My name is Chacon.I was VHF Pilot in our Colonial Fleet. But my life was never a happy story...
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I was born 32 years ago...My father and mother.. they were both Colonial pilots.They looked after me and growed me up.This is a chatter between my mum and dad that i can remember...i
was about 6 years old...
"Dad and Mum of Chacon Wrote:Dad:-He is going to be a good Colonial.
Mum:-But ..What if he gets killed.. I dont wanna bury my own child
Dad:-You wont have to.I will talk a friend, he ows me, i'll tell him to protect Chacon.
few years ago, i got a phonecall from my superior of the Colonial fleet.
That i had to come immediatly !
When i arrived they sayd that the cylons were coming, with all there strenght.
We had to prepare our gear and ships, for an immediate takeoff.
to fight this scum..
We waited in space for the cylons.
Tho we hardly stood chance, we werent scared. We had to do everything to protect our home.
Then the Cylons arrived, we were told to engage.
the battle took long,and was tough.
But the cylons were to much.
few of the colonial fleet retreated and went hyperspace, to reach an other universe.
I tryed to catch up with them, but i got hit, and passed out.
When i woke up in a bed, i looked out of the window and saw beautifull sky and bright sun.
Then 2 people came in the room
Quote:Sir:-you were lucky friend. if we wouldnt have found you, you would have died in space.
Me:-Thank you kind sir, but where am i?
Sir:-You are on Planet Manhatten, in Sirius system.
Me:-How?,This is so confusing.
Sir:-We don't know it either my friend. But can i ask your name? we didnt find any id on you.
Me:- My name is Jean-Pierre Hemmeryckx, but they all called my Chacon.
Sir:-k, Chacon it is, I am Mark. I work as a trader here in Sirius.You'll have to stay here till you get better.
Me:- Thank you Mark, but you know anything about other people arrived in this Sirius sytem?
Sir:- i heard Rumors from the Tau systems, that there a part of a fleet arrived there, from an other universe.
Me:- That has to be my fleet ! i need to get there asap!
Sir:-sry no can do, you have to get better first. when you are ill help you get there.
me:-ugh..thank you Mark, if ther eis anything i can help you with, im in credit with you.
After some time i got better, Mark and I were heading for the Tau systems. when we arrived i was happy i saw my people back.
Now i joined the Colonial fleet once again.
United with my own people!My home...
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- =CR=Chacon[Colonial], - LPI-W.Hemmeryckx[RO] , - Tempo[Xeno], - Ibanez[Pirate]
A&L Guy Quote : When I am done with the system maintenance, and depending on how much beer I have consumed at that time, I MIGHT take a look at it. No promises though.
Gravedigging >>>
' Wrote:i never knew.... wo3dy was incharge of LSF stealth fleet...