==BIO TYPING, CODE = 7625597484987== Steven Howard is the father of John Howard, retired Universal transport captain. He was born in the 690s in New London. He married Helen Howard in 700 AS, Years later he was convicted of a crime, and spent time in jail until 8 years later. Now, he chose to be a Bounty hunter in 766 AS, and hunting pirates until he got rich. Since anti-aging drugs are common, he has a life exp. of ~1000 years. Eventually he bought an Orca recently in 817 AS, hunting pirates all day for fun. He tried applying for Bounty Hunters Guild membership, but they declined. But he hopes to be one, and he is residing in Liberty, hunting pirates this day. ==Bio done.==
==Continuing...== One day in Planet Manhattan, he met a friend who was piloting a navy ship, she's called Miriam Sanders. Meanwhile, John Howard got a personal Battlecruiser "LNS-Reliant" and hunted down pirates since last 819. But hes tired of CAU6 and needs a better armor, while the Reliant is outfitted with a Capital Armor Upgrade VIII, with neutronium and thorium alloys for better protection. Miriam Sanders became his best friend and often is sub-commander of the Orca class gunboat Howard has. Now in a relationship, he offered some cash, before she was on a poor family. Meanwhile... he had done his favor to her, and while living on Apartment Complex-1298552, he knows from his analytical scanner that Miriam shared blood because her grandfather was mated with them. On a complex, Miriam said, "I am flying a Guardian for hunt against pirates" and Steven had said to her "Well, my friend doesnt have cash for a Gunboat but she will afford in the future.". Well the third part is coming soon as we ravel my best friend. ==Bio done.==
==Continuing...== Texas system. Miriam and Steven were on Miriam's Guardian in fight against a Gaian Gunship that was going to be bountied by Nergal. With Miriam's ship against the gunship were Judge and Nergal's ship. These two did the job. Steven said, "Nice work there bounty hunter, your doing a good job". At the time, previously, there was a raid in Texas, those Rheinlanders. Since Steven is a bounty hunter and he dont want to fight lawfuls, he chose to stay in Manhattan. Miriam and John hopped in battlecruiser "Reliant". Flying through Texas was met in Bering a Rheinland fleet, composed of several battleships, cruisers, gunboats and snubs. The Navy tried its best, but all were lost... except the Reliant and the Phoenix which was in New York. Reliant suffered hull damage but managed to escaped. John said, "Yes, we did it!". In response Miriam said, "Although captain, we suffered hull damage on Decks 1 and 6." Steven, waiting for return of Reliant, cheered saying, "Hello back captains." Then they docked at Newark and had a food replicator there. ==Bio done.==
==Continuing...== LNS-Reliant, Manhattan Area. John and Miriam were on their board, after playing holodeck program "Galaxies". In this, Miriam said, "Let's get me simulating galaxy collisions." Steven was on a pirate hunt, but got none. So he returned to see nomad infested carrier Black Scorpion. Apparently he thinks that carrier got infected on Alaska, so he recounted. So Steven said aboard Reliant, "Black Scorpion is acting weird today, i know the reason, he got infected by nomads." Miriam doesnt believe at first, but eventually says "I dont think thats correct, but we research on that." Meanwhile Galaxy 1 and Galaxy 2 are colliding in the holodeck, T = 1.259 billion. Stepping into the transporter pad is the dining hall, where they ate and watch them collide. John said "Hey, its fun!". We will now explain further. John: "Its getting tired now, but... we'll record video of the simulation that takes time." ==Bio done.==
==Continuing...== Steven was finding a nomad infested carrier Black Scorpion, who appeared in California. Then group of Navy ships and Steven come to California and fought the Black Scorpion, but he jumped. Meanwhile there was Order presence but a police officer told them to leave system or die, they chose not. Steven: "Those 141| are refusing to pay fine and refuse to go." And then they engaged, one 141 was destroyed and the Black Scorpion reappeared again, this time he died. Steven: "Yes, that nomad carrier's down! Good job!" So he was cheering at what the carrier was fell down.
But another 141 escaped so, Steven had said "Why dont you disrupt lane, i noticed he docked on trade lane." and fled. Meanwhile Miriam was on her ship and she said, "Wonder whats here, there was a pirate presence there." But the pirates are gone. ==Bio done.==
==Continuing...== Miriam was going to texas when Nomads appear from California gate, she didnt come. Miriam: "I'm told by Navy to fight Nomad threat in Texas". So she went and attacked the Nomads in Texas. But theres another threat: Reaver attack in West Point. Countless Navy died by them, so she attacked the hostiles and retreated when its becoming too dangerous. Miriam: "Those reavers are getting strong, maybe i come back to Newark". ==Bio done.==
==Continuing...== So, at the Newark Holodeck bar, the trio played galaxy collisions.
Steven was conducting parameter about number of galaxies, found out it took ~1.2491026100973e104 bytes for each. "Newark is surely a luxury place for a holodeck, Miriam and John are watching... they are waiting their turn." Steven said in joy. "Can I be next?", said John. "Well we wait.", said Steven. "I guess after John.", said Miriam.
While numerous simulations take place and the holodeck was running, he watched other holodecks that look like scientific skills. So John went to a computer and typed: 4 tetrated to 4. "Well thats easy, only 8.0723e153 digits, we have advanced computer technology.", John spoke excited. "Printing result: 236102267145...52631392896, time: 0.0001 seconds", the AI said. "Do you want to view full digits? Y/N", AI responded after John told the AI to display full digits. "Yes, computer.", said John. "Look at the huge digits, full of numbers." John said.
As the bar is big, its still lots of holodecks and computers to come. ==Bio done.==
==Continuing...== So, after fighting pirates, he went to Newark's Bar. There he sat at the levi-pad. Asking the AI was some drink. "I am offering a drink of Liberty Ale.", Steven said to the AI. "That would be 1500 credits sir." AI said. "Yes, AI. "gives 1500 credits", Steven paid 1500 credits to AI, which was controlled by the Newark Administrator.
Holding his spherical container, the container opened a small hole for him to drink. So Steven sat at the levi-pad again and had time to chat with other customers.
John was his turn for galaxy holodeck, he set 100 galaxies that look like a cluster. So he set limit at T = 1 trillion years. The simulation ran. "I guess this will form a cluster of galaxies", John mumbled. "That's a fantastic simulation!", Miriam joyfully laughed. "Well if you want to watch, this is real cluster. So the Milky Way and Andromeda collide first." John said.
And so it went. ==Bio done.==
==Continuing...== After the Reliant blew up, John got injured, he flew in an escape pod which reached Newark. The treatment was made through biofilters and mimetic savers that quickly put him back to health. It was a success!
Meanwhile, while Miriam was at the holodeck processing center she thought of one thing she liked. "I'm going to create some galaxies this time!", says Miriam in an excited fashion. "Bla, those Valdorian pests and the Rheinlanders had the allying position...", says John, mumbling. "Well if its true then, maybe you got injured. The Reliant is now reassembling that takes 4 hours.", Steven said. "Let me try a supercluster... yes!", Miriam joyfully said.
And they were all laughing, with the excitement near Liberty's finest bar and a holodeck. Meanwhile while she was doing... something appeared on scanner. It was the newly recovered Reliant, which tried docking with Newark for some part repairs. ==Bio done.==