I've just found out I missed addressing one subject many others did, but I still have my opinion about it. And this subject would be your diplomatic skills, most importantly the way you handled the incident with those two Rheinland Cruisers.
You were considered to be hostiles on first sight by 2 Rh cruisers without any prior provocation or anything. What did you do? Declared those two as rogues and that you will fire upon them. WRONG! You are outsiders to the Rh Military, by what right can you declare whether those are rogue cruisers or not? That is up to the Rh Military leadership to decide. What's next? You attack Rh Military ships, whether they just be the two you declared open hostility against or not. Doesn't matter. You have already showed your hostile intentions against Rh Military ships, and if you try to deny this, that will just make you look bad.
Here is how I should have handle it (just not to lack the constructive criticism in this post): My men has been harassed by two Rh Cruisers, they killed a few of us without provocation as well as during an attempt for a diplomatic meeting. The first thing to do is to message as many of the Rh authorities related to the ships in question, meaning making contact with the RM and the BDM (because Gepard belongs to them as far as I know) over the Neural Net. I would resolve the situation via diplomatic talk, try to convince them about our neutrality and show up as such in space too. Best is to avoid in-space encounters while the talks go on over the Neural Net, and approach in space after our neutrality has been approved by official Rh parties. I'd of course report to said parties if any other incidents happen between the cruisers and my guys, but always remain evasive, defensive and neutral in space. No retaliation.
You said you want to unite the four Houses, but you seem to forget that you cannot unite people by force or hostility to answer hostility. You can only do it through well placed words, but it seems you guys still need to learn a few things about how to handle specific situations diplomatically.
Your Roleplay is good enough, I dont see any real problems there.
However, the ingame appearances I saw were nothing but you camping Newark, some of you even being afk for all that time?
Lets take that little stunt I did right now as an example.
I close in with my LR ship, not reaction from the 4 Judge ships there, I have some funny chat with a LN ship at Manhattan, and lead the talk into the direction that Im soon going to shoot you away from Newark, again no reaction from any of you. That whole thing took at least 5 minutes until I closed in and started shooting at your ships. 2 started to move after I threw a Mine right into them, the other 2 just kept sitting there (being afk much?) and ate at least 4 mines each before they died.
Now why am I posting that here?
If you want to be an official faction on this server so one might guess that you would have to play actively instead of just getting your hours by afk-ing right at Newark, dont you think so?
Maybe you could actually do something while being ingame? That would certainly help to improve the gameplay experience for everyone involved.
Let stick a little closer to the facts please Jansen. One Judge and I setup above and away from Newark while you manuvered near the Detroit trade ring. Yes, two Judges were asleep at the switch and your attack on them was highly successful. Congratulations on your consumate skill. You then killed another Judge and later myself in combat. In fairness, you have some skill and it is no shame to be killed by a better pilot, even under a 66% lag.
What is a shame is to have an LN vessel sitting there watching after a verbal joust with you, like he was a best bud or something. I never understood LN RP, but thought the protection of civilian ships in New York was a part of it or something. Good to know better I suppose.
Anyway, well fought Jansen. Perhaps a rematch when things are not so laggy
As far as I remember the situation that LN was in a transport vessel, so it would likely have died at first if it would have done anything, but talking, there.
But still, you people should never ever leave ships in space while being afk. I hope you realize that now.
I will however look forward to a fight that doesnt have to involve such cheap kills for me.
(03-18-2013, 06:33 PM)Judge Logan Wrote: What is a shame is to have an LN vessel sitting there watching after a verbal joust with you, like he was a best bud or something. I never understood LN RP, but thought the protection of civilian ships in New York was a part of it or something. Good to know better I suppose.
We do protect those who need it. However, given there were four of you in AU 8 Eagles with CODENAME weapons, and I in my little Grizzly, I saw no reason to join in on the matter. I'm glad you enjoyed the verbal jousting you read after you died. Perhaps if you'd read it while it was happening you'd have been a little more ready to deal with the attack. And really, isn't that the crux of the issue? Five minutes of warning that you were going to be attacked, and not one of you were there to make use of it until your two AFKers were wasted. Which speaks volumes to what Jansen is pointing out about your ingame presence. You actually, you know, need to be present or stuff like this will happen.
Speaking of your ingame presence, I asked a question several pages back about what you were trying to be here. I would appreciate an answer, if only in that it stimulates the conversation amongst your own group and that it help clarifies how we the community should work to engage with you in RP.
I happened to be there for that event, where two of your AFK members where hysterically removed from space. So far the judges have quite the reputation for going AFK in space, not really the rep I would want to portray for my faction if I was running one. Kinda makes me curious how much of the logged hours Judge's have that is afk, anyway.
The RP did go on for literally 5 minutes, where the rogue kept mentioning he was going to attack you all, but you did nothing until the two sleeping guys where blown to bits, and you almost as well. The two LN ships that where there, where indeed in just transports, so how could they have really helped, other then to be blown up and be useless?
Really your defense here should have been "Yeah, we weren't doing the right thing, we won't do it again." instead of defending yourself and trying to make others look like the bad person, for your own mistakes.
I haven't commented much on Judges, but from what I see I'll comment on. I'm sure it's nothing you haven't heard before, and it seems as though it just either isn't getting through or none of you care about it.
The background is well thought out and I applaud that, but it's really just trying too hard I believe to fit disco around what you want. That's the improper way to go about things, in my opinion. It should be vice versa, merging your faction around the lore. Not randomly splicing it in to give yourselves tons of relations with Sirius as a whole that have, simply put, never even existed. Try coming in as what you really are, a new group. Play the diplomat, you'll certainly need to since not everyone will comply with your idea of what the Judges' role should be.
And now, the dreaded in-game comments.. You were notorious for newark camping when the group sprang up from what I remember, and I haven't seen anything different. I asked a Judge for assistance with a couple rogues, it took five minutes to get a response and then it was "I don't feel like it, sorry." or something similar to that. I don't remember the exact wording, but this isn't a good presence at all.
It's like the majority of you believe that hours are key to getting official status, and that isn't the case at all. I can hop on my eagle and hover outside Ouray all day every day, it won't make my faction any better. It'll do quite the opposite, actually. As is, Judges are less so Judges and more so the fat mall cops that stuff donuts down their throats and watch some kid shoplift, too lazy or not paying attention enough to do anything about it.
Sirius wide "Everyone loves me!" relations are extremely hard to pull off, especially as a military corporation. BHG aren't welcome in Kusari, and they have been here a lot longer than you both lore-wise and server-wise. And in addition, they have a better presence in-game. I get good RP out of them whenever I run into them and whenever I fly with them, yet they don't have uber relations where everyone loves them and permits them to do what they want. So why should the Judges be any different?
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(04-04-2013, 09:46 AM)Evo Wrote: Try coming in as what you really are, a new group.
I'm just going to second this once more, as I really think this is the best way to set up your faction. I think retconning should be avoided if possible, and well.. For all intents and purposes, it is possible.
Another interesting fact is that your ingame behavior is nothing like the behavior I'd expect after reading your lore. Your in-game attitude most certainly isn't one of a military, ex-military or even paramilitary organization.
Quite often, five or so of you remain parked on Newark while New York's being overrun by unlawfuls - or, more recently, docking on Newark at the sight of something that may attack you. As Freelancers, nothing is stopping you from either making use of the bounty boards you have managed to sign up for, or simply offering your aid to the lawfuls nearby - for a price. Being outnumbered, it'd be unlikely they'd refuse your help.
Frankly, you seem to think that until you get official status, you should park on Newark to accumulate activity time. Then, after you get your status, you'll suddenly go around and act the way your lore would dictate?
Maybe you should consider talking to the factions whose lore you're trying to alter - the Liberty Navy, who you apparently are a predecessor of. Ageira, whose technology you allegedly safeguarded (although this one's hard as they're not an official faction at this point). And, given the Sirius-wide relations you claim to have: pretty much every other military organization or security force.
Nothing's stopping you from actually "playing out" your lore.
Finally I saw you guys doing something else than sitting on Newark all day.
Ganking single ships, not even half of your folks giving engagement notices.
You've done a great job, maintaining your so called neutrality. And of course your honor, justice, and whatever. I really feel like fighting honorable folks when I have ten of them on my lonely ass.
'Nother experience for you folks, with a Judge Leam or some sort.
Giant fight between LPI, BH's being GROSSLY outnumbered by rogues, pirates, etc mostly bombers.
Judge shows up in a fighter, simply says "I'll just be leaving" or something similar, turns around and runs away. Only comes back 15 minutes or so later with a giant group of ships after an LPI- fetched them, and then the majority of the fighting was done. To give you an outline of exactly what happened.. Two LPI officers, and we all know how corrupt and unwilling to throw themselves into danger they are, engaged a group of rogues while a Judge who's characteristics are described as "Honor, duty, justice" turned and ran.
I'd suggest fixing the image you're setting yourselves, gave a name so you may do what you will.
EDIT: Also, should I simply stop posting here? I see it looks like nobody from the Judges is reading this or at least doesn't feel like replying. If the case is you simply still "don't care" I'd suggest posting that here.