to isolate Gamma that way, which means increased traffic through it, wouldn`t it be a bit odd to have two mentioned Freeports at both sides? Now, by having o41-O.Theta connection their presense can be somehow approved, but mentioned change should turn those mentioned Freeports at least into Corsair outposts! I am not sure if Corsairs would feel comfortable while being *surrounded* by that raid-platforms.
The Freeport question must be solved as well to prevent possible trespassers from fleeing.
Also this:
Nice solution AD, I dont see any problem too...
But as swallow said, its problem having two freeport on each side of home system of sairs.
Also Freeport-5 wont have any other traffic except Merc & freelancer, raiders hunting sairs...
If we can convert it to Sairs outpost, would be nice...so traders have to dock either on Freeport-9 or nearest safe place for them is Freeport 1 / Omega 49 for the destination...
Also you are moving Sair - OC war to sigma's so I dont think if any trader gonna use it though still....
This would add risk too.....you can reward them some nice prices for taking risks like mining in Tau37 more risk - great drop......
Or how about leave it as it is? It's fine right now.
By deleting Theta hole in 41/gamma gives corsairs more advantage in defense. This idea seems Corsair Biased which I highly don't like. And Theta becomes a dead end system for omicron ZOI only factions (Nomad ID *NOT KHARA* Core ID ... )
And you forget the fact lolpirates lolsairs lolhessians will pirate.
The Omega 41 / Theta Jump Hole is already barricaded by the giant neutron star in the center of the system. I'd say that's already an effective deterrent, no need to make things more complicated.