Yeah I dunno why anyone posts in there with non-character posts. Could use a few posting guidelines I think.
I guess it is sort of turning into an area like the buying and selling ships area. Some RP sprinkled in but mostly it is just player working with player rather than character working with character.
The whole ship sales thingy has been a pet peeve of mine ever since it came about.
It's about as RP as code camping. And it's been like that from it's inception.
Because ship resale prices are dismal ingame, players try to recoup their losses should they need/want to sell their ships. So you get situations with players selling a house military warship on the open market. Kind of odd, really.
Ideally ship and equipment sales should follow some sort of RP: Corsair player sell his BS to a Corsair faction or to another Corsair indy. The Liberty dread owner sells his cap 6 to another Liberty Naval player or to the representative faction, and so on.
Enforcing RP in the Open Market is another thing. It hasn't drawn much admin or moderator attention thus far.
Personally, I take the on/off approach on this matter: either sales are to be conducted in the spirit of RP or no more open market.
P.S. Ship/equipment resale value could be increased to 80% of original price.
(01-29-2013, 01:37 PM)osama gulryz Wrote: i want a light cloaking device
I hope this was just meant to be a joke?
Anyways, this matter should be bumped. Since most mods got turned into admins lately, this forum seems to lack new moderators who take care of such issues like the ooRPness in Open Market.
You can shoot me for saying this, but I personally think that the Open Market board shouldn't have to be inRP.
You're asking for an item or selling something, not having a huge long winded conversation.