PRIORITY: [color=#CC0000]Medium ENCRYPTION: [color=#CC0000]Low IDENTIFICATION: [color=#CC0000]Ludwig Erhard SOURCE: [color=#CC0000]Augsburg Orbital Colony SUBJECT: [color=#CC0000]Daumann Heavy Construction recruitment
Name: Ludwig Erhard
Age: 32
Short bio: I was born 786 A.S. on Augsburg Orbital Colony. After I finished Highschool, I went to the Universität für angewandte Nautik on Planet Nuremberg. I passed my exams with flying colors and started to work as Erster Offizier on a RepEx ship. When I earned enough money, I went to school again to get my master of vessels certificate. I had enough money left to buy an old Borderworld Transporter of the DL Series. After some Jobs with the DL transporter, I am now able to effort a CT-69 "Crane"
Why do you want to work for Daumann? I need some credits from my bank to buy my new ship. Working for DHC will make it ways easier for me to earn enough money to pay the credits. Also the DHC cooperation will take care for all administrative and security issues.
Why do you think Daumann should hire you? I have a very good education and training and already some expirience as a captain. DHC will get a solid worker and loyal employee.
Source: The Ring, New Berlin system. Comm ID: Dieter Mittermeier
Guten Abend Herr Erhard,
You Herr for sure must be gute Captain and businessman, if you already have Largetrain-klasse ship. We more than look for such employees, our recruiter sent you call on S.K.Y.P-3.E channel.
Please report to ze Ring, your Firste assignment awaits there.
### Connection Established ###
### Incoming Transmission ###
Transmission shows Herr Wurth.
He looks like business shark. And he is.
He's smiling politely.
Intercom displays details:
Name: Herr. Rainhold Wurth
Ship: Kunzelsau[R]
Location: [....static....] far end of Rheinland space.
Good day, ladies... *nods* ... and gentleman.
I'm Rainhold Wurth.
My age is ... not public information. Thanks for understanding.
Some of you probably can remember me as old-code businessman and owner of Wurth GMbH. But... things changed. My good young wife Carmen was not so careful person and considering her expences we are ... rather bankrupt now. I guess it was a time for a new start.
Why DHC? Well, I was famous as man of many trades, but I always wanted to be a ship captain. I'm still young enough to make that wish true. My good Carmen can't wait to see me with Dauman uniform!
I can offer my experience, my business talents, my organisation skills, my cargo space of 4085 units... I'd like to share company's mining ships. I'm even ok with that shared gunboat you mentioned, Made in Kusari. All goods I was selling was made in Kusari. And in SCRA, sometimes. But not too often!
I hope to help supplying Holstein too. I've heard you intensively research possibility to mine Boron somewhere. It will not go so easy, but reward is very promissing. That new possibility attracts me so much.
Hope to see you soon.
Herr Wurth raises his hand and reaches OFF button.
### End of Transmission ###
### Connection's Off ###
Source: The Ring, New Berlin system. Comm ID: Dieter Mittermeier
Guten Abend Herr Wurth,
I know very well how expensive women could be, Diamond Hall on Alexander, designed by Frau Daumann costed more than building ship itself...
Your experience, and youthful vigor, will be great help for some of our new employees. Consider it as official acceptance of your application to DHC. Report to Ring for duty, good luck!
Name: Dortmund (Trader) Azrael Alchemist (Fighter)
Age: 20
Short bio:
Born on the station Lünen. Lünen was an old station and was destroyed by the Red Hessian. At the time I was 18 years old.
Since 2 years I am a dealer. I started with a Starflier. Now I am the proud owner of a heavy tanker. I bought it from your planet Holstein.
Reason of application: I feel that Daumann can blogged the most security of work, as it is the largest company in all of our glorious West.
I have also looked into some views of your company and I must say I found them intriguing.
Why do you think Daumann should hire you? I would like to prove myself as a valuable asset and in a team.
In addition, I can offer you a network called TeamSpeak 3.
I have a S.K.Y.P.E. encrypted account and would like to join your network. "dennismrichter" my SKYPE is addname. (Without ")
Source:Oder Shipyard, New Berlin System Encryption: Light
Name:Turnmen Hailen Rank:Ship Captain
This is Captain Turnmen Hailen of the DHC-Dietenhofen, requesting to Reestablish Communications with DHC Transmission Database. All pre-check flights are complete and all systems aboard the Dietenhofen are repairded. Lucky to be alive after that last attack. Out!
I was borned and raised on Nuremberg, my parents were working in a factory. When I finished schools, I enlisted to DHC as a pilot and had space pilotage course,graduated with good marks. now after time of turmoil in my life I want to return to active employment.
The history of human thought recalls the swinging of a pendulum which takes centuries to swing. After a long period of slumber comes a moment of awakening. Then thought frees herself from the chains with which those interested — rulers, lawyers, clerics — have carefully enwound her.
She shatters the chains. She subjects to severe criticism all that has been taught her, and lays bare the emptiness of the religious political, legal, and social prejudices amid which she has vegetated. She starts research in new paths, enriches our knowledge with new discoveries, creates new sciences.
But the inveterate enemies of thought — the government, the lawgiver, and the priest — soon recover from their defeat. By degrees they gather together their scattered forces, and remodel their faith and their code of laws to adapt them to the new needs.
Short bio: I was born onboard my fathers ship, the Sharingha.
My father left me to my zoner mother at Freeport 10 where I was raised.
I gradually passed school and started to fly at the age of 19.
I enlisted at local freeport security squadron space flight division and
trained there for about a year.
I then dropped out to seek fortune in trading.
A few years have passed and I have not found large amount of the fortune I dreamed of.
As Im visiting Rheinland, I decided to look for work here and so I found out
that you need more hands to help.
Why do you want to work for Daumann?
I want to work for Daumann to seek out my fortune and to earn experience within this profession, while living in a friendly community.
Why do you think Daumann should hire you?
I am very determined to complete my task. I never abandon comrades unless the odds are impossible. Im good at flying space ships and combating with them.