I'd like to inform you that I will be back in Liberty. I don't know for how long. I won't be building a super secret base this time. But I'd like to do you a few favors. I don't have anything on me, but if you need information gathered or sensitive goods moved just call me.
SHIP ID: LR-Double.Penetration LOCATION: New York, <unknown> FROM: Clyde Barrow RANK: Underboss SUBJECT: Old friendship
Ahoy Denny lad,
nice to see you doin' well. Thanks fo' letting us know. We'll surely drop ya a message if we need somethin' "special". Other than that we'll be looking forward to see you causing trouble and shipping "orange", if that's what you plan to do.
An update. I just did a little digging in one of the back rooms of my Yacht, and I seem to have found the blueprints to my old Hyperbolic Sensor Array. I rebuilt the design while tipsy, and I am now collecting great information. I'd be happy to give you precious data on various individuals, their factions, and their bases. I'll say it's free for now—just promise to repay the favor somehow later.
If you don't mind, I'll carbon-copy this channel to my long-time associate, J. Gats.
SHIP ID: LR-Double.Penetration LOCATION: New York, <unknown> FROM: Clyde Barrow RANK: Underboss SUBJECT: Old friendship
Mhm, informations. Sounds good. Depending on t' value of yer 'informations' I'll judge if it'll be worth being in yer debt. However ya made me curious, so go ahead and send over what ya've got, mate.
I have sent you and the Warlord an encrypted copy of some nice information. I'm more than happy to keep sending info like this. If you give me the names of specific bases, I could also do a number on those. Just let me know what you need.