A man from the shadows appears infront of the camera
I'm Tyr, and let's cut to the chase... Your base bugs us. You want it alive? Pay up... 50 million credits, or it goes BOOM... And we want Docking rights...
Money to (SR~Demonic.Nova
Docking rights for: (SR~
You got 48 hours, or the base will be gone....
If you think we are faking... this is the guncam evidence
The man returns to the shadows, while his eyes still continue to glow in the darkness
Saul shares no affiliation with any faction, as we are a center of refuge to people whom have no where else to turn. We're a non-profit, non-hostile group of miscellaneous folk who just wish to live in peace. Might I say what you're doing, is clearly not helping us. we bare no hostilities to you, and we ask why you must bother innocent refugees whom have done nothing. We do not fight pirates, as we are incapable. We're a Minor threat to you.
I ask you, for the sake of peace, leave us be.
If you really wish to demand anything else, open a private comm channel with me. We cannot give you docking rights, as the KNF Criteria for Depot's denies any unlawful access.
A man from the shadows appears infront of the camera
We do not feel for you man, that's no excuse... My guncam recorded high traffic on the base, and by what i've seen, you have shipped more then 100.000.000 SC in worth of goods... Now... You got 23 hours left.
The man returns to the shadows, while his eyes still continue to glow in the darkness
The money has been deposited, and Saul is now a Freeport.
The laws of the Freeport zone has been sent to you over the private channel
P.S: I have a guncam of the transaction, I'll post it up. http://i857.photobucket.com/albums/ab135/L...v/screen381.jpg
[font=Times New Roman][color=#F96807]Changed the image to a link, it was far too wide. ~Widow.