Ship Title: UMG|DestructiveMiner
Ship Class: Spatial
Pilot Name: Unknown
Liberty Rogues, my future friends,
You probably don't know we are, yet, so let me introduce ourselves. We are the Underground Miners Guild, and we intend to collect ore for those who can't easily obtain it by normal means. We gather for the Junkers, the Zoners, the Pirate Transports of the Liberty Rogues, independent smugglers, and whatever else have you. We would like to construct a base in Humboldt, and here are the terms I would like for the agreement between us concerning it:
What we request:
We request that you do not attack the base or official members of the UMG organization.
What's in it for the Liberty Rogues?
You will have another haven to dock on, as well as to do business on.
As long as the base stands, you can expect an increased amount of haulers coming to the base for ore, and you can pirate them along the way.
We will not allow members of corporate factions such as DSE and IC to use the base for escaping the Liberty Rogues. This will be defined as docking while a rogue is on the scanners after a demand has been previously made. If such occurs, and the Rogues can prove to us who misused the base, we will deny docking access to that person until they have paid the Rogues a fee of 2 million credits plus 25% of the worth of the cargo, or, in the case of an empty cargo, 500 additional credits per space of cargo. This would mean, for example, an empty Stork would have to pay 4,500,000 credits to the Liberty Rogues before we restored their docking access, and a Stork full of Silver Ore would have to pay the Liberty Rogues a fee of 13,000,000 in order to have docking rights restored.
In addition to all of the above conditions, as long as the base stands, we would donate 50,000,000 credits to the Liberty Rogues each month for allowing us to use the beautiful system of Humboldt.
SHIP ID: LR-Armed.Pacifist LOCATION: Humboldt, Fortaleza Base FROM: Clyde Barrow RANK: Underboss SUBJECT: Base construction
Ahoy speaker of the UMG,
I must admit, that I've heard of your group before already. And we're indeed interest in future deals with your kind. Especially if they're that profitable for us as you promise. I agree on your given terms. But before you'll start the construction, I'd like to give you a few hints: Find a well-hidden place for it, keep the supply stocks high, and don't forget to defend it well in case that it'll be found by any lawful forces. I assume that we won't receive its exact location before the stations defense system is finished. That's okay. Of course, the Rogues will help in case of emergency. Though, our numbers are rather limited within Humboldt.
The monthly fee of 50.000.000 SC can be sent to LR-Unnatural.Disaster. I wish you good luck and hope for a good success.
Ship Title: UMG|DestructiveMiner
Ship Class: Spatial
Pilot Name: Unknown
Clyde Barrow, my friend,
My base was immediately attacked by a rogue destroyer who was assisting the gallic junkers. I had enough firepower to kill all of the gallic brigand transports, but the rogue destroyer was too much for me to risk engaging.
I would appreciate it if you would get this message out to the other rogues that they are not supposed to be attacking Underground bases or UMG| members, as were the terms of the agreement. I've already lost two of my men and a lot of resources.
SHIP ID: LR-Armed.Pacifist LOCATION: Humboldt, Fortaleza Base FROM: Clyde Barrow RANK: Underboss SUBJECT: Base construction
Well, haven't I told you to find a secure location for your construction - away from anyone's eyes? However, unfortunately there exist Rogues who give a damn about orders, ya know? Probably none of my trusted men it seems. Since words won't help much, I'll likely have to go there on my own and handle the situation with violence, the only effective way to make people listen, heh. As we speak I'm proceeding to Humboldt now.
Sorry for the confusion earlier, I wasn't informed about the construction of the base, and when the guys got the LNS, LSF to come to help them save the base from being destroyed, I decided to act quickly and attack.
It shan't happen again, and I am looking forward to working with the owners of this new base.
Lythrilux out.
Sorry for the confusion earlier, I wasn't informed about the construction of the base, and when the guys got the LNS, LSF to come to help them save the base from being destroyed, I decided to act quickly and attack.
It shan't happen again, and I am looking forward to working with the owners of this new base.
Lythrilux out.
===End Transmission===
==[Incoming Transmission]==
Ship Title: UMG|DestructiveMiner
Ship Class: Spatial
Pilot Name: Unknown
We had nothing to do with the arriving of liberty officials, but it is fortunate that they did, or the base would have been destroyed by you as you had refused to listen when I told you of the deal that had been made.
Ship Title: UMG|DestructiveMiner
Ship Class: Spatial
Pilot Name: Unknown
Clyde Barrow, my friend,
UMG|SS_Boethia is no longer protected by this agreement. You may engage this, and only this particular UMG tagged ship as it has violated certain terms.
I am sure you had no part in the Liberty navy arriving, but it worries me that they are so easily able to get into Humboldt.
Do you have any future plans of installing weapons platforms in the area? Oh, and I'll happily be a guard of the base when I can.
Ship Title: UMG|DestructiveMiner
Ship Class: Spatial
Pilot Name: Unknown
Clyde Barrow, my friend,
The base was destroyed by a bible-swearing fool who never seemed to understand that it was on his side. I'll try to prepare for a new base, the deal still stands for the rest of this month.