Dear gentlemen i wanna thank for your swift and skilled projeck of MK IV jump drive i commisioned. However i wanna turn your notice to some i would say diplomatic and trading problems. While entering omega 49 going to your trading center, near JH in Dublin i was heavily attacke by station Goldern Coin who was previous neutral object under construction. On the way back i barely survived to escape it and i upt it on long range scan.
I concluded that it is fully built as offensive facility with mulitple weapons platforms near it. (i saw much of Sirius , even heavily guarded military instalation but nothing compared to this). I dont know who owns this base , but aboviously intentionall close ba to JH prevetn all trading ship entering omega 49.
I addresed Bretonian authorities , but they show little interest in this matter. I dont know if zoners has privilge to pass freely. However i adress you as i think that you as powerfull commerciall organization are put with this act under passive trading embargo, at least from prospectives of your customers. Reaching Nichols from coalition space omega 52 is equall to suicide, so is from o47. We are not military daredevils , we are common traders and will be discouraged to continue trade with you if this base remains , at least directly via jumphole.
Just wanna point the issue out. IF someone has right to build bases in his space whereever it wants, that doesnt mean that traversing through system is forbidden as a qosequence of first action. I hope that you will carefully measure this new situation for benefit of your profits and interests of the customers
In meantime i found the codename of this military project it is called - Molly defense programm Goldern Coin and you can find traces of it on neural net.
We're aware of the Molly's Goldern Coin weapons platform and you are correct that it is of concern to us. We're currently discussing this matter as it affects both our own interests and our customers.
I apologize we couldn't warn you sooner, but the weapon platform only just started targetting everything attempting to access Omega 49.
Good day gentlemen, my name is Edwin Pennybrooke and I fly a private commercial liner, the LL-Pennybrooke.
I've always been interested in installing docking facilities on my liner, and I hear the faulty programming has been mostly worked out at this point.
I would like to purchase one such module; the price is acceptable.
Finally, I would like to add my concerns about this "Goldern Coin" installing which effectively puts the entire population of Gran Canaria under embargo. Hopefully, this will be resolved soon though it wouldn't be an issue to reach Omega-49 before then.
We're aware of the Goldern Coin weapons platform and we've secured your safe passage past the installation from the Mollys. We currently have a single docking module in stock with a purchase price of 200m credits. If you find that price acceptable, you can pick up the module from Nichols as soon as you are able.
Many thanks for your efforts and hasty response, Mr Cross. As mentioned before, your price sounds perfectly acceptable, and I will see to it that I make the trip as soon as possible.
Regards, Edwin Pennybrooke
-end transmission-
-resuming transmission-
Greetings again;
I just wanted to say I'm most pleased with our deal. Both the security arrangement with the Mollies and the new docking boy, which I just got to try, are working flawlessly.
I would definitely consider choosing OSI again, thank you.
Yo, I'm John McHue, and <strike>this is me with my girlfriend, you all are losers</strike> I'd like to buy about 200 derelict nomad artifacts. Think that you Zonerzonerzoners can arrange this?