Name: LR-Blood.Thirst
Location (ingame): Humbolt
Time (GMT): 10-15 minites ago
Date: February 21, 2013
Reason: Lost my internet signal for a while. Sorry!
Name: BPA)C.Ins|T.Page[SRD]
Location (ingame): Cambridge, E5
Time (GMT): 16:20 GMT
Date: 22nd February
Reason: As you can ask IMG|, recently my flatmates have forgotten that moving the router around does not make a stable connection for me in my distant room.
Incredible lag/loss on my part at one point so I went off to Cambridge to reboot the game. Came back with the same bots and ammo, and didn't do an awful lot against the remaining Corsairs before the lag came back, with a couple of DCs. I would apologise to the ECG if you'd taken it a bit better.
Name: .:j:.Jhyperion
Location (ingame): Humboldt
Time (GMT):20:06
Date: 23nd February
Reason: Had to disconnect fast fireman where at my home du to a gas leak
Name: [UC]-Chien.d'Attaque
When: Approx 3:56:00 SMT and again 2 minutes later
Reason: Modem reset on me the first time. Logged in and appologised, then got DC'd with no clear reason the 2nd time. >.<
Casual Flier: Returning Player. Forum-PM me if you require my attention