John didn't care what was going on around him. He just lied on some Layla's random stuff, which were scattered in the cargo hold. Only thing he cared about was his life, warmth and Layla. But with Austin present in the same cargo hold, there was no place for love exchange. "Hey Austin, what'ya doinf here? Don't you have your own ship?" He asked, with a smirk appearing on his face.
[10:46:32] Wolfs Ghost (Murphy): And actually, the KU Dessie is the best GB.
[19:29:19] Joseph (Aphil): SCRA|CPW-Capitalism.
Feeling the Cold Mike made his way to Laylas Templar to drop off his backpack.
No need for me to walk twice with this on my back.
He said while droping it to the floor.
Turning around an peering back to his Templar he sighed. Right then let's see how fast I can get back.
Having made it back he started to try and turn his Ship around, when he did so the next problem was already showing itselfe, how to get down without making the Templar into a huge snowball.
Eventually Mike somehow did it, although his Ship would now definitely need a new Paintjob.
And yet again Mike made his way back to Laylas Templar.
“This font is good people said, this font is awesome others said, I say it works well enough to waste 2 seconds of your life reading this.”
Meanwhile Layla had gotten back on her pilot's seat and was avidly attempting to re-calibrate the shield system so it would provide maximum protection from the incoming, presumably heavy snow storm. John had crouched down on the floor behind here and Austin had vanished somewhere in the cargo bay, probably to check the food reserve they had.
"Alright, I hope the shields will be able to cope that furious spinning snow wall over there. Let's pray we won't be hit by any electrical discharges, it'd make our coverage collapse pretty quickly... and I heard terrifying rumours about the notoriously capricious weather circumstances on this effin' planet."
John went to the cockpit to see the brutal snowstorm raging outside. "I am starting to think you don't love me anymore." Layla immediately looked at him, shocked. "Damn, I crashed my Templar, barely managed to eject and survive. And look! You don't even bother to check if I am alright." Obviously frustrated John stood there like his legs were broken into three pieces.
[10:46:32] Wolfs Ghost (Murphy): And actually, the KU Dessie is the best GB.
[19:29:19] Joseph (Aphil): SCRA|CPW-Capitalism.
She was totally concentrating on the readouts on her various screens as the bitterly sounding accusation from behind stabbed in her neck like a knife cold as ice. She feared the cold.
A mix of dismay and compassion filled her face as she slowly turned around to look into John's eyes. He looked terrible, really terrible. Layla had assumed that an 'ordinary' event such as crashing on a planet with a ship was nothing too special for him, but she realized now that the physically and mentally hardened soldier in him was lost long since. Was she supposed the play some sort of teddy bear now? She didn't quite feel comfortable in acting like this, she had always regarded him to be on the kind of same level, if not higher.
"Hey.. of course I still love ya."
She attempted to smile.
"I- I'm sorry, really, I didn't know that crash would affect you so much, we've had such stuff before, don't you remember?"
She got up from her seat and huddled against him, hoping to make him feel better, seeing as it really was merely a mental issue since he hadn't sustained any serious physical injuries.
John sighed, as he realised that he just screwed up everything. "I am... sorry. Shouldn't have behaved like that." He did feel confortable in Layla's warm hug, he repeated her move. As they were quietly hugging each other, he saw snow piling up outside in the raging storm.
"Well, this is a problem." The thought of going out and shovel the snow away made him shiver. "Look outside. We're gonna be under a few meters of snow if we will just watch..." After a brief silence, he added: "Havering will shovel it out... with Goodman, I am definitely not going out there."
[10:46:32] Wolfs Ghost (Murphy): And actually, the KU Dessie is the best GB.
[19:29:19] Joseph (Aphil): SCRA|CPW-Capitalism.
Ah now then all we have to do is wait until the storm wears off and then we can get moving at last.
Mike sighed while sitting down on one of the crates that where lying in the Cargohold.
He didn't bother with Goodman since it seemed that he wasn't into talking much and even so when he talked it was rather arrogant gossip that came out.
Mike started drifting off into the land of dreams when the voice of Layla came over the Internal Vox Caster telling Mike and Goodman that they should get their behinds out and shovel some snow.
Ugh just as I was about to take a nap.... can't you at least power up the engines and the afterburner?
Would be a bit warmer then.
“This font is good people said, this font is awesome others said, I say it works well enough to waste 2 seconds of your life reading this.”
John's behaviour lately was very strange and utterly unpredictable. These sudden verbal slip-ups and radical mood changes were becoming irritating, hopefully he'd get back in shape soon...
"Well don't worry, nobody's going outside with a shovel, we'll just use the thrusters to melt the snow. It is essential that we don't drown in the loads of snow soon being covered on us, otherwise we'll have troubles getting out of here."
She informed Mike and Austin of their course of action.
John thought about this idea for a while before he complained to Layla. "Hon'. Using thrusters is madness. They will overheat." Everyone looked at him with strange faces. "Look, once you start it up, snow starts to melt, but at the same time, the air in this hole will heat up so bad that it might damage this ship, and we would be stuck here until we die." Meanwhile, the cargo hold darkened. No light could get through the snow into the cockpit anymore.
[10:46:32] Wolfs Ghost (Murphy): And actually, the KU Dessie is the best GB.
[19:29:19] Joseph (Aphil): SCRA|CPW-Capitalism.