Guild secure line opened.
Message status:in progress ........
Comms ID:Guildmaster Stoat Target ID:Guild Core
Today marks the start of a new chapter for the Core. We move away from the boundaries of the past. We leave behind the folly of the events in Omicron Minor. We seek to rebuild, to cleanse the stain of failure from our organisation. Our power may have faltered, but we shall regain all that has been lost.
Experience shall overcome zealotry. Reason and logic shall define us as we move forward to a brighter future. A future that is within our grasp.
It will be a painful transition. We shall travel a long, hard road together. Trust in the strength of your brothers in arms. Believe in the men and women that lead you. Rely on the technology we provide to support even the greenest of recruits. We shall emerge fitter, stronger, better.
Our restructuring program shall ensure the follies of the past will never be repeated. Guildsmen, you are called upon. With your courage, determination and knowledge, we shall prevail.
I recall Damian Damoclass to once more serve the Guild. I shall make further appointments in due course.
Guess who's back from the dead.That's right,Jack friggin Daniels.
Other people prefer to go out with a bang...but me...that's how I let people know I'm still kickin'
Check this out.
That's right,BHG|Core-Viper|A and me,we shot this sucka' down.
Hell,at first,we just fired couple a shots at it,to test our blasters.
But then the damn thing went kaput.Them order fellas,I bet they forgot to supply this thing with raw materials.
Anyways,Imma go kick some ass,a'ight?
A patrol into deep space, Omicron minor, set out. The cruiser ’Laptev’ under command
of Guildmaster Stoat, accompanied by two fighter vessels as escorts moved in to follow
a series of waypoints. It soon became obvious that this patrol wouldn’t be a quiet one.
We received a emergency call followed by strange static readings and yelling from the
vessel named ’LNS-Tundra’. The yells were soon replied to by many forced, this included
the Order, LSF and several nomad vessels that seemed attracted by this yelling.
The BHG forces spread out to locate all the vessels within the system and this showed that
both LSF and Order showed big interests in getting to the Tundra. Considering the value of
what this vessel may hold and going by the voices, yells and remarks we decided to locate
the other vessels and find the ’LNS-Tundra.
We located them in sector (G-5,6). The Order was already here but there was no sign of
the LSF forces yet. The Order obviously didn’t like our presence at the scene and tried to
push us out. A engagement soon started and the ’Laptev’ got into a fire fight with a Order
recon cruiser. The K’hara forces opened fire on the Order vessels and so did we in a effort
to save the Laptev. With luck we managed to take the enemy cruiser down but the smaller
Order vessels managed to take down the ’Laptev’. Ejection pods were confirmed to be
flying off however. We, as escorts, were not able to track them down due to being in the
fierce fight the Order vessels, who were soon accompanied with Liberty forces that
opened fire on both sides.
A fight of some duration took place. K’hara against the Order and Liberty Security Force,
us against the Order, Order against the LSF, BHG and K’Hara. Eventually the Order had to
withdraw from the scene as they took losses. However the K’Hara forces were taking
losses too, which relieved me somewhat.
In the ‘end’ we ended up near the ’LNS-Tundra, with the LSF forces. They tried to take
it with them. So we had to approach them in a subtle way as we were only two and also
damaged against two still nearly undamaged and one damages LSF fighter, accompanied
with Liberty Siege Cruiser (LSC).
A exchange of words started between the Tundra and a scout, the LSF and us. We tried to
convince the Tundra that the LSF would be the wrong people to go with and we tried to
provoke it in such way it would perhaps join our sides which we could use in the future
too. All seemed to be going in the favor of the LSF so we decided to buy some time and
convince the Tundra we were his friends. We opened fire on the LSF forces while they
tried to tow the Tundra away.
It was a hassle but we finally for backup from another BHG pilot flying the ‘Viper’. With his
help we managed to stand our ground against the LSF. The Tundra in the meantime
seemed to have been convinced and started to break loose from the LSF cruiser and
managed to draw it away. We lost the Tundra after it broke free. We dealt with the
remaining LSF forces at the cost of Viper.
We lost both the cruiser and a escort vessel, so it may sound as if we lost. However, we
managed to take down several Order vessels, including their cruiser. We also took down
several LSF vessels. The Tundra however was not taken away by either LSF nor Order.
So I would say that this is a actual victory to the Core.
Guild secure line opened.
Message status:in progress ........
Comms ID:Guildmaster Stoat Target ID:Guild Core
One of our primary objectives was interrupted by the debacle of Omicron Minor. We now refocus our attentions upon Planet Nauru. As you know, primary investigations on the surface of Nauru have been completed, and a temporary base constructed. Outpost Uniform has served its purpose well, but it is time for us to establish a more imposing presence there. We shall shortly begin construction of a permanent base upon the surface of the planet.
Guildkeeper Theodore Geralt, who so ably led the initial phase of our investigations of the planet, will resume his duties as Overseer of Nauru.
Scanners indicated a heavy Order and Nomad presence in the Omicron Zeta system. So I diverted
my course there to check it out. It soon became obvious the Nomads were having a fire fight with
the Order, just for the fun of it and the easy chance of picking some Order vessels out of the fray
I joined in. Lucky me that I managed to catch a few of the Order pilots too.
Source: Battleship Angel Whisper, in transit to base
message begins:
Well met,
Today's operation went sehr smooth. The battleship Angel Whisper and destroyer Deadly went to the usual operational area to commence operations. Once there, Deadly reported a Geb in the vicinity. It vas isolated so we made sure it wouldn't call in any backup. We left its smoldering remains to find the prize.
We came across some Corsairs. Ein Osiris und ein Preafact. our Destroyer attacked the preafact as myself engaged the Osiris. Both of ze sair warships went down but our ships took some damage. Having collected the wanted specimen for our clients we RTB.
a warning to our agents; the Corsairs now also operate in ze area. Watch out. remove zem if posisble, avoid if you lack the firepower to deal with them.
The first cloaking generator was installed today on the Mako Angel Whisper. We field tested it just outside Dabadoru. The energy drain is enormous. The shield is forced offline. Weaponry cannot be fired due to overheating circuits. But the ship is rendered completely invisible. And undetectable on scanners. We tested 2 fuel types.
- Deutorium
Abundant in Palau, which is very fortunate. Its efficiency is low however. It burns through 3 times as fast as MOX. total cloaking time: 2:34 minutes.
Far more efficient. a supply of MOX mainatains the cloak longer than deutorium does, 5:25 minutes. However, MOX wastes away in the tanks, so this offsets the efficiency quite badly. Especially on longer operations.
More updates as they come from APM and our technitians.
Daniels reporting in.
As I headed out for my regular patrol behind enemy lines,I encountered three order warships.
Two Gebs and one Osiris.
I went after the OCV-Blaster,one of the Gebs,and tracked him from Omicron Iota to Omicron Zeta.
Eventually,he ran right into my backup.
They quickly fetched some disruptors and brought the Geb out of cruise.
What followed is pretty clear.We blew that sucka' to lil' nasty bits.
However,he had some backup.
A Hathor and one Onuris.They didn't last long,though.
The gunboat couldn't handle the hurricane of nova and supernovas we generated.
On top of that a core Gunboat,going by the name of Gray_Kirov,joined in.
Chase nicknamed him "Free Willie".
The Onuris RTB'd after that.
Anyways,I took some damage,of course,but only to speed things up before the infamous Osiris squad moved in.
Call me paranoid.
I've attached couple a files to this report.
Daniels reporting in.
Yet another interesting patrol.
This time,we tested the Angel Whisper's cloak in real combat situation.
And check this out,our target was a Valor.
That's right,a Gallic Valor in the middle of Omicron 99.
Thanks to [77th]ICV-Gemini and his disruptors,the Valor was located and his attemps to escape failed.
I ordered him to space all the nomad materials he had in his hold.
The captain however decided he can order me to do the same thing.Big mistake on his side.
As we started to tear eachother's hulls,the Angel uncloaked right behind the Gallic warship and decimated it in mere seconds.
After we secured what was left from the Valor,we RTB'd.
I've attached a guncam video file. ----------
[color=#000000]Opening File:Video Logs:CRS155#1 ----------
Oh,did I mentioned that the Battleshark is now also sporting its own cloaking device? is.