Greetings honorable Elders. You might have already heard of me, my name is Wayne Peyton, I am currently employed by your bounty commission. Recently I caused a massacre in Omega 3 and Cambridge involving a couple of Bowex ships who's crew are now floating in open space among the remains of their ships. That all may sound just fine to you, however, there is a slight problem.... One of 'em I had to do very close to freeport 1. Hopefully them Zoners from inside didn't notice a thing, but just in case, I had to get the frack out of there. Now I'm sitting at freeport 5 in hopes that you get this before those Zoners down here hear about what happened at freeport 1. If that happens I'll have another bunch of pacifists on my ass and a shortage of friendly bases to hide. Therefore I must request permission to dock on corsair bases, namely Cadiz, from where it would be easy for me to stage all my future murderous visits to Bretonia. I expect your reply as soon as possible.
I've never met you nor heard of you but data shows your one of the bounty hunters registered with the corsair bounty board. Killing innnocent traders si? I didn't know we still paid bounties on those... Bit odd... Hitting our own piracy targets... bad for our own business... I'll look into those...
Anyway senor... If you anger the zoners, it is your problem! Don't come knocking on our door if they disallow you to dock on their bases. If you haven't heard, the freeports in southeren sirius have a blanket reputation system so if you happen to break a law at freeport 1 the other ones will not allow you to dock either.
You wan't to dock on cadiz? Does your reputation allow you to do so? If not... I dont see why we allowed you on our Bounty boards..... Figure it out gringo, you seem to be able to think.
Ciao for now,
Ronaldo Benitez
Commandante of the Benitez Familia, elder of the Corsair Empire
There used to be pictures here
once known as Richard Farbridge, OBE and Ronaldo Benitez
Didn't figure you were that welcoming when it comes to strangers, witch is why I asked for permission. But fine, I'll rent me an apartment on Cadiz if it's all the same to you.
I am still alive. Seems those Zoners didn't even see me frying that transport. I'll move just in case.
As for the targets.... you don't seem happy with the disruption of your enemy's economy. Well.... that's just your personal opinion it seems. As far as I am concerned those bounties still stand. Therefore I'll treat any of the bountied shipping companies as fair game until such change.
Thank you for your quick reply and I look forward do doing further.... err..... "business" with ya.
Disruption of our enemies economy is a direct disruption of our own economy senor... A fair part of our populacion makes their living from piracy or the business that follows it si. Hitting piracy targets... makes us ourselves weak. The council of elders will alter it soon enough.
With Regards to Cadiz, keep your head down and don't do anything stupido or the locals will eat you up... I'm serious... they are part of the few that still like human stew.
Ciao for now,
Ronaldo Benitez
There used to be pictures here
once known as Richard Farbridge, OBE and Ronaldo Benitez