My biggest issue is the texturing. I see some stretching in areas, and a lot of it is overtiled (basically, the texture repeated too much across a surface, and it makes the ship look really noisy) and doesn't really fit the area it's placed on.
I also highly suggest making use of the vanilla cargo pods from the train and transport, you could do this with little modification by placing the cargo pods sideways to how they are used in vanilla.
I like the model. Nothing else to it. It's solid and it fits in well with the Freelancer style.
My only concern is your stated desire to make it a "medium" transport. This thing looks huge. I know that any model can be scaled to any size you want, but judging by the size of the windows up front, this thing should be at least the size of the other 5K house trains.
If you're going to make it fit into the 3500 group, I'd suggest making those windows up front at least a bit bigger. The relative size is just making this thing look too massive to be "medium".
' Wrote:My only wish is for you to remove the "radar dish" on the top
Right, I forgot about that. I really dislike external dishes and antennae on models, personally. I think the ship would look better without it. Other than that I still think it's good looking transport.
2) - a problem with vanilla cargo pods is ... when i attach appropriately many on the clamps - the ship effectivly gets a huge area of what we may call reactive armor
3) - compared to the windows of other vanilla ships - this ship is roughly the size of the medium sized train - i think the large train .. not the adv. train... BUT it will look much heavier due to the thicker build.
4) - yes - when i made it, i thought of a junker transport .. but then asked myself - what the hell do junkers need a large or medium sized transport for? - they have the salvager. - besides - the CSV and some other junker ships are basicly civilian utility ships