I believe that what Dr. Holliday has said is true, this has been getting out of hand. The original intent of this announcement was to state the Mr. Orphelia was stepping down as administrator of Freeport 11, albeit unwillingly. There is no need to talk of shots being fired or any other nonsense like that. I believe most strongly that if a conflict between any two groups comes to shots fired then said conflict has been lost by both parties. I will be addressing some concerns posted here as well as answering several of Mr. Orphelia's accusations.
First my esteemed colleague from the Obsidian Zoetic, Ms. O'Hana first of all I would like to address your concern stated here;
Quote:I do not condone the seizure of
FP11 by the CoF... I have no issues with
your group or with you eventually becoming
the ruling body of FP11... Yet I do not
believe this crisis should be used as an
opportunity to seize power for your people.
I would like to put it to you Ms. O'Hana that we of the Confederation have not taken any steps to "Sieze Power" We were asked by the Temporary Autonomous Zoners representative to temporarily administer the Freeport while a replacement could be elected, as Freeport 11 has been so long under the administration of Mr. Orphelia there was some concern that it may take a while before anybody was elected, we are just here to ensure that the station runs day-to-day while the station populace elect a leader. In effect this is the same as putting the bins out for a neighbour while they are away and collecting their mail.
Now for some of Mr. Orphelia's insinuations and outright accusations.
Quote:This "Confederation" is becoming an awful lot like the Zoner Council... huge, maurading, corrupt...
I think that you are not understanding what the Confederation does Mr. Orphelia, whether purposefully misrepresenting us or being wilfully ignorant I know not. I will take this opportunity to state what it is that the Confederation is and what we do. The confederation is a group of Freeport administrators who have decided to share a common set of rules between Freeports. Any administrator can decide to have separate rules apply specifically to their station. The Confederation, and let me tell you it's usually me, responds to reports of violations of the rules that have been laid out. If any Freeport administrator wishes to handle the paperwork generated by hostile groups having a spat near the station then they are more than welcome to. I have to tell you though, the way that the paperwork gets redirected to my desk you would think that they were on holiday or something.
The Confederation is not "Corrupt" Mr. Orphelia, we do not put making money or increasing status above the welfare of those under our care. If you as administrator of Freeport Eleven had decided to join us as a fellow administrator then we would have been more than happy to have your voice on our councils. Now we have been asked to take over duty of care of another station. To be quite frank you are accusing us of greedily wanting more work. I can tell you now I would fervently love to have less work and if we had not been asked to do this by the esteemed Mr. Triton then we would not have volunteered.
Quote:They took it from being an OSI/Me deal to being a me/Zoner deal which is not what it is about. At all.
I think that the person who started and escalated this was you Mr. Orphelia. For the first part you are solely responsible for OSI knowing that you were the person who performed this perfidious deed. I believe that the administrators of Nichols Base were baffled when the object in question appeared and the automatic inventory management system did not log the transaction. You could have gotten away with it with none the wiser Mr. Orphelia, you knew this as you were exploiting this bug in the programming. It was your choice for this to become a thing at all. You sent the message to OSI administrators thanking us for the money and for purchasing your scanner when we had already expressed no interest in purchasing it for any amount. When asked to please rectify the situation you completely and utterly refused.
You then escalated this issue when, after being asked repeatedly by the OSI administratorship to please correct your mistake, you took a set of jump coordinates that we had shared with certain individuals who we thought to be trustworthy members of the Zoner community and splashed them across Sirius. You then refused to remove the coordinates to Gas Miner's Guild bases when asked to do so. I need not remind you that the Gas Miner's Guild have long been friends with all Zoners. They are the primary buyer for our deuterium and in turn churn out the H-fuel that we run our vessels off. Had you considered, Mr. Orphelia, what a disaster it would have been had the Gas Miner's decided to cut off supply of fuel? I don't believe you did.
' Wrote:The original intent of this announcement was to state the Mr. Orphelia was stepping down as administrator of Freeport 11, albeit unwillingly. There is no need to talk of shots being fired or any other nonsense like that.
Ejecting an administrator of a Freeport without even the consent of his own people? Tsk tsk. It's a shame you won't be able to do it. Mr. Orphelia I will have my assets moved to Freeport 11 to bolster your defenses if the OSI or TAZ decide they wish to "Ask you to stepdown" with a more "firm" attempt. I also invite any other Zoners that feel that the Zoner station of Freeport 11 should remain free from the outside influences of the OSI and TAZ as well as the Confederates.
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*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc.Holliday
To: William Harvey
Bolster his defenses? If you think I will have my people using force, guess again. Who do you think provides a lot of medical service there? I have one of my people there, Commander Chris DeGarmo there as a lliason with the many Bounty Hunter incursions going on there. I also purchase iridium on occasion.
I don't think Mr. Orphelia needs you in that capacity. Zoners will disagree with each other but will work it out in time. OSI and myself frequently disagree.
Mr. Harvey, "bolstering his defenses" sounds as if it is YOU initiating hostility.
Incoming Transmission
Adress: Freeport 69 Construction Site Temporary Diplomatic Communications Sat., CLASSIFIED SYSTEM
Origin: [ZF]Glorious.Advance Speaker: Honorable Administrator Marvin James Orphelia
Quote:I think that you are not understanding what the Confederation does Mr. Orphelia, whether purposefully misrepresenting us or being wilfully ignorant I know not. I will take this opportunity to state what it is that the Confederation is and what we do. The confederation is a group of Freeport administrators who have decided to share a common set of rules between Freeports. Any administrator can decide to have separate rules apply specifically to their station. The Confederation, and let me tell you it's usually me, responds to reports of violations of the rules that have been laid out. If any Freeport administrator wishes to handle the paperwork generated by hostile groups having a spat near the station then they are more than welcome to. I have to tell you though, the way that the paperwork gets redirected to my desk you would think that they were on holiday or something.
The Confederation is not "Corrupt" Mr. Orphelia, we do not put making money or increasing status above the welfare of those under our care. If you as administrator of Freeport Eleven had decided to join us as a fellow administrator then we would have been more than happy to have your voice on our councils. Now we have been asked to take over duty of care of another station. To be quite frank you are accusing us of greedily wanting more work. I can tell you now I would fervently love to have less work and if we had not been asked to do this by the esteemed Mr. Triton then we would not have volunteered.
But you probably need more work, now, huh, to make back all of that money I tricked your Equipment dealer out of, hmm?
Quote:I think that the person who started and escalated this was you Mr. Orphelia. For the first part you are solely responsible for OSI knowing that you were the person who performed this perfidious deed. I believe that the administrators of Nichols Base were baffled when the object in question appeared and the automatic inventory management system did not log the transaction. You could have gotten away with it with none the wiser Mr. Orphelia, you knew this as you were exploiting this bug in the programming. It was your choice for this to become a thing at all. You sent the message to OSI administrators thanking us for the money and for purchasing your scanner when we had already expressed no interest in purchasing it for any amount. When asked to please rectify the situation you completely and utterly refused.
I'm sure you'd have figured it out, considering I was blasting the channel with advertisements days earlier. I don't take you for idiots...
Well, I used to.
I like to tell, well, downright brag, when I win quite a big chunk of 'lottery' money. I did refuse, but it was you're people who removed me from the Zoner communications system and I felt I had to retailliate by giving out coordinates you'd sell to anyone sitting on the street with the right amount of credits.
Trusted Zoners my arse.
Quote:Had you considered, Mr. Orphelia, what a disaster it would have been had the Gas Miner's decided to cut off supply of fuel? I don't believe you did.
Need I remind you, our jump drives run on Duetrieum?
Besides, the GMG have done very little for me personally, and I havent heard of any miraculous, even attempts, at assisting us in anything, versus Corsairs... BHG... Noone.
Quote:Ejecting an administrator of a Freeport without even the consent of his own people? Tsk tsk. It's a shame you won't be able to do it. Mr. Orphelia I will have my assets moved to Freeport 11 to bolster your defenses if the OSI or TAZ decide they wish to "Ask you to stepdown" with a more "firm" attempt. I also invite any other Zoners that feel that the Zoner station of Freeport 11 should remain free from the outside influences of the OSI and TAZ as well as the Confederates.
Thank you very much, I agree completely.
My ship has not moved a bit.
But I don't want hostilities unless they begin it.
I may need him in that capacity, Doc.
Should someone come and try to take what I've worked so hard for.
' Wrote:Ejecting an administrator of a Freeport without even the consent of his own people? Tsk tsk. It's a shame you won't be able to do it. Mr. Orphelia I will have my assets moved to Freeport 11 to bolster your defenses if the OSI or TAZ decide they wish to "Ask you to stepdown" with a more "firm" attempt. I also invite any other Zoners that feel that the Zoner station of Freeport 11 should remain free from the outside influences of the OSI and TAZ as well as the Confederates.
What would you do then? I would like to know. If someone stole from you, posted information
that endangered your lives, the lives of your friends, the lives you yourself entrusted him with
and then spat in your face for good measure what would your reaction be? "Oh, well. Cant be
helped, he must be allowed to continue I guess. FOR FREEDOMS!" It just doesn't work that way
Mr Harvey. Mr Orphelia abandoned his duty as a Freeport administrator for his personal vendetta.
You may attempt to defend him but there will be no ships coming to greet you in bloody battle.
All that can be done, will be done without firing a shot on our side and there is nothing
that can be done about it. I'm sorry you see this as oppressive and I hope we can learn to
understand one another in the future.
Regards, Xavier Triton The Trident of Eris, Shasta Orbital Skyhook, Baffin
' Wrote:The original intent of this announcement was to state the Mr. Orphelia was stepping down as administrator of Freeport 11, albeit unwillingly.
"Stepping down unwillingly." Now that's a phrase to behold. You can either step down or be removed unwillingly. Also to remove someone against his will demands that you overpower him. Since this is apparently not true, then you have o power to remove him and the whole discussion is meaningles..
' Wrote:There is no need to talk of shots being fired or any other nonsense like that.
Since you speak about removing a Freeport Commander against his will, there aparently is a need to talk about violance. And this funny and pointless argument aside, violence is NEVER nonsense. If you treat it as such then you will more likely succumb to using it. And I still belive this argument has a non-violent solution.
Anyway I'm moving to Freeport 11 as well. I suggest you decide soon where do you want to escalate this argument. And it is an argument. Not a simple announcment as you wuold like us to belive.
[22:52:23] Michał Golański: Not everyday leader of warrior feminists sleeps with one of the most powerful admiral badasses in the universe!
-- If it's not happy it's not the ending! - Shah Rukh Khan
I would never start hostilities, but I am not dumb enough to think that Freeport 11 is completely safe from attack. Hence why it is best to be prepared for worst case scenario in case anything happens. Trying to put the blame on us and then attacking us seems like something an underhanded person would attempt, no? My allies are currently en route to Freeport 11 and will be maintaining overwatch on the station should you need their assistance. Don't hesitate to call them for assistance, Mr. Orphelia.
Please understand. Representatives of the OSI, TAZ, and the Confederacy. We became Zoners to maintain our autonomous stations that we built on blood, sweat, and tears. Very few times have we ever been united for anything, even you three have varying diplomacy from one to the next. I don't believe that this needs to escalate, however, I am willing to defend a fellow Zoner's interest in maintaining independence.
I think that you are operating under a mistaken assumption here.
Quote:But you probably need more work, now, huh, to make back all of that money I tricked your Equipment dealer out of, hmm?
The Confederation is not OSI. It never has been and never will be. The leadership of OSI does not have any interest in telling the individual Freeport administrators what to do nor does the Confederation have any wish to impose it's will on a member. OSI does not draw from the same pool of funds as the Confederation. Never has and never will.
Quote:Need I remind you, our jump drives run on Duetrieum?
No, but ships also need engines. Well enough to jump but it's useless if you are dead in space afterwards isn't it?
It would seem you boys have hit a stalemate...
Those who wish to the Mr Orphelia out are unwilling
to use violence to get him to leave his position.
Whilst Mr Orphelia is unwilling to leave.
This is the result I perceived and hence why
I was so against the coup I had expected from
the CoF...
Yes... I am sorry to say from the tone of this announcement
that I expected you to march in, arrest Mr Orphelia
and take charge of the Freeport by force.
As Mr Church, as well as the many others in support
of the Administrator being removed from his post,
have said they will not be using force to eject him:
I retract my remark about this being a "seize of power".
However, I stand by my comments that this is an issue
between the injured parties and Mr Orphelia and that whilst
Mr Orphelia may be entirely in the wrong we, as Zoners,
have no right to decide who runs or how Freeport 11 is run.
Also... Do remember, my fellow Zoners, that for better or
for worse these Co-Ordinates that were so freely released
were already on sale by the OSI. Clients that bought these
co-ordinates are not made public and the OSI currently trade
with Gallia, perhaps the Gallic's already had these co-ordinates
well before Mr Orphelia released them freely.
Come to think of it are the GMG aware that you are selling
co-ordinates to their space from your station?
Seems I received some insider information on exactly what has been going on. I am withdrawing myself from this squabble and remaining on Freeport 1. I will be keeping an eye on the situation from afar, for now, as it seems there are more deeply rooted things going on behind the scenes than was first suggested. It would be best if the administrator choice was left up to the residents of Freeport 11, and I will stand against any... even temporary... confederate control of the station. That's all for now.