So, I have begun some plans on building a base. Totally not done before, i know. However, I don't just want to have a base that just "Oh look, theres a base now. woo."
My plan/Idea for the currently un-named base plan is to try squeezing out as much RP as possible from the Official Factions involved during the construction of this base. I personally will not be transporting any of the goods for this base, however I will be keeping a close eye on the RP for the base. Bonuses WILL be given to factions that go above the requirement for the RP that I would like to see (This is subject to tHe bret parliament actually (y)ing the proposal, if they don't then I will relocate the base to a house of my choosing so that the factions that operate in said house have a chance to participate. Relevant threads are linked below(Also ingame screenshots once they become avaliable), But I really want to see what people think of this oorp'ly. Is it a good idea? Bad idea? Don't care because your bias'ed against me? (Really though, please don't post here if the last one applies to you)
Do give me honest opinions however, I want to see how this plays out.
Edit: Because reading replies may be to boring for some, The idea is to get factions to communicate with eachother, not just me to resolve any disputes/ideas for the base. I am only supplying the funds for the base, I want to see what happens as a result of the construction, and the RP for the construction. The idea is to more inter-connect factions and provide a reason for them to work together when it comes to their respective strongpoints. Also, this is mostly to promote faction activity on the forums, but should also translate in-game. (I know that some portions are just impossible to do for some of the least active factions, but that will be worked out)
SUPERNOTE: If you are a faction leader that is not directly involved with the RP but would like to add to said RP, Skype me or Forum PM me and I will try to get some RP going your way. I want RP to be done, no matter the faction/ties I have to some people. I just want pure Roleplay.
Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts... perhaps the fear of a loss of power.
If you intend to develop as much detail as possible, what sort of approach are you going to take for factory modules? Particularly considering the plans for certain factories "should" be highly classified and/or otherwise restricted information.
I don't want to reveal all my secrets, but for restricted information I will be ATTEMPTING to work with the official military/intelligence groups and tech firms (Ageira) for the higher level things. The positioning of the planned base still has to be worked out specifically, but I want to get input from the major players before anything is set in stone.
Honestly though, it all depends on the Faction leaders and their willingness to participate in the RP. Only time will tell really.
Edit: Er, It seems like I kinda dodged that question: inRP I would like for an inteligence faction/Military faction to run R&D With techfirms, but it has to be settled. Im not going for anything oorp. No "I just built a factory, deal with it" or powergaming "I have crack team of scientist ninjas"
Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts... perhaps the fear of a loss of power.