[color=#009900]Identification: [color=#CCFFFF]Inspektor Hans Bruder Receiver: [color=#CCFFFF]Buro Der Marineintelligenz. Subject:Report
Mein Herr! Here i am to report about a rather... curious event in Rheinland, all began when fellow Inspektor Adolf Dermen called for assistance, an Order gunboat showed up in new Berlin... here goes some scanned data from it, for general interest:
Well, the Captain of such gunboat told us that he was lost... since we didn't saw any hostile intention, we proceeded to escort it outside Rheinland... while trying to ask about the meaning of his presence in Rheinland, while cooperative he wasn't rather talkative... all was cleared in the Jumpgate to bering, where Military Auxiliar called Vulkhard Muller came and gave us an explanation about the Order's gunboat presence, as the next logs shows:
There was more logs, but were unrelated with the event. About the Order agent, he complied and exited Rheinland territory without giving further problems... unfortunately we weren't able to strip information but personally i think we couldn't had nothing useful fo that captain, didn't seemed too bright...
[color=#009900]Identification: [color=#CCFFFF]Inspektor Hans Bruder Receiver: [color=#CCFFFF]Buro Der Marineintelligenz. Subject:a small morale booster
[color=#CCFFFF]Mein Herr,
about... 30 minutes ago *looks at the watch* i entered a joint operation with the Military and the Navy. They were gathering in Texas against the liberty Navy... theres nothing too interesting in terms of inteligence, at least, nothing that we didn't knew before, instead i was supporting the LNS elimination task in my Berg, i send this as a... "postcard" since the military forces saw how we can deal with the problems... is good to reinforce their belief in our skills, its good for general morale...
Earlier this afternoon I took off from Planet Stuttgart to start a routine patrol. Once I had left the atmosphere of Stuttgart I set course for Planet New Berlin. The trip to New Berlin was very short and quite uneventful. Once there I set a patrol pattern around the system. About half way through the patrol my ship had started to fly a bit odd, The controls weren't precise, I tried to ignore the problem but as I approached Bonn station it had gotten worse. At Bonn I altered my flight pattern and ran a few tests. In the end the controls had a delay time of almost 2.5 seconds! I decided this was a major problem and set course for Oder Shipyard.When I had reached Brandenburg I had completely lost control of my ship's controls, Luckily I was able to contact Brandenburg though an emergency Channel. They sent out a tow ship to bring me into Brandenburg station. upon arrival I was able to Diagnose the problem. A faulty wiring problem from my controls to the main computer within my ship which runs all ship maneuvers. At the moment I am sitting in Brandenburg waiting for parts to be shipped from Oder shipyard.
"Attention All Assets of the Buro, today I am pleased to report that an Agent of the Liberty Security Force has been rooted out of Rheinland and a harsh blow has been dealt to the Unioners.
After receiving a report from the RNC-Panther about a Liberty Security Force vessel near Essen Station I boarded my Wraith along with Inspector Huber and we set out to find him, I managed to intercept him near the Trade Lane to Hamburg and when he was ordered to surrender he chose to fight...Hardly a surprise. After Several Minutes of fighting Herr Huber and I managed to destroy the ship, but his pod somehow escaped in the confusion. On our way back to Planet New Berlin we spotted a Unioner vessel bombarding Krupp, we intercepted the vessel as it attempted to flee from us and suppressed it long enough for a Rheinland Cruiser and the Military's Vice Admiral to arrive and terminate the Hel Cruiser.
All in all it was a good day and I hope that we will continue to repel such intrusions into the core of our House.
[color=#009900]Identification: [color=#CCFFFF]Kommissaroberrat Herman Voss Receiver: [color=#CCFFFF] All Buro Assets Subject: Field Report
"Attention All Buro Vessels, after a careful sweep of the Omega-11 System we uncovered a stronghold of the hated Red Hessians, unfortunately due to it's shield-generators we were unable to destroy it.
This facility is very close to several Diamond Fields and must not remain there, plans are being made to remove this pest from Rheinland's property and restore order to the region."
[color=#009900]Identification: [color=#CCFFFF] Heinrich Schmid Receiver: [color=#CCFFFF]Buro Der Marineintelligenz. Subject:Feld Report
[color=#CCFFFF]Meine Herren,
I want to inform you about several occurences. After having equipped my new bought Rheinland Gunboat, I headed to Bering, where I met a Gallic gunboat. It saw me and it initially opened fire. It was neutralized fast due not using any nanos.
Then, further to Texas, I encountered a Liberty Assault Battlecruiser "LNS-Macross". It immediately opened fire on me and forced me together with another LABC, "LNS-Sacramento", to take ze fastest way to Hudson. I was able to restock on ze Coldbay Depot.
After having done that, I entered Texas again. I was heading to New York to prevent a LSF transport, called "=LSF=TS.Crystal.Bay", from delivering his goods where ever it wanted to bring them. So I took ze jumphole to New York and headed through the Badlands.
On ze way to the transport I was stopped by those capital ships, that I already mentioned. Soon their number became bigger. I was forced to move back into the Badlands.
That's exactly where they lost me and my signal due to ze reduced sensor efficiency and ze navigational hazard for larger ships. I was able to jump to Pennsylvania where I went to Bethlehem station to restock. There I met a policeman who directly fired a salve of Sunslayer torpedos on my ship. He was soon vaporized.
As you can see, my ship has aten many missiles on ze way and ze Bethlehem station wasn't able to repair my ship completely. I had to go on from now on without ze ability of saving visual data.
I searched for the California jumphole like it's described in our databases and went there. I passed Planet California Minor, where a Navy gunboat, called "LNS-Patuxent", started pursuing me. I wasn't able to get it off my back, so I decided to jump to Kansas and then to Humboldt, where I took ze jumphole to Puerto Rico. As I arrived there, ze LNS-Sacramento and ze LNS-Macross were waiting for me. Luckily I was able to activate cruise engines and to reach the Texas jumphole. The scum was following me to ze tradelane system in Texas and one of them took ze Texas-Hudson jumphole. The two bigger capital ships lost me and so I was able to jump to Hudson. I expected no danger of ze Liberty Navy anymore from that point of time.
I have to admit that I forgot about ze gunboat which took ze jumphole to Hudson. It disabled directly in time ze tradelane to Planet Atka and I wasn't able to move. Then it didn't take too long and ze two LABCs were arriving, too. I was trying to thrust away, but ze captain of ze LNS-Patuxent told me to stop. I did so, because I thought he would stop shooting then. I was wrong and he just used this to make sure that I am in fire-range of ze LABCs. They had hit me really hard now on. Though, with few nanobots and nearly no shield batteries I was able to thrust to the Coldbay Depot and ask for docking permission, because of a case of emergency. Fortunately they granted ze U-95 docking-access. I was able to contact ze 51st division to help me out, sothat I can undock again. A few minutes later, they arrived with heavy fire and they pushed ze invaders back to Texas. Meanwhile I was flying to Alster Shipyard sothat ze engineers can fix ze malfunction of ze visual data recorder.
What I've learned again so far is that you can't trust ze Navy under any circumstances. They are snakes in ze grass.
This is ze end of ze field report. If there are any questions on these occurencies, contact me.
[color=#009900]Identification: [color=#CCFFFF] Heinrich Schmid Receiver: [color=#CCFFFF]Buro Der Marineintelligenz. Subject:Feld Report
[color=#CCFFFF]Meine Herren,
there's something I want to inform you about. Obviously ze Liberty Navy is transferring vast amounts of Basic Alloy to their highly protected system "Virginia". After a short, but eventful pursuit of ze "[LN]-LLS-Sierra.Nevada", ze U-95 and its small crew were able to stop ze Bison class ship. Ze distance to ze jumpgate was very close, so I had to act fast. I advised itto stop, but it didn't. I opened fire shortly after that.
It entered ze mine field around the jumpgate and its hull went down really fast, though ze 10k distance to ze jumpgate was not a occurency to loose sight of. After that it got assistance of a stationary Liberty Assault Battle Cruiser.
I was able to destroy it before entering the target system.
It seems like ze Liberty Navy needs a huge amount of Basic Alloys in Virginia. Probably they're building a base and perhaps already doing some researches on their own cloaking devices or docking modules.
Equal of what their doing - we should be prepared.
[color=#009900]Identification: [color=#CCFFFF]U-boat U-88, kapitänleutnant Stanislaw von Olmütz Receiver: [color=#CCFFFF]BDM Oberkommando Subject:Possibly utilizable base discovered in Texas system
Guten abend, BDM Oberkommando! You know I´m not much into all this paperwork and reports, I like to live in my ship with my crew and not at the desk in office...but I have something very interesting for you today what need this.
When my ship was on route back to zhe Vaterland for repairs and supplies after last mission in Liberty house space, we met some Liberty Navy forces near Texas-Hudson jump gate. Because we were outnumbered by enemy which tryed to catch us into the trap, I ordered retreat and hide inside the so called Grande Negra nebula. I realize that this was dangerous, but the danger to my crew out there was much bigger because I doubt we were able to win the fight or escape.
Anyway, on our way through the nebula, we discovered some interesting things in sector C6. As first, we found abandoned ship, callsign "Supply Ship Ft. Worth" (show screen #1, #2) with some gate and lane parts in the cargo bay. But it seems is here for not short time. Only few minutes later, not far from here, we found old wreckage of some space station (#3, #4, #5), probably named Dallas based on fact that close to it was storage container with this name on it. But it also seems that this station lies here in ruins for tens, maybe hundreds of years.
But most interesting and maybe utilizable discovery was the last one. In the darkness of dark matter nebula with limited range of all scanners, we nearly hit another smaller base called Luckenbach Station (#6, #7, #8). But this one is very different. It seems rather new and based on some new hull panels on it´s hull, maintained. We are not sure if there was any crew in that moment, but our attempt to dock was denied by station computer because access is restricted.
It is of course up to you, but my opinion is that we should try to utilize this base. It´s inside the Liberty so U-boats can make repairs and take supplies from here and will be not forced to go back to our bases in Rheinland and then make dangerous cross of the border. Maybe you can try contact owner of this base and discover who is he. Because I little doubt that this base is legally here, hidden in nebula full of dark matter, we can explain him that it´s good for him to cooperate with us *grins* because his base will stay still hidden and in safe from....some dirty attacks which turn his base in another Dallas *grins again* Or maybe he will be interested in some money or help with supply, I don´t know... I can do it myself if you want, or let it on my close friend, agent Sabine Stein, which has much better english than me *smile*. It´s up to you.
That´s all. Für Folk, für Kanzler, für Rheinland!
kapitänleutnant Stanislaw von Olmütz
Buro Der MarineIntelligenz
[color=#009900]Identification: [color=#CCFFFF]Marco.Hausen Receiver: [color=#CCFFFF]Buro Der Marineintelligenz. Subject:Data
[color=#FF0000]MISSION: Hau Drauf
Started by Schatten for the weapon test, against some Drones and three Weapon Platforms.
I wasn't sure about our abilities. But, I underestimated the new weapons and crew.
We destroyed everything, without sweating.
The mission was succesful.
But after the mission we got company.
One squadron of Unioner Arbeiters.
We destroyed all and tractored some of the escape pods.
2 Unioner Pilots arrested.
[color=#009900]Identification: [color=#CCFFFF]Kommissaroberrat Herman Voss Receiver: [color=#CCFFFF] BDM High Command Subject: Survey Results
"Mission to Omega-58 has yielded results, survey suggests a massive catastrophic disaster has been artifically induced in the system, resulting in a large dense nebula and a Neutron Star similar to that found in the Omega-41 Star System.
Radiation Levels are moderate-high, even started to eat through the armour of a Cruiser-Class vessel in minutes. However several damaged ships were also found in the area, two of which yielded lost prototype armaments code-named TWILIGHT and DELUSION.
However the third yielded an artifact similar to that found on the Omicron Major mission that turned into a foot-hold situation within Rheinland due to 'Das Wilde' agents.
The Artifact and the prototype weapons have been shipped to the Shatten for further study. These are to be guarded at all times, any unauthorized person attempting to approach the laboratory are to be shot and the body disposed of. No chances are to be taken during the analyzing of this specimen. "
[color=#009900][color=#CCFFFF]Herman Voss
Buro Der MarineIntelligenz