To put it short, we jumped into the Leeds system, made our way to the Planet Leeds, met resistance composed of mix of colonial, outcast and council forces, with three capital ships overseeing the brawl.
After a relatively short skirmish, all hostiles except the capital ships were down, and the wing leader has ordered us to open up on the destroyer, and after taking it out,
the battleship next to it. We succeeded despite all odds, and before we made our retreat, another council cruiser went on the scanner range, it did not last longer than two minutes total.
Losses: None
Kills: 5 fighters (one colonial, three council, one outcast), 1 Challenger bomber, 1 Council gunboat, 1 Bretonia Destroyer, 1 Council Cruiser and one Dunkirk Class Battleship.
"The first major military victory since the invasion of Edinburgh and the Taus was accomplished today. A strike team of well trained snub-pilots, led by myself, took to the skies in Leeds and brought down three Council snubs, one Colonial snub, one Outcast snub, one Breton Bomber, a gunboat, two Cruisers, and a Breton battleship.
[font=Arial]Bonjour, Capitaine Leon Chevalier here with an after action report of the latest skirmish in Leeds. Madame-Marechal Julie Boner decided to lead a minor snub force into Leeds to see how the Bretons have begun increasing their defences on the Leeds front after our most recent victory. Today, we were met with more Breton forces than anything else, as opposed to the assortment of enemies yesterday. However, it seems their mobile Dunkirks have decided to give our forces a wide berth thanks to the destruction of the HMS-Thunderer.
[color=#FFFFFF]We were met with five Breton snubcraft, one CR fighter, and two CR gunboats. We led them to the Edinburgh jumphole and fought in the asteroid field there, to both put the gunboats at a minor disadvantage and have a path for an easy withdrawl, should it have been needed. Throughout the fight, we experienced major Ion Storms, and after downing two of their fighters, and losing one of our own due to these storms, both sides agreed to a draw, and we returned to the Villeneuve to recover.
User was banned for: Unacceptable behavior
Time left: (Permanent)
[color=black]Location:Battleship Villeneuve, Gallic Occupied Edinburgh Subject:Priority Transmission To Gallic Expeditionary Force Encryption Level:High
All pilots are to review and understand the current change of operational influence. Forces deployed in Tau-29 are to reroute to the Battleship Villeneuve for re-assignment and re-deployment to the Leeds, Dublin, and Tau-31 fronts."
EMPLACEMENTGallian space from Languedoc throught Orkney SUJETReinhland cruiser Jason752 trespassed in Gallic space NIVEAU D'ENCRYPTIONHigh RAPPORT DÃTAILLÃ
I was patrolling in Ile-de-France tonight when a pilot of the Union Corse, going by the COMM.ID of [UC]-Casimir.Logarus used my personal frequency to inform me of a sighting of what could be a "Reihnland cruiser wandering and taking missions in Dauphine".
After having informed my superiors, i went to intercept the trespasser, a Reinhland cruiser pilot named Jason752. Even if i compelled him to leave via his personnal frequency, i found him waiting in LangueDoc. I chassed him through the worm hole where i stalled him enouph time for police officer GRP|GR-Argent-08 to arrive, while keeping contact with RNS-Ciel.Enflamme.
GRN collected a total fine of 4M from the individual and let him go with a severe warning. Details in the transmission log below.
I would also note the question asked to me by GNR|Misericorde. This was most disturbing to see a RNS not knowing about us...
[font=Courier New][color=#000066]###INCOMING TRANSMISSION###
While touring my post with Sous Lieutenant Arlette, long range sensors detected an unusual energy source emitting from Planet Sete. Nimes Station gave the first distress multiple ships with two massive ships appeared from the aura symbolizing unauthorized jump technology. What we encountered is a shock perhaps even to High Command. Interspace Commerce, a well known Liberty cooperation, escorted with Colonial Republic fighters, and a Liberty battleship, had infiltrated our territory in a desperate attempt to steal our Cryocube technology. Though we managed to recover a massive quantity there is no way to say for certain how long they have been robbing Gallia of its important resources. Defensive platforms at Lodeve Space Port did not detect these entities as a hostile force. We proceeded to drive off Interspace Commerce as well as destroy the nearby Colonial forces with ease. The hidden jump ship however escaped into an asteroid field which Nimes station ordered our return to headquarters. This infiltration is a clear sign the Sirians cannot be trusted.
[color=black]Location:Battleship La Riche, Gallic Occupied Edinburgh Subject:PRIORITY MESSAGE: To all Gallic Expeditionary Forces. Encryption Level:HIGH
"Effective Immediately,
Command Personnel are to move to the La Riche. As of now this is our new flagship in the Tau region."
[color=black]Location:The Cathedral, New Paris Subject:PRIORITY MESSAGE: To all ONI Operatives. Encryption Level:HIGH
Effective Immediately,
All assets belonging to the Office shall begin reconnaissance missions into the systems of Cambridge and Magellan. Those who wish for death may attempt to enter the enemy Capital...I'm sure the Mollys can help you with that.
For the glory of the King, may you succeed.
Assistant Directeurt Raphael Montiel
Office of Naval Intelligence, The Cathedral, Ile-De-France
COMM ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Capitane Ansel Xavier TARGET ID:Gallic Command SUBJECT:Recon run into Liberty ENCRYPTION:High PRIORITY:High
Xavier here.
Seeing the worth of undertaking recon runs towards and possibly into the House of Liberty, I decided to go for it myself. Taking a squadron would not have been worth the risk. Circumventing Bretonia is fairly easy in a fighter, since our main fleets have their attention at this time.
Following various convoys led me to the Cortez system, and eventually into Liberty proper, a system known
as California. That's where it gets interesting.
Re-emergence of the Normandie.
I suppose we all recall the disappearance of Alice DeFrance with the RNS-Normandie and a significant portion of it's Battlegroup. I saw it in Liberty, flying Liberty colors.
We can all guess the tactical implications. Liberty now has comphrehensive knowledge of our Valor class battleships and through the princess gets a significant source of information on our tactics, deployments, and usages. It appears to be employed in the defense of California at this time, which is probably a sound move, countering any pushes from us in that direction with our own people.
Admiral Hale.
Shortly after, Admiral Hale showed up, confirming what I've said above. Considering his significant time as an Admiral and a fairly successful campaign against Rheinland, I believe he'll be a far larger threat than any Bretonian leader at this time.
Reaver involvement.
I did not linger long, and when two Reavers callsigned Peach and Sangria showed up, I decided to take this opportunity to retreat. They seem to have an active contract against the Navy, something that can be used profitably.
I'll sum it up as this. We'll be facing our own ships should we decide to push an attack on Liberty. But, there's a significant amount of trade between Bretonia and Liberty. I strongly recommend that we deploy a recon flotilla in the region, primarily for trade interdiction and beginning small scale strikes against Liberty.