Itabashi station is in flames tonight as a mysterious assailant has begun a reign of terror upon New Tokyo orbit! The perpetrator, known only as "Ame-chan", arrived and immediately began setting fires and wreaking havoc, with Naval and Police forces powerless to stop her!
The flames have been extinguished by emergency responders, but casualties appear to be high, and repairs are underway. The police have yet to comment on the matter, as their investigation is proceeding.
From what we know of the perpetrator, 'Ame-chan' was former CEO of Renzu Corporation, and once a courtesan of the old Emperor Kogen, and once ruled New Tokyo orbit with an iron fist. Revered and rightly feared by all.
However, Ame has since disappeared, with many prophecising her return. Could this prophecy be coming to pass? Has the fallen goddess returned? Join us at Eleven for an in-depth interview with experts and policy makers.