Some of yer people saw me flying aroun' Liberty.
A few days ago I've spoken ta one of yer guys...
Don' remember his name...
I don' even know if he told me...
Anyway, he told me ta speak ta his bosses about such business.
Look, me 'n my crew wanna stay a while aroun'ere and we don' wanna create problems.
We need more homies not more foes.
I know ye ask some credits for every ship...
But I have another deal for ye: fifty dirty millions of credits
monthly in exchange of permission ta dock on yer bases and ta catch some fouls aroun'ere.
Well hey there. I'm Tori.
Since Moka's currently occupied, I'll be dealing with this.
You already spoke to someone about it?
The silly fool didn't tell me about that.
Or maybe he did and I just wasn't listening.
To be fair.... I probably just didn't listen......
I dunno.Neither would suprise me much.
Anyway... Back to the point.
You want to use our bases?
I'm gunna need a bit more information.
Better safe then sory in a world like todays
I'm sure you understand how it is.
What colors are you flying,
How many ships are we talking about
And I'm sure I don't need to ask this but;
Will there be any drama's brought onto our homes?
Oh, also.... What are you intending to do here?
Once I get the answer to these,
And we sort out who you are and what you're up to,
I'm sure we can work something out.
We're a community of independent pirates.
We're following our own code.
I don'now exactly how many we are.
I never count my peeps. We're not so many fo' ta moment.
But fo' sure our pack will grow up fast.
Most of us are flyin' transport ships 'n freighters.
Ye'll see just a few of us in bombers or fighters.
We wanna catch some rich traders aroun'ere.
We'll focus on corporations mostly.
And don'worry, we have some shiny equipment.
When the cops will show up, we'll disappear.
*she smiles*
So they can't follow us 'n they will not know where we're goin'.
We'll need yer bases for resupply and have a place to take a nap.
I don't know how much we can help ye with those militaries pigs.
But we'll give our best.
We should arrange a meeting ta talk face to face.
If ye agree with that, ye should show us where yer bases are.
I've found just one of yer bases 'n I've met nice lads there.
I'm talkin' about the base located in Cortez system.
But there I've found ye have bases in the heart of New York.
If ye're cool with that, maybe ye'll show ta us.
Seems to all be pretty legit as far as that all goes
Ya'll aren't here to cause problems,
and seem to be some of the.....
Well.... Brighter folk I've had to deal with of late.
As far as the military pigs go,
Help where you can is appreciated.
Dont go killin' yourself though.
You're of no help when your dead.
We don't nomally like pirates on our turf
Let-a-lone let them take money from traders there.
Generally tends to.... effect our income.
I'm sure you understand how it is.
But..... I like you, and our folk sound alright.
Since you came to us and made yourself known
And you're willing to contribute a bit to make up for it
I'm sure I can over look that fact.
Since you know where the rock is in Cortez,
Whats say I meet you there? Show you around the place.
But Buffalo makes for a good place to base off,
Alcatraz has an even better bar.
Let me know when suits you for the meeting, I'll be sure to be there.
Let's use a more secured channel.
Those pigs are watching after me.
I really don't want them ta disturb us.
Maybe ye should contact yer Hackers friends?
I've heard they're good with computers.
Or maybe one of my lads could do it.