' Wrote:I think you should STFU and have some respect for a person the TAZ greatly respected, you Spasticated Hackzor Retard. Why did they unban you anyway .......
This is not the place for that.
Also, you apparently missed the fact that Spazzy isn't the only one that thinks this is a bad idea. So that would lead me to believe you have some personal beef with him?
' Wrote:I think you may be slightly underestimating the number of people who have a bone to pick with TAZ, or even Zoners in general.
*shrug* If they can get 20+ such people together in battleships to pew that base and somehow expect that TAZ' friends will sit idle (IMG, CR, Coalition, other Zoner factions) then they're a bit... confused. I for one would take great pleasure in Nova-ing a bunch of lolcaps... Location of the base is such that it is likely to endure. Easy access to most repair commodities. Easy access to Deuterium from Pecos. Easy access to food/water/oxy from Shasta. Also relatively easy access to project construction goods.
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.
Come and shoot it if ya want. It's a TAZ Base, ya wanna shoot it? Go ahead, you won't destroy it. It is our creation and now it's created, will live forever..... making this debate irrelevant.
For some of you the Base will appear and be a good place, for others it will be not so good. For others it will not appear at all. For us, it's Rinky Do!
So go shine yer pineals ma friends.....make 'em whirl and glisten...Eris loves that you're wringin' your hands over this!
' Wrote:My hat is off to how far people go to avoid having their bases being shot at. Who would shoot a memorial, right?
Bad form, imho.
EDIT: Well, no, not exactly what I wanted to say. Just saw this and went...dafuq did I just see.
I understand people miss those who passed away, but is something like this really necessary? Have a gettogeather during the summer holidays, perhaps, drink to the fellow, but I think I am not the only one, who fears to see what happens when a group of mugs try to destroy this base. Especially the OORP consequences.
I named the base as I did out of respect to someone that meant a great deal to TAZ and it's members, if you can't deal with that then that's your problem. And of someone destroys it (they'll have to find it first won't they...) we'll just start over on another location. And if someone actually does destroy it I just hope they'll do it with an inRP reason and they'll have the dignity to reveal themselves either to us or on the forums. And I am 100% sure that everyone who owns a base they're worked really hard for have the same mindset about this. It has nothing to do with the fact that ours is named after someone whom passed away.
Really Spazzy, think about the glass as half full rather then half empty for once.
' Wrote:This may sound harsh, but it's really not: The ideal of the server is to treat it like a stage while you're on it. ...So unless you have a bad habit of projecting your RL outlooks/fears/ect onto your fictional characters, it shouldn't be a problem to roll with things as they happen and react purely in character. I mean, You & I agree that Zoner diplomacy is fubar but hey, that's just the way it is. Our personal opinions on zoner diplomacy should be irrelevant & focus instead on how the fubariness of it all affects our characters in character.
Just sayin'
My only beef in this is that the IRP has a OORP significance in my mind. I'm usually able to distance myself pretty well.