Source: The Ring, New Berlin system. Comm ID: Edward Von-Geld, Security Division Command
For the few last days Security Wing pilots reported:
Captain of IMG ship voiced what we all know; there's no love between our companies.
This time however, scout fighter sent from Rugen to check lanes noticed very comforting for us situation:
Notice ALG "Golem" mover IMG is using. I believe few informal financial aids for proper clerks from the Bundestag should help.
In the recent weeks we noticed increased pressure on Roth mining operation from hessian raiders' side, if rumors of Bretonian-hessian pact are true, Rugen is in direct danger. I suggest deploying additional fighter squadron in that system.
A lone ship returning from Neue London met hessian transport carrying industrial supplies sneaking into ice cloud. That ship never made its way to destination, primitive hessian shipyards, anywhere they are, for sure will suffer from lack of that shipment.
Inattentive subcontractor of one of Sirius-wide shippers delievered new load of coercive volunteers for Leipzig. Station sent one of Special Wing's fighters to ensure mooring procedure and unloading of cargo is undisrupted. Luckily there weren't any Polizei or Militar patrols in the area; they for sure love Rheinland, but lack strategic wisdom, they can't distinguish what's good for Rheinland economy and what's bad, as recent events onboard Bonn station showed.
Returning to Dresden report, unloading went smoothly, now we can replace used excessively volunteers with fresh ones. Container already awaits, mover will dump it to sun. As always there won't be any evidence.
Full war, both sides use raiding parties, this time we surprised hessian mining operation outside Diamant station, although we didn't destroy belonging to so called hessian "armee" Barge, our bombers seriously damaged it. One hessian Hegemon was destroyed during raid, others managed to moor to Diamant. Station's weapon platforms are deadly though, squadron reported losses, but we destroyed one of them. On the return way squadron noticed jormuggand-klasse battleship uncloaking not so far from Solarius' perimeter, several Nova torpedoes ended in its hull before it cloaked again.
Militar cruiser requested help in a fight against hessian capital ship, our bombers arrived and undoubtedly changed duel's outcome, by the way assisting one more terrorist vessel along with its crew in leaving this world.
Source: The Ring, New Berlin system. Comm ID: Hanna Richter DHC Secretary
I've new freight orders captains, our corporation was hired to produce and deliver 40 thousand containers of High-Temperature Alloys to Malioboro station in New Tokyo, not far from Narita. You'll get paid 1900 credits per container, after that buy Mining Machinery at Narita and deliver it to planet Kyushu, where you will load Ship Hull Pannels for Krupp. All deliveries should be reported in this PIREP database.
Source: The Ring, New Berlin system. Comm ID: Edward Von-Geld, Security Division Command
In the recent weeks our pilots reported:
New Berlin/Frankfurt special case TKY/0559/819, TOP SECRET
What initally seemed to be simple mission against hessian Non Competent Pilots turned into desperate fight for life against Wilde ambush. Our pilot killed one of...them, tractored pod and escaped. On the way back hessians prepared real ambush though, but with help of BDM agent called by comm frequency hessians were massacred. Agent took over Wilde lifepod, our pilot followed agent to Frankfurt system where unusual incidents happened. Apparently Buro has a base somewhere in Frankfurt, called Schatten. Interesting, very interesting...
Our wing patrolling lanes between planet Holstein and New Berlin gate succesfully intercepted und destroyed hessian cruiser. Once again Polizei forces arrived too late, these underpaid pilots cannot compete with our well-trained and properly motivated by corporate bonuses Security Division members.
Another day two Libertonian cruisers sneaked to Berlin and tried to destroy Krupp. Of course their inferior armament couldn't do any damage to the station, unfortunately attackers engaged cloaking devices before our bombers destroyed them, although patrol reported 2 Nova torpedoes penetrated cruiser's hull.
Few days later our security wing intercepted Liberty Navy Primary Fleet transport. Although patrol pilots several times asked LN politely to cut engines and talk (while waiting for Militar to come), captain decided to continue flight. Well, our boys hadn't choice, we commandeered entire load of Robotics for Krupp, courtesy of Liberty Navy.
Shipping captain reported IND operating freely outside Berlin, apparently hauling Industrial Materials from Frankfurt. Strange, didn't they announce they withdrawn operations from Rheinland after that drunk Polizeioffizier destroyed one of their transports? Anyway, kein problem, it's very good they're back, businessmen are always welcomed by our corporation.
Detected by Raubling and Nuremberg's radars hessian battleship was destroyed by our bombers, with little help of Buro vessel. We don't need more workers at Leipzing or Solarius now, und Vierlande is already overcrowded, patrol was ordered to destroy escape pods.
Landwirtrechtbewegung battletransport caught our tanker shipping SynthPaste, farmer captain demanded half of Paste to be destroyed, according to the procedure our captain fulfilled demand, 50% of Paste containers was destroyed by LWB. Naturlich we immediately bought more Paste at Stuttgart, it's so cheap, stupid farmers...
Further increase of hessian attacks against Rugen and our convoys, patrols encountered Colonial transport with Industriam Materials docking to Rugen, its captain refused to contact our pilot and answer questions about his destination and business onboard Daumann's base.
Public Relations ship met Liberty Navy Primary Fleet taskforce outside Southampton Shipyard in New London, Bretonia is getting less and less friendly for us, I just wonder where they will get those all resources, if they break ties with us.
One of our ships caught GMG smuggling Gaian Wildlife in New Tokyo, and IND smuggling Artifacts outside Osaka in Honshu, this data may be useful later. Said captain noticed also his scanners indicate presence of dangerous Bundschuh populists' ship in New Tokyo system, I advise carefulness when dealing with that threat, they aren't simple hessian barbarians, but well-educated foe. We all know how hessian movement started...
Source: Sigma-13, trade lane between Gas Miner Naha and Honshu jump gate Comm ID: Jorg Gass DHC Shipping Captain
I fulfilled new freight orders a bit, and shipped High-Temperature Alloys to Malioboro station. Order of hauling was normal, Basci Alloys from Berlin to Leipzig, H-T Alloys from Dresden to Malioboro, Mining Machinerie from Narita to Kyushu, Hull Pannels to Krupp, Basic Alloys from Berlin... During my travels ein Pirate tried to rob me for 2 Million, but after negotiations I paid only 1 Million. After few days I met strange mobile shrine of Kusarian goddes of Industry und..Foxes. Hmm, we always could make Furs from Foxes, this would be Profitable, ja? On ein Trip I hired member of Hogosha as Scout pilot for way back to Rheinland, one Hogosha transport also accompanied us, we delivered Ship Hull Pannels from Kyushu to Krupp.
Encryption Level:Beta Signal Strength: [||||--] Target: DHC Report Relay System Sender: Hanz Schmidt Location: Stokes Mining Facility, Leeds
Begin Transmission
Mission Log: T-002.DHC-Munich.Log Captain: Hanz Schmidt Date: 06DEC12 Time: 0400 h SMT - 0440 h SMT
Munich, 0400 h
A miner request was sent out via the S.K.Y.P.3 Protocol for an Aluminium miner in the Munich system. The request was responded to by DHC-Ulrich.Algein who was to RV with the DHC-Munich at Raubling Station, Munich. We RV'd and then proceeded in formation to the mining location at which point the hold of the DHC-Munich was filled with Aluminium Ore.
Munich, 0410 h
At this point DHC-Ulrich.Algein was rostered off and as such farewells were given and the journey to sell the cargo was initiated. We prepared for the journey en route to the Frankfurt JG.
Frankfurt, 0413 h
We entered the system and after initial scans revealed no admirable contacts we proceeded onwards to the next JG. No major incursions were had in the system.
New Berlin, 0417 h
Entered the New Berlin system and moved to the next checkpoint without disturbance. The usual Rheinland patrols were out with a RNC Auxiliary Fleet BS Battle-group sighted at Planet New Berlin. No major incursions were had in the system.
Stuttgart, 0422 h
Entered Stuttgart system and scans revealed no contacts. Untrained Red Hessians (//NPC) harassed a lane but were no match for the weaponry of even a transport ship.
Omega-7, 0426 h
Entered Omega-7, scans revealed high activity, of which 9 transponders were picked up in system. An independent IMG craft was spotted transport goods at the halfway mark through the system. No interaction was had.
Omega-3, 0427 h
Entered Omega-3, no problems here, passed through peacefully.
Cambridge, 0430 h
Good to enter safer space again, the sight of the Bretonian BS was calming.
New London, 0435 h
Entered the hub of Bretonia, rather quite around these days since the war with Gallia.
Leeds, 0438 h
The most tense bit of our travels was our entry to Leeds, expecting the worst being on the battle front, being only my second time as captain, the crew was worried to enter. Proved to be misguided worry as the sighting of a Bretonian BS Battle-group proved most re-assuring to me and the crew alike. Wonder if the lack of Gallic forces was luck, or a show of Bretonian efforts.
Leeds, 0440 h
Docked with Stokes and unloaded my cargo of 2960 Aluminium ore - 35.164.800 SC.
Reloaded for Krupp before calling it a day with 1480 Hull panels - 737.040 SC
Summary: Overall a good trek with no incursions worth writing. Total statistics are as follows: Income: 35.164.800 Expenditure: 737.040 Goods Moved: 2960 Aluminium Ore to Stokes Mining Facility Goods in Cargo: 1480 Hull Panels for Krupp Munitions
Encryption Level:Alpha Signal Strength: [||||||] Target: DHC Report Relay System Sender: Hanz Schmidt Location: Raubling Station, Munich
Begin Transmission
Mission Log: T-003.DHC-Munich.Log Captain: Hanz Schmidt Date: 06DEC12 Time: 0717 h SMT - 0747 h SMT
Leeds, 0717 h
Depart with 1480 Ship Hull Panels for Krupp Munitions. Run in with Gallic Cruiser Battle-group caused some distress among crew.
New London, 0720 h
All clear travel through system.
Cambridge, 0724 h
Some poorly trained Corsair fighter groups at both gates, no threat taken, shields too powerful and poor shots.
Omega-3, 0727 h
No incursions.
Omega-7, 0730 h
No incursions.
Stuttgart, 0732 h
No incursions.
New Berlin, 0735 h
Sold Ship Hull Panels to Krupp Munitions.
Bought Consumer Goods from Planet New Berlin to take to Raubling Station.
Frankfurt, 0741 h
No incursions.
Munich, 0744 h
Sold Consumer Goods to Raubling Station.
Mission concluded at 0747 h.
Summary: Overall a good trek with no incursions. Total statistics are as follows: Income: 9.344.720 Expenditure: 837.680 Goods Moved: 1480 Ship Hull Panels to Krupp Munitions #, 2960 Consumer Goods to Raubling Station # Goods in Cargo: n/a
Location: West Rheinland Mining and Operations Supervising Office - Leipzig Station - Dresden System Source: Hanzel Hessler Von Sausageberg. Destination: Board of Directors - The Ring - New Berlin. Subject: Cost of Operations Reduction Proposal.
Guten tag herren members of the board.
Today I'm speaking to you with a request. As you may have noticed, thanks to the amazing maneuver pulled by our Bundestag a few months ago; the hessian numbers have increased, and with that, the number of raids in Dresden system and Omega space. Now, Omega 7 and 11 are pretty much secure with the veteran wings patrolling our space, but the story in Dresden is slightly different. Increased Hessian raids are begining to cause a noticeable decay in the ammount of shipped products to Oder. We are having between 1 and 3 convoy interception weekly, we cannot allow more of that to happen. Speaking with security advisors, it seems that increasing patrol personel would not be allowed; so we have come up with the possibility of reducing operation costs in the station.
A decrease in the operational costs would mean more supplies weekly, more HTAs for Oder shipyard, as we could acquire more transports. I'm leaving this channel open to begin talks on plausible ways to achieve our goal as soon as possible.