You are more than welcome to Sigma-13 and GMG space. I wouldn't suggest that you come unarmed though, as we do live in the border worlds after all. Don't hesitate to contact any available Paramilitary pilot if you desire an escort through the system.
Bonjour Guildmaster,
my name is Michel Fournie, Director of Commerce, IDF Shipping.
It is a while since our ships have needed to traverse your space. However, with the new Kusari - Gallia lane system we envisage more trade with some potentially through your systems.
As previous incursions have caused little problem we are hoping the previous cordial situation still applies.
Of course at that time there was little potential for trade with your illustrious Guild, however if the situation has now changed please do not hesitate to as for a trade delegation to visit.
To: Michel Fournie
From: Guild Master Taro Katsuo
Location: Shuri Base, Okinawa
Konnichiwa Fournie-san!
As previously, you and your colleagues are most welcome to traverse our space. Our Paramilitary pilots will be more than willing to escort you through our systems, if you would deem it necessary.
Your invitation for a trade delegation is appealing, I must admit, and we'd like to contact you again if the need arises.