_____________________________________________________ To: OSI, CORSAIRS, ROL, IMG and so on
Source: REAPER-17 and REAPER-17T LEADER Lady Zerafina Viera
As i was dock out of our base i see an INDIE Battleship wich try to kill our base.
And later a lot of other ships start the fight too.
As i ask why, this Battleship kills m without roleplay. So... ok.
I don`t know why you kill our base and why you let the .:FTU:. Baser in your sector.
We are the same faction and we have promise to don`t make troubles and so on.
I know that the OSi is crying and that they have call the Corsairs and some Freelancers.
So OSI...
Only beacause we are there? What we have do. We have do nothing.
No we have help. We want to Help RoL by an Transport of some passengers.
We have never attack you in words or with guns.
OK i don`t understand your reasons. We have say why we are in OMEGA 49.
You are worry that we can steel your Money? Lol we only want to work
You say o img: Ohhh help if the REAPERS are there we have so much problems
because the communication with you. And than today i see you together with the Corsairs at our Base.
I have see some communication to the Corsairs.
You stand very much in contact with the Corsairs. You work wo much with them and you cry to IMG
because we can have some problems with the Corsairs in this system.
You make the war in OMEGA-49. Only you, but you cry?
OSi trust me, if you give me no really reasons why you do this,
you will have many problems. And if we payed a lot of Freelancers to kill
your complete ships that you can`t fly alone with than say to you:
Why we have get this war with an faction wich don`t want any war and troubles.
I'm not be angry to the Corsairs, that in Front of. You do your work and
i understand why Corsairs try to destroy our an IMG Base, but i know why they do it since our base is
standing with a shield.
I don`t understand why an faction which don`t want any war like OSi in the system of OMEGA-49,
do this things. Your faction now unlawful or you like wars?
Sure we are at the moemnt not really big, because that you do this i think, because we can`t fight
really back, but trust me if i say, i wouldn`t forget this if i have no really reason from you.
We could maybe work together and so on, i have offer our work to you and the other
factions in OMEGA-49. You has no reason.
Ah.. and why you say you don`t want to loose YOUR system to IMG? also ZONER System?
I think its in control of Corsair in Military things.
So give me the answer and exactly. Or you have that what you don`t want in OMEGA-49.
I think i will find a lot of Bounty Hunters and Freelancers which are very hungry for money.
We don`t want an war OSI. but you. You have started this. Thats not fine.
Maybe i`m now a bit angry that i tell a bit to angry things. But this will have an afterplay.
You don`t like us? I don`t kow why, but now we don`t like you too.
So maybe you descide to wnat to work with us.
If not ok
I can live with that
But trust me. We take damage to you before we will destroyed
Lady Zerafina Viera
(Comander of REAPER-17)
_____________________________________________________ To: OSI, CORSAIRS, ROL, IMG and so on
Source: REAPER-17 and REAPER-17T LEADER Lady Zerafina Viera
I have hear a lot of cry's of die people in our communication Center...
Thanks for kill our peoples. Peoples which have do nohing to anyone.
I will fight for this people. That they don`t die for nothing...
You kills my daughter and not only my daughter.You kills a lot of families.
Ok well...
You have won for now....
You will remember us
Lady Zerafina Viera
(Comander of REAPER-17)
Comm channel threads are considered automatically encrypted. Suggest you read the pinned topics. So this is metagaming. We'll let you off this time because you're new. Don't do it again. *Chubbed*
Saint Del is considered a holy healer of diseases of children, but also as a protector of cattle.