»Setting-up-Transmission; Opening-Channel »Neural-Net-Comm-ID:aerelm' »Transmission-Source:Barrier-Gate-Station' »Sending-Transmission; Subject: 'Looking for familiar faces'
Buenos días, señores.
There is a matter I'm interested to discuss with your highcommand, however, seeing as I've not had much of an opportunity to further my relations with your group after mister Jameson's departure -and also a few other head figure's- I'm not really sure whom of those I knew, may or may not be in charge of the Outcast Guard anymore.
Therefor, to avoid the unnecessary "Who the hell are you & where do we know you from?" conversation, I'm interested in having one
of the individuals who remembers me and the work I've done in the past during the so-called "Jameson-era 101st" reply to this channel so we can continue with this enjoyable conversation.
"As the young man lights a cigarette, a welcoming smile spreads across his face"
We may have met, or rather, we certainly have met in the past. My name is Martino Perez, i was a lieutenant under Administrator Jameson's command. Times change, people change, wars break out and some wars end. Nowadays, as you may or may not know, I hold the title of Administrator.
"Martino's expression changes, from a welcoming smile to a ice cold gaze"
So tell me signore, your former feats and achievements put aside. What can I do for you today?
For power, wealth, Malta & the Orange Dream.
Martino Perez, Administrator of the 101st Ghosts of Razgriz.
»Setting-up-Transmission; Opening-Channel »Neural-Net-Comm-ID:aerelm' »Transmission-Source:Barrier-Gate-Station' »Sending-Transmission; Subject: 'The "un"official stuff'
Well.. Getting a reply from the new administrator himself!
That sure is a surprise, and a pleasure of course. Let me thank you for your time first, and then, as I'm not really the type with a boring long essay when it comes to telling stuff, so let's get past the fuzz and move straight to the point.
During mister Jameson's administration, the good doctor was more than generous to me when it came to stuff needed to shoot those we mutually disliked, but at the same time, mister Jameson & I had a like-minded stance toward such deals and shared the important understanding that such deals are always a matter of give & take. So, long story short, despite mister Jameson's generosity, I too, returned the favor by lending him and the Outcast Guard a hand
whenever needed.
That said, The matter regarding which I'm contacting you now, is not much unlike the deals mister Jameson and I used to have back in the day. Due to some recent "developments", I am in need of a gunboat, and needless to say, when considering my options, 101st were on the top of the list. Now, I completely understand in times such as this, with all the heat on your frontlines you'd need every bit of ship you can use, so requests such as this won't make it through easily, and I'm not in much of a hurry.
Now, keeping in mind the understanding mister Jameson and I had back in the day, and applying it to the present scenario, I would not be "officially" asking for one of your vessels until You actually are satisfied enough to not mind granting me one.
So... Dear administrator Perez, how about you tell me what can I do for you today? I am sure there is some workload which an "outsider" can take off your hands so you can focus on other more important matters.
Well well well, a wish for a piece of hardware.... we have quite a few of those... and a gunship at that.
Hmm, signore, you do realize that such piece of equipment is very costly and demanding to build? That our proud nation DO need every ship it can produce?
However, i do like the way you think. I do approve of the concept of making oneself earn their tools, contrary to obtain them through financial means.
"Martino lights one of his trademark cigarettes and tips his chair backwards"
Making yourself earn a ship, that demands quite a feat. An extraordinary one at that, though, i may have such a task in mind.
"Martino tips his chair forward again, resting his cheek ontop of his folded hands"
Are you ready to risk your life, limbs and pride for the nation? If so, i may just have something you can do for me.
"The transmission starts to fade. The glow from the lit cigarette and a few words is all that can be seen and heard before the transmission closes"
I won't give you the luxury of time, when asking you to make up your mind.
For power, wealth, Malta & the Orange Dream.
Martino Perez, Administrator of the 101st Ghosts of Razgriz.
»Setting-up-Transmission; Opening-Channel »Neural-Net-Comm-ID:aerelm' »Transmission-Source:Barrier-Gate-Station' »Sending-Transmission; Subject: 'RE: The "un"official stuff'
I'm not the type who'd refuse a good challenge.
So I'm all ears, as I know the 101st is not the sort of a group who'd go with "Bring us 100 Sair heads" and that sort of crap - Not that a hundred Sair heads wouldn't be something fancy, it's just getting a tad too old for our generation.
Count me in and I'll see what I can do about it once you let me in to the details of this "problem" you're looking to solve.
You're eagerness is admirable, perhaps, that will change soon enough.
"He takes a deep breath, before he starts his little speech"
Our brilliant engineers and designers are working on a Outcast produced fighter line. The BW line simply does not meet the demands of tomorrows battles. Thus, we are working on producing a new shipline for tomorrows battles. It is still in the component testing and development stage. However it saddens me to admit this, but our scientists and engineers have hit a dead end in the development of our heavy fighter.
Our initial plans were to make a heavy strike craft/interceptor crossover, much like what the Junkers has accomplished through their "Bulldog". However, we need firepower, firepower that can take down a large transport if needed. Firepower as great as that of the corsair produced "Gladiator". Normally i wouldn't even want to look for technical solutions in any of our wretched "brothers" creations, but for once, their engineers succeeded in creating a vessel with heavy firepower. They just failed at everything else...
"He pauses for a brief second, lighting another of his trademark cigarettes"
Perhaps you get where i am going... i need detailed blueprints on the "Bulldog" and "Gladiator". And i want the info, so detailed that i can put together one of these crafts in the toolshed i have in the backyard.... No screw, bolt or cabletie shall be left undocumented...
However, i need this done ASAP.... we are in the development phase, and things are moving ahead at an breakneck pace. You got 1 month from the day you accept the mission, to complete this task.
"Martino starts turning away from the camera, then suddenly turns back"
Oh and.... stop by Malta someday... sending you into the territory of our barbaric relatives make me feel uneasy... i got a chastity belt and a jalapeno-marinade waiting for you... That should keep you from getting raped and eaten...
"A sinister smile spreads across his face as the transmission closes"
For power, wealth, Malta & the Orange Dream.
Martino Perez, Administrator of the 101st Ghosts of Razgriz.
»Setting-up-Transmission; Opening-Channel »Neural-Net-Comm-ID:aerelm' »Transmission-Source:Barrier-Gate-Station' »Sending-Transmission; Subject: 'RE: The "un"official stuff'
Hmm, so you're planing to take that half-arsed excuse of a ship them Corsairs call "Gladiator" and actually turn it into something worth flying? That's actually pretty cool.
Sure I'd want to help with that even though it'd be really tricky, but hell... That's what makes this whole thing interesting.
»Setting-up-Transmission; Opening-Channel »Neural-Net-Comm-ID:aerelm' »Transmission-Source:Barrier-Gate-Station' »Sending-Transmission; Subject: 'The official stuff'
So, senor Perez...
I hope you received my message in time, and have already managed to get some good stuff out of it. As promised, though, I also have something extra for you. You will find a Gladiator docked on Freeport 10, and even though it took a few hits on my way to Alpha, it's still in a pretty good condition.
For obvious reasons I couldn't deliver the ship to Alpha, so I had to pay a little somethin to one of those Zoners to make sure the ship is moved to a safe storage vault on wing B. Just ask around for this Zoner persona called Crawford and he'll make sure you get the ship. He's trustworthy and he knows how to keep his mouth shut, so there's nothing to worry about.
But that aside, I believe my side of the deal is now fulfilled, however, I have to admit I'm not interested in your gunship at all, since I prefer smaller ships so it's more of a personal taste thing, and nothing against your gunship. The reason I brought up the Tridente as the focus of my deal was because I knew it'd get your attention and you'd ask me to do something worth a bargain.
With that said, I'm not interested in any of your gear but there's something I'd be interested in, which would be more of a... "trophy", so to say. Let me know when you get this message so I move to Malta and we can discuss this in person.