Honestly, what I think we need is the current dev team to temporarily put down their work for .87 and Teach new coders and modellers and hitboxers.
There are probably quite a few people that would love to help but can't due to the lack of instruction. Some people need handholding to get proficient at something.
Ranting at the current dev team will only make their work more stressful and make them have to deal with more crap then they should. Maybe a PR person should be brought to the Dev team to just handle the complaints and forum work so that people like AD can go back to doing what he does best: Working on the mod, not defending the devteam from crowds of people that feel they have been wronged by X gun stat change, or Y Model change.
Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts... perhaps the fear of a loss of power.
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' Wrote:[words]
If some dev would care to instruct me in any aspect of Freelancer modding, I'd gladly dedicate my time to improving the mod. I don't play much anymore, have a lot of free time on my hands, and when I start a project, I am usually determined to finish it in as timely a fashion I can without sacrificing quality of my work.
' Wrote:I agree, stop nerfing stuff and removing features!
Your kidding right?
in 4.85 we had pretty much nothing interesting.
4.86: Player Owned Bases
Jump Drives
Hyperspace scanners
4.86 opened up many RP opportunities. The problem with a free mod is that if something turns out to be overly powerful and is balanced, people assume that the first setup was already balanced. Stuff can never be balanced with a community of 300-400 plus people that log on and try out ways of exploiting the game for their own nefarious purposes. Count your blessings that .86 ever came out you ungrateful sods. Things change, people change. Get used to it.
Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts... perhaps the fear of a loss of power.
' Wrote:Why should I? I was more than content with .85, more than content with .84, more than content with .83, and more than content with .82.
Then go play 4.82
Protip: Most devs stopped teaching others how to mod stuff for a couple of reasons:
1. The majority of those 'interested' would take up a good few hours of the devs time, then just ditch it and not bother their arses. Or just submit sub standard **** and refuse to improve it.
2. Tutorials. Modders all over the FL community have spent days creating tutorials for people to learn from. It's where nearly all the current devs learnt from. You simply can't teach someone directly without the tutorials. I don't understand people complaining about not being taught how to mod a game when you need to learn how to do it yourself anyway - having someone help you is just useful.
I couldn't see the point in helping develop the mod for a community that tends not to give a rats arse and just complain about everything that doesn't suit their personal little agenda. So I fecked off, which I am sorry to the Dev team for doing but I didn't fancy being a relic that didn't do anything.
The initial post in this topic is mostly just whiney mc whine, mixed with some vague sense of self-righteousness.
The posts where actual suggestions are made are far more useful - and less inclined to make people flip out and just not bother.
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' Wrote:[words]
So what you're saying is you didn't do your job, and now you're complaining about people offering to help even though other people don't do theirs, correct?
edit: Instead of crying about people trying to be useful for once, why not give a link to the supposed myriad of tutorials that are out there? Tell us what we are supposed to be looking for. I'll go and spend a damn month learning how to edit whatever damn sort of files I need to if you tell me what I'm looking for.
If i had some one show me how to code with the FL engine, i would be more than willing to learn. This game has awesomeness written all over it, and i would like to be apart of it. These people work very hard and ask for little in return, i think it's only fair we respect thier hard work in this. And besides, it's not like microsoft is going to open a studio for them.
Linkus, the problem with tutorials is that you don't just learn from tutorials. It takes some guidance. Its like a professor just saying "Read the textbook, submit your papers".
I don't know any professors that would do that.
Edit: Yes, I understand the tutorials are good places to start, but at a certain point the "student" will want to ask the more experienced people about tips, and tricks. Help them become better moddelers/coders.
How many coders does Cannon have backing him up for FLhook coding?
Also, I do suggest hiring a PR guy(or girl) for acting as a go between so devs don't get bogged down with this bureaucratic bull.
Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts... perhaps the fear of a loss of power.