Current location of residence:
Clermont Space Colony
Current occupation:
EFL Security Pilot
Quick background summary:
The Coupe family was one of the first to move onto Clermont in search of work on Riom. In 200 years, the family has not moved far from the station, nor have they left the service of EFL. Both Yves and his sister Adele continued the tradition. Unlike Adele who chose the commerce branch, Yves decided to become a security pilot. Yves has been a pilot for EFL for the last 6 years, but knowing that the influence of a security pilot can only go so far, Yves wants to join the Navy and help put an end to the Council
Motivation for joining his majesty's Gallic Royal Navy:
I grew up during the Second Gallic War. Being from Clermont, I have to watch refugees come and go due to what the Council is doing. It's a disgrace that any Gallic citizen has to go through what I've seen, and I want to help stop it.
II. Knowledge
Who is the current Grande Marechal of the Gallic Royal Navy?
Adelaide Roux
What is the flagship of the Gallic Royal Navy?
Chant du Cygne
Who are the children of the King?
Princess Aurelia DeFrance, Princess Alice DeFrance, Prince Joseph DeFrance
What are the three divisions of the Royal Navy?
Gallic Occupation Force, Royal Guard, and Border Guard
Quick background summary: Darion Deverux was born and raised in the capitol of his house. It's no wonder that he is a patriotic lad, brisk and brimming with the need to impress his king and commander. His only goal in life ever was to be the best Lynx pirate that Gallia has ever known.
He did well in school, and when he was little he would fly simulators and more than once he stole his fathers freighter and took it for a joy ride around the capitol. Eventually he straightened out, though, and made his way to the recruiting station.
Motivation for joining his majesty's Gallic Royal Navy:
II. Knowledge
Who is the current Grande Marechal of the Gallic Royal Navy?
Adelaide Roux
What is the flagship of the Gallic Royal Navy?
Chant du Cygne
Who are the children of the King?
Princess Aurelia DeFrance, Princess Alice DeFrance, Prince Joseph DeFrance
What are the three divisions of the Royal Navy?
Gallic Occupation Force, Royal Guard, and Border Guard
Jean Pierre De ChateauBriant, was born in planete Nevers, and spent his early childhood in a rich family his father being a succesfull trader. At the age of 15, Pierre's father got killed in a ambush from a unknown pirate raiders, since that day he dedicated his life to tack and kill those murdrers. Roaming the space as a freelancer for many years he finaly found the man respensable of his father death, a high ranking officer of the Marquis terrorist group. After many failed attempts to take him down Pierre realised that alone he will never succeed,
Motivation for joining his majesty's Gallic Royal Navy: Bringing down The Marquis organisation and any ennemy of the crown. II. Knowledge[u]
Who is the current Grande Marechal of the Gallic Royal Navy? Grand Marshall Adelaide Roux
What is the flagship of the Gallic Royal Navy? Chant du Cygne
Who are the children of the King? Princess Aurelia DeFrance; Princess Alice DeFrance; Prince Joseph DeFrance
What are the three divisions of the Royal Navy? Royal Guard, Border Guard and Pacification Division, and the Gallic Occupation Force
III. Contact Information
Codename: Yanov
S.K.Y.P.E. Protocol (Required): kasparov2875
Current location of residence: A family manor on New Paris and a small residence on Gap Station
Current occupation: Royal Navy reserves
Quick background summary:
Guy was born on New Paris in 791 into a family of minor nobility ardently loyal to the Crown that can trace its roots back to the Bourbon nobility of old before the flight from Sol. He excelled in athletics and academics throughout his youth. The records of his professors noted his exceptional intelligence, humility, affection for his family, and an extraordinary sense of duty. The first tragedy in his life occurred in 804 when his father, Capitaine of the GRN Cruiser Vigilant, perished in the offensive in Champagne against the Council fleet massing to assault Lorraine. Four years later, he would be accepted into flight officer training on Anjou, and graduated early. He was assigned to a fighter squadron and first saw combat at the battle of Gap Station. Over the next several years of the war he was promoted to Lieutenant, and his commanding officers continually noted his iron discipline, calm demeanor in combat, and camaraderie with his men. His squadmates were fond of his friendship and wit, and remember his continuing willingness to put his own ship in harm's way to protect the men in his squadron. In 814, after catching the eye of a Royal Navy intelligence officer, Guy was transferred to a small reconnaissance squadron of which all operations from the period of his service remain classified. What is known of his time serving in naval intelligence is that he began to be called L'Renard Arctique by his men, but the knowledge behind this remains a mystery to all except those who served under him.
During a brief furlough in 815 he was able to attend the graduation of his younger brother, Jacques, who had joined the Royal Navy in his older brother and father's footsteps. Guy's brother proved to be an exceptionally skilled fighter pilot, and by 816 was already promoted to Lieutenant and commanding his own squadron. Their squadron was assigned to Languedoc, and was one of the few squadrons to remain in the sector defending the interests of the Crown against Council forces. During the Battle of Montpellier Guard Station his brother's squadron served with exceptional distinction, but were nearly entirely wiped out during repeated engagements. While the fighting raged in Languedoc it was rumored that Guy's squadron was responsible for an intelligence victory that greatly assisted in the Royal Navy's advance from Dauphine, but this nonetheless failed to prevent the Council's success in opening the mine fields to Orkney. After the battle had subsided Guy was told of the death of his younger brother who had piloted his fighter into the conn of a Council battleship causing it to lose control and crash meaninglessly into the minefield, which prevented the destruction of a severely damaged Royal Navy battleship. He was posthumously awarded the rank of Capitaine.
Unfortunately, the loss of both husband and youngest child was too much for Guy's mother to bear, and she would die within the year from grief. Guy, grieving himself, resigned his commission in 817 and returned to the family manor in New Paris. After tying up some small loose ends on New Paris he acquired a small residence on Gap Station and was known to briefly stop in at times, but the majority of his whereabouts over the past two years remain steeped in mystery and confusion. Some say he hired himself out to mercenaries in Sirius while others claim he went to settle past scores from his days in naval intelligence. All that is known is that the Council capitaine responsible for the death of his father in Champagne was found dead in an abandoned part of a Maquis station, and a subsequent number of Council personal who were part of the engagement at Montpellier met untimely deaths themselves.
With the invasion of Sirius by Gallic forces Guy returned, and answered the call from his homeland. He was recommissioned at the rank of Sous-Lieutenant in the Royal Navy reserves. Former friends and squadmates noted that while he still retained some of his wit he was nonetheless a silent shade of his former self who tended to keep to himself, and rarely spoke. When questioned by former friends and associates on the past two years he would kindly refuse to speak on any of the matter, and swiftly change the subject. Despite his personal losses, and his experiences over the past two years, it would appear that little has changed in the man's military performance. He is still the disciplined and humble soldier who served honorably in the Second Gallic War, and brought glory to his King.
Motivation for joining his majesty's Gallic Royal Navy: To serve the King, bring glory to Gallia, and seek vengeance for his family.
II. Knowledge
Who is the current Grande Marechal of the Gallic Royal Navy?
Grande Marechal Adelaide Roux
What is the flagship of the Gallic Royal Navy?
Chant du Cygne
Who are the children of the King?
Prince Joseph DeFrance, Princess Aurelia DeFrance, and Princess Alice DeFrance
What are the three divisions of the Royal Navy?
Royal Guard, Border & Pacification Division, and the Gallic Occupation Forces
Guy Montague and Jean Pierre de Chateau Briant. You both are herebye Accepted Into the Royal Navy. You will be given access to the secure SKYP-3 Protocols soon.
Monsieur Devereux.
Go back to school. The Royal Navy has no place for those who's only ambition seems to be becoming the "best Lynx pilot" there is. Marechal Bonheur can wipe the floor with you.
Motivation for joining his majesty's Gallic Royal Navy :
Servir la couronne, maintain security within gallian borders, defend and expand the great Gallic nation!
II. Knowledge
Who is the current Grande Marechal of the Gallic Royal Navy?
Grande Marechal Adelaide Roux
What is the flagship of the Gallic Royal Navy?
Chant du Cygne
Who are the children of the King?
- Prince Joseph DeFrance
- Princess Aurelia DeFrance
- Princess Alice DeFrance
Planet/Station of birth: Mining vessel in the Tau's
Current location of residence: Java Station
Current occupation: Miner escort (IMG)
Quick background summary:
Simon was born and raised in and around the IMG, both his parents being part of this mining faction and miners themselves. He lived a wealthy life, learning to pilot small drone fighters at a young age much to his parents approval. However this ideal life did not last long. After he had reached the age of fifteen years his parents had an 'accident'.
Both Simons parents were killed in a battle between Liberty traders and Outcasts. After the Liberty traders had refused to pay the 'tax' set by the pirates they were attacked. And although the transports escaped, his parents were killed in the cross-fire. Simon has hated Liberty ever since.
Motivation for joining his majesty's Gallic Royal Navy:
A new outlook on life, leaving behind the Sirus he once knew for new experiences. That and the fact that he shunned both Liberty and Bretonia. Liberty for what had happened to his parents, and Bretonia for her corporations that actively avoided IMG business.
II. Knowledge
Who is the current Grande Marechal of the Gallic Royal Navy?
Adelaide Roux
What is the flagship of the Gallic Royal Navy?
Chant du Cygne
Who are the children of the King?
Crown Princess Aurelia DeFrance, Princess Alice DeFrance, Prince Joseph DeFrance
What are the three divisions of the Royal Navy?
Royal Guard, Border Guard and Pacification Division, Gallic Occupation Force
Current location of residence: Battleship Saumur Anjou system
Current occupation: Royal Navy
Age: 45
Quick background summary:
Lt.Snake Born and raised on Battleship Saumur as a Proud and loyal Royal navy Citizen, His Family where royal navy officers and died an honorable death in a counsel attack.
Snake worked his way up since a young age and now commands a Royal Navy Cruiser now he seeks to be of greater use to the Gallic's and all they stand for now more then ever after his close friend's Battleship was ambushed and destroyed by dragon Forces
II. Knowledge[u]
Who is the current Grande Marechal of the Gallic Royal Navy? Grand Marshall Adelaide Roux
What is the flagship of the Gallic Royal Navy? Chant du Cygne
Who are the children of the King? Princess Aurelia DeFrance; Princess Alice DeFrance; Prince Joseph DeFrance
What are the three divisions of the Royal Navy? Royal Guard, Border Guard and the Gallic Occupation Force
III. Contact Information
Codename: Lt.Snake
S.K.Y.P.E. Protocol (Required): Michael.bronkhorst2