Okay so what I see is a very large target, with only two guns that fire forward, has the a massive powercore but cant utilize it fully die to the power needs of two SNACs.
Does the ship have any advantage over its smaller, more agile brethren?
In my experience it's basically just a nerfed barghest. I swapped mine from a Fafnir to the <strike>smaller</strike> better one after a few weeks of mostly dying. Fafnir needs some love.
Other than looks, it's pretty bad.
It can dual Nova, which is cool. But hey, there are many better dual Nova heavy bombers out there with much better handling and smaller hitboxes.
Take the Nanda Devi for example, an excellent IMG Bomber: Good turning (for a heavy), just 3000u less overall power than a Fafnir, quite compact, sporting 4 forward guns (2 guns, 2 turrets) and the ability to mount Freighter shields.
I say to make the Fafnir a bit more attractive, maybe lower the cargo to 120 and allow a light cloak?
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
' Wrote:Its a heavy bomber that can mount and fire a SAC and NOVA at the same time, whilst stil being able to CD. That's its advantage.
' Wrote:I was flying dual nova fafnir for quite a some time and i loved it. It can dish out an extreme amount of damage, and it looks great.
This is one of the few bombers that has the powercore to solo a battleship. In my opinion, this is what a bomber is all about. A big, heavy beast that can whip out enormous damage in little time.
Heavy bomber vs light bomber:
- Heavy can use 2 torpedo slots and a dedicated CD slot. Some prefer dualnova, I'm more fond of snac (for gunboats) and nova (for battleboats).
- Heavy power core recharges more quickly. It's damage over time capability is MUCH higher then that of a light bomber, which takes longer to recharge.
- Heavy bombers lack agility and are larger, which makes them more vulnerable. To compensate, they generally have freighter shields.
Basically, a heavy bomber is what you send out if you need to quickly burn down a group of cruisers or battleships. In packs of 2 or 3 they can toast a capital fleet in minutes. A light bomber is what you'd field if you're after smaller targets and have the risk of being challenged by fighters. It's a good choice for pirates: Plenty of power to toast a transport, good enough dodging to last a while and make your escape.
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From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
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