Hey guys, so I bought an arrastra ship and placed all mining turrets on it, got full green DSE rep and DSE id and I am trying to mine silver ore in Colorado but it is not dropping any ore at all. I tried earlier today and asked a player tagged [Angel] what was up and he stated that the mining field might've been depleted from being mined too much and that it would refill upon server reset.
So, I logged in 10 minutes after the server reset and flew straight there and it is still not dropping a single ore and I have been mining for 15 minutes now.....
So did the mining fields in Colorado get deactivated? I also tried mining silver ore in Penn but it is waaaaay to slow. Anywa, thanks for any insight into this. For now I will go back to mining in tau-23.
(01-16-2013, 08:30 AM)meoshi Wrote: Are you using mining turrets?
And what ship/id do you have?
As I said in the first post, I am flying an arrastra mining ship with 5 mining turrets. I am Full green rep with DSE and also have DSE Id equipped. Now, from my understanding, DSE get a 5.0 mining bonus from silver ore but the fields in Colorado are not dropping ANYTHING at all. I shot asteroids for 30 minutes just to test and not a single piece of ore dropped.
Wow, that sucks. Guess the DSE mining ship was a waste. Do you have a link to this information by chance? Not doubting your word at all, as the field is obviously not dropping ore but the [Angel] that i talked to about it informed me that it was most likely depleted and I would hope that an [Angel] would know whether or not a field was turned off or not. Anyway, thanks for the replies.