Subject: Flox Corporation Base desired in Pennsylvania
The Flox Corporation Ship Tag [FC] is in need of a base for the buying and selling of goods. As Vice President of Domestic and Foreign Relations it is my duty to follow the procedures to acquire residency in Liberty and to hire workers for it's completion.
We are interested in building this base in the Pennsylvania System. Our Affiliation is Liberty Deep Space Engineering and some of our ships are Orbital Spa & Cruise depending on their function. Our members do not participate in any way with illegal cargo or activities.
Please respond to either Cauldron VP of Domestic and Foreign Relations, or to Flox CEO of Flox Corporation.
Prior to authorisation of this base, we will need the following information and guarantees:
- What goods do you intend to buy and sell using the new facility? The information provided thus far is vague at best. We will require more detail.
- We will need to see some proof of your DSE affiliation, as well as your good standing with our government.
- Please read the terms and conditions placed upon base construction in section two of the Laws of Liberty. Please ensure you agree to all the listed terms.
- You will be required to open the base for Primary fleet ([LN], =LSF= and LPI-) vessels to dock, as well as give us the precise location of construction.
Once your base is constructed, please provide us the name of the depot, which will be recorded by us along with its location when it is confirmed by a bailiff.
Assuming that you begin construction before the first of December, that date will be when your first payment is due.
The monthly cost of a base in Pennsylvania is 50million (50,000,000) credits per month. This will be adjusted in accordance with the size of your facility as it develops.
- William Hawthorne, Secretary of State for Trade and Economics.
Thank you for your quick response to my earlier transmission. In answer to your question about the goods we intend to buy and sell, the only one we will be buying and selling will be helium. Also, we will be buying and transporting the various essential parts and resources for base construction. [LN], =LSF=, and LPI- ships will be allowed docking privileges for inspection. The location of the base will be given in private to protect the base from unwelcome visitors.
All of our members have the DSE ID or other liberty/liberty friendly Affiliations. Most of our business is Trade with Kusari for helium, neon, passengers, or luxury items such as Furs and Luxury consumer goods and the transport of Passengers to Kusari's Resorts via our Luxury Travel Liners. If at any time you would like to inspect one of our [FC] tagged ships please do so. If you find any of our members disobeying any liberty laws please deal with them according to liberty policies, and please notify myself or Flox.