Is there any way to turn off the rotation? I mean, client-side?
I noticed that before the update only on the single player, and even then sometimes only, that the planets rotated. I also noticed they made me dizzy. For real.
So, I'm just asking, is there any way to turn off the rotation on the client side of things? Like Shift+F9 for toggling the bloom stuff?
The Best option is to decrease the spining rate a little more in next update,
+and make all planet sizes to Huge ,so they look cool and realistic like in WTS worLd mod:crazy:
The spinning speed of many planets really is way over the top. The only physical possbility that would allow a body in space to retain its spherical shape is the basic concept of counteracting centripedal and gravitational force. Planets spin slowly because their relatively low density means low gravity. High rotational speed would have caused mass to leave the gravitational pull during the formation era of the planet and the planet would never have come into existence at all.
The only possible explanation for a whirling planet would be a "shrugging" impact of another stellar impact, accelerating the rotational movement. In most documentet or hypothesized cases this change is only temporal, with the regular graviational/frictional pull in the stellar system of the planet bringing thing into order again. If not, the increased speed would still lead to a slow deformation of the sphere, "squashing" the planet (much like our Earth, which is squashed a bit, leading to the equator being the ring with the biggest diameter).
The enormous rotational speeds of some planets in Discovery however is impossible. To speed them up like that, the stellar impact would have to be enormous, and very probably catastrophic to either the integrity of the planet's structure or at the very least push the planet out of its orbit around its sun, ultimately leading to being torn apart by the gravitational pulls of either the central star or the pull of other, larger planets in the same system. Or it would simply leave the graviational pull of the solar system at all (highly unlikely, the planet would usually shatter before that happens).
The only known stellar body to have enormous rotational speeds are neutron stars (usually 100000km/s, a third of the speed of light), which can come into existence after special circumstance supernovas. However, neutron stars often transform that speed into extremely high-powered radio pulsars, slowing them down drastically in a couple hundred million years.
So actually neutron stars in Disco rotate way too slowly while all others are insanely fast.
I am aware that Disco is still fiction, and astronomic authenticity has to make a lot of tradeoffs in this space game, but absurd rotational speeds are just that: absurd. It just doesn't look right. I accept an increased (as in visually perceptible) speed for planets etc. and would welcome an even higher rotation for neutron stars to better portray their actually insanely extreme nature, but no wildly spinning planets, please.
It was as educating as it was relevant to what I'm about to say:
If planets rotate, why do they not orbit the star in their system?
And if the planets rotate, and they also orbit, then would the tradelanes and jumpgates orbit as well, rotating to some degree, as all satellites do near any space structure, be it another satellite of larger mass, a moon, a planet, or a star?
Think, people.
No rotation
Rotation, plus orbit, plus tradelane orbit, et cetera.
It's a space game, it's sci-fi.
Sci-fi is Science FICTION.
Let's not forget the SCIENCE though, yes?