Name: Wantannabe
Location: Leeds
Server time: Well, it happened 3 times in a row so, don't really know (last one 2mins ago)
Reason: Router is messing with me.
Name: BHG|Lux.Ryder
Location (ingame): D3, California
Time (GMT): 11:10
Date: 04.04.13
Reason: Dad got mad, and wanted me to go bed asap. So he forcefully cut my Internet mid play. How cruel.
Name: WHB|Aleister.Corke
Location (ingame): Omicron Zeta , at the Order/Nomad/Core event
Time (GMT): approximately 20:00 GMT
Date: 5 april 2013
Reason: Had to f1 due to RL reasons. Couldn't neglect them. My excuses to everyone.
(08-10-2015, 07:03 PM)Antonio- Wrote: King Eduard is the greatest
Name: CFH-The.Pantera
Location (ingame): Cali JG in NY
Time (GMT): Now
Date: today
Reason: I dont know what happened, my screen just minimised and crashed