[color=#FFFFFF]Bonsoir monsieur, As I have promised you earlier today, here I am.
If you would be so kind to once again clarify the intentions of your outpost in -our- Baffin, to the very last detail. The Faith of your base lies in the hands of the senior popes so I repeat, tell us everything, to the very last detail.
As you have noticed we've already verified the position of the outpost, so definetly, do not ignore this message.
As one of our personell has told you we deployed a base in Baffin.
We where aware of the fact that it is a TAZ system, with also Zoner guard bases.
However we wanted a place for the base with a minimum of people and ships in it.
Coronado seemed too crowded to us, and at one spot we liked there was already a base.
So, we thought to deploy a base in Baffin, but very far from your installations
and well out of the way wouldn't be much of a problem.....
If we didn't tell you about it's location today you maybe even never found it.
The reason for it's location is to manufacture equipment there.
And that without being bothered by pirates and or unlawfulls if possible.
The base has no military purpose, it's only pupose is manufacturing equipment.
We are peacefull traders without any military capabillity and ambition.
There will also be no visitors to the base, so no extensive traffic.
Once finished the equipment will be shipped by ourselves to nearby systems.
Well, someday you maybe would have found out, so it's better you know now.
Our proposal is that we work together and the base also becomes your base.
The equipment produced there can also be yours then.
The base is still starting up, so could be terminated without much financial damage.
But hopefully we can work out a deal that would be a benefit to all of us.
We will regard any decision in this matter from your side as a wise one on long term.
Thank you for your attention and good luck to you.
As we have found and you have stated, you have decided to build a base in Baffin which
just so happens to be our private property. The fact that you never sought to ask and inform us
of your base's construction and ongoing use is both disrespectful and downright dumb. This will
net you a "liquidation" of all assets you have brought to Baffin.
In the future if you have any ideas about building anything in someones home, you'd do well to
ask the person if it's OK to squat.
Regards, Xavier Triton The Trident of Eris, Shasta Orbital Skyhook, Baffin
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*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc.Holliday
Location: Administrator's Office, Shasta Orbital Skyhook, Baffin System
To: Tranz_Xportz
CC: TAZ Personnel
I will be brief. You start a business in Baffin for security reasons without asking. I find this unacceptable as people before you have asked to operate everything from mining companies to supply depots in our space. Not that they ASKED FIRST and then began.
You will move your assets out of Baffin immediately and then file the proper requests for consideration. This is how it will be as I am the administrator.
We are very sorry if this incident has upset you. To Mr. Xavier Triton in special: The last thing we wanted to be is disrespectfull.
And to say it was downright dumb is a bit rude, not a very nice thing to say.
We told you about the base to show our respect to TAZ, and we do have that a lot.
It's hard to explain but Baffin yust doesn't feel like a guard system.
Everything that can fly in Sirius is using the Coronado-Tau29 highway there.
There are no defensive Zoner installations at the jumpholes either.
And it feels like you occupy only half of the system, only the northern part.
So there is loads of room in the south of Baffin and it's a relatively quiet system too.
The newly build base was very far from your bases and instalations.
We very much doubt if anyone would have ever found it.
To Mr. Xavier Triton in special: It is out of respect for you, we told you.
And nobody asked, we told by ourselves.
If the TAZ consisted of people who where rude and insulted people,
we would regret showing you that respect.
But we very much respect the TAZ in general and it's members.
Well, it was worth the gamble, the position of the base was yust perfect.
Really a beautifull and smartly hidden location.
We will go in for the last time now to evacuate the remaining crew and take some pictures.
It was yust too perfect....
Sir Now closes his books on the desk and wipes away a little tear from his eyes and walks out of the office.
Sir Now sits behind his desk with a cynical grin on his face
Greetings one more time TAZ,
We have one last request in this matter.
We arived at the place where our base suposed to be to evacuate the last crew, but it was gone...
Now we hoped you would have given us the privilege of dismanteling the base ourselves.
But it seems you destroyed the base immediately without further notice.
Well, it must have been real fun, destroying the base, we would have liked to do that ourselves.
the cynical grin appears on his face again.
But, what's done is done,
so our last request to you is that you post in some pictures of the last moments of the base.
That would not be too much to ask, would it?