Is it even that possibru if the entire Liberty Navy users (indie, unofficial, official) going up against GRN's fleet that the output/result would be Liberty's defeat?
What about Houses vs Gallia, would gallia's fleet still be larger and win?
Signature was too big, exceeding the 250x700px restrictions - see PM. -jammi
Yes, Gallia has currently the strongest fleet of whole Sirius, that's what the lore says. Though, ooRP'ly, Gallia wouldn't win, since it has much less players than the other houses.
(10-28-2012, 11:58 AM)Narcotic Wrote: Yes, Gallia has currently the strongest fleet of whole Sirius, that's what the lore says. Though, ooRP'ly, Gallia wouldn't win, since it has much less players than the other houses.
Yeah that's what I thought.
Signature was too big, exceeding the 250x700px restrictions - see PM. -jammi
If I remember correctly, while the Gallic Navy inRP is still larger than the Liberty Navy, it's not as ridiculously huge as it was when it was first introduced, the number of ships in their fleet has since been reduced, but I can't seem to remember if it was listed in their faction status, their introduction, or their recruitment thread...
I know I saw it somewhere.
Anyway, talking "in game presence", the Liberty Navy players would obviously 'win', since there's many more people playing there.
However, any events that would happen in game, to determine outcome of "Lore stuff", would likely be organized between official faction players, so it's probable that the numbers would be fairly even.
It would depend entirely on where the war was fought. Gallia already has significantly more vulnerable supply lines (and a need for bringing fuel), even if they might be better in a fight.