Yesterday I've once again completed original FL SP campaign, and, after all, it left me with a couple of unanswered questions. TBH the ending seems quite odd after all. OK, we're gad an artifact purple egg (which is turns to be just a system map with an access code to the Damn Ka'Vosh jump gate) somehow connected with that nomad power cell thingey to make a weapon which shoots a purple beam to the giant nomad city (why do they need a city anyways?) which causes it to open a wormhole which sucks all the nomads in.. and magically rebuilds all the colonies which should be already dusted to ashes by a sector-wide human war and genocide.. So what? Why did nomads disappear? why did that wormhole only soaked nomad ships but no order ones? How did human hosts got rid of their nomad parasites?
The magic of microsoft saying 'cut the story off after the intro, and say its complete'.
commonly held wisdom suggests that the inclusion of 'sirius sector' in the bottom of the map would indicate that other sectors were planned. this, along with a dynamic economy and animated ships, were shelved when microsoft bought digital anvil and said 'release the game now, we're bailing you out, not bankrolling you'