COMM ID:Vice Admiral Alan Polstari TARGET ID:[ALG] Headquarters; CC: Primary Fleet Command HQ SUBJECT:Zone 21 Incursion ENCRYPTION:High PRIORITY:High
Greetings, gentlemen.
I am most disappointed with you at the moment. I'm not certain what your hiring process is like, but the captain of the vessel tagged [ALG]-TGS-Bornsen[R] is not making me confident in the ability of your corporation do its job without incident. We picked up sensor pings of this vessel yesterday operating in the Omicron Minor system, and the next thing I see is it coming out of Zone 21. How it survived the journey is unknown to me, and given we slagged the vessel for security purposes that probably isn't going to change. We retrieved the crew and its captain for debriefing aboard the Battleship Missouri. I want an immediate answer as to why I shouldn't have this man and his crew charged with attempted espionage and executed for being spies. I'm attaching the relevant evidence below, as well as a statement he released to us.
Guten Abend Vizeadmiral Polstari. I've been away from the usual business attending to some local matters on the planets and I come back to see this on my desk. While I can understand you're upset, I would ask you be a little less... insulting? of my corporation.
However that is beside the point. I honestly have no idea who the Bornsen is. As far as I can tell that name isn't even registered in our database. While I dislike the constant warfare between our nations and the undue amount of bloodshed it causes, I will have to tell you that ALG has no association with such a man. Considering what will likely come of such a statement I would kindly ask for the name of the condemned so I may send his family my deepest condolences.
COMM ID:Vice Admiral Alan Polstari TARGET ID:Frederik Von Kleinz SUBJECT:Zone 21 Incursion ENCRYPTION:High PRIORITY:High
Greetings, sir.
I apologize for the delay in responding to you, but things have been a bit hectic with certain security issues we've had to deal with. Speaking of, when it comes to the security of our House, I tend to take a strong tone on the matter. While on reflection I would reword my previous message were I able, such things are beyond us right now.
What's not beyond us is the matter of this vessel. I am deeply disturbed that you have no records on this vessel operating for your company. The captain of the shuttle claims to be called Fins. That's about all we've really managed to verify, aside from confirming toxocology reports that he and his crew were suffering from acute poisoning induced by exposure to Toxic Waste. Our agents are still in the process of determing what, if any, memories they retain from their errant journey. It may be that if we can guarantee that they heard nothing, saw nothing, and know nothing, that we can return them to you for prosecution under your own laws. I can only imagine the list of crimes you'd like to charge them with. We will of course require that no member of this vessel's crew ever return to Liberty space, regardless of the outcome of their trial.
I hope that we can resolve this quickly and put it all behind us, Herr Kleinz.
I can understand the delay and I accept the apology. If the captain was merely delirious from toxic inhalation then that sets a very bad precedent for his work. If he still remains working at ALG after this little incident he will have to go through basic material handling before he comes close to touching toxic waste.
If your government is willing to return the piloten to us I can assure you that, at the very least, they will suffer internal sanctions from my corporation. For their sake I hope they do not spur the wrath of the Rheinland government. Hopefully we can conclude this matter without the loss of life.
COMM ID:Vice Admiral Alan Polstari TARGET ID:Frederik Von Kleinz SUBJECT:Zone 21 Incursion ENCRYPTION:High PRIORITY:High
Greetings, Herr Kleinz.
After much consideration, and taking into account your own statements disavowing the vessel and crew in question, we are detaining the suspects indefinitely for further questioning. They'll be handed over to the relevant department shortly. I apologize for necessity of this, but security concerns prevail. Please take this as an opportunity to reinforce amongst your employees the limitations that ALG is subject to while operating within Liberty space. I have no wish to see such an incident occur again.
.....Greetings, Vice Admiral Alan Polstari. My name is Ian Zerg. I am an Executive of ALG Waste Disposal.
It is unfortunate that those from Bornsen are detained indefinitely, und i am sad to hear it: this is indeed a personal tragedy for people und families directly involved. This said, it is ethically difficult to discuss details which i am here to discuss - but it must be done. *pause*
As pointed out above by ALG Chief Executive Officer herr Frederick von Kleinz, there is no "Bornsen" in our database. Furthermore, you yourself, Admiral, present disavowing of the vessel and crew in question, done by ALG, as one of significant reasons for indefinite detaining of the crew und the captain of the freighter Bornsen.
As such, it seems to me that both sides of this ongoing official notes' exchange do agree that said vessel, crew und captain are nothing more than a private vessel und a group of individuals, neither of which ALG corporation can be responsible for.
Yet while de-facto confirming, in your last message, that you currently consider the vessel, its crew und its captain not being property / employees of ALG waste disposal, you, in the same time, ask us to take this case as an opportunity to improve our internal practices und employee training. This is not logical, Admiral. It's either one or another. Not both. In other words, either ALG is not responsible for this case, und then there is no reason to advice us to improve the training program of our captains, - or ALG is responsible, but then there is no way to use captain Fins' independance as one of reasons to detain him indefinitely.
Since it is the former case both sides here apparently agree with, und since it is again the former case based on which you take the action of indefinite detainment of said captain und crew, Admiral - i must state the following:
ALG Waste Disposal hereby expresses official note of protest to the statement made above, which may be interpreted as an attempt of placing significant, even if not formal, responsibility in here discussed case of Zone 21 Incursion to ALG Waste Disposal, namely, quote: "Please take this as an opportunity to reinforce amongst your employees the limitations that ALG is subject to while operating within Liberty space". ALG Waste Disposal does not bear any responsibility for this case of Zone 21 Incursion, which is now rather obvious due to lack of any hard evidence to the contrary, despite nearly a month of Liberty Navy investigation of the case. Therefore, we ask Liberty Navy to make no further statements which could in any way hint or state that ALG Waste Disposal corporation is in any way responsible for hereby discussed Zone 21 Incursion.
In the same time, we still want to believe in your best intentions, Admiral. This case indeed demonstrated very well how important it is for our employees to be very well informed about, as well as very completely following all applicable parts of, the Laws of Liberty. Just like you, we have no wish to see an incident like this one to ever happen with one of ALG pilots. In the same time, the fact of life is that no matter very best possible training und "reinforcement" we can practice - there is always a chance, if very small, that once in a few months or years something will go wrong, be it a result of extremely rare combination of circumstances, or individual pilot ill will, or some force major, which noone and no company can be held responsible about. This stands true for any company und even any armed forces too, even if to a smaller degree - so we hope you have an understanding of what we mean here from your personal, no doubt vast, experience.
.....Ian B.E. Zerg,
.....Auf Wiederhören.
Do you see the groundhog there? No? Me neither. But, it's there nonetheless.