[10.05.2012 15:00:11] You have sent 35.000.000 credits to Festus.Hagen
[10.05.2012 15:00:28] You have sent 15.500.000 credits to Green.Pearl
[10.05.2012 15:02:07] You have sent 15.500.000 credits to BHG|Sumerian
Circumstances:Some traders were crying for help in California, so I grouped with another hunter and we went there to check. Pair of pirates wiselly runned (gallic transport and roc bomber), but one LPI officer ambushed them in Ontario. My wingman was instakilled by bomber rather fast. I managed to destroy the transport easily, but bomber pilot was too evasive for my cerbs and he used base cover very smart - so I had to let him be.