From: "Roxanne"
To: Mactan Base managers - Lane Hackers
Encryption level: ||||||||||
Greetings sirs,
My name is Roxanne, I'm a businesswoman in the sector of... well you know, what the authorities tends to describe as a black market comodities and such. *shakes head* Certainly you don't know me, but i guess that is part of my job *smiles*
After closing a deal at Freeport 4 I found a man, who's name I prefer to keep in secrecy, that told me about a fantastic "shipping platform" somewhere in Magellan, a platform that it's presence still haven't been noticed by the local authorities. I wasn't uneable to find that "sanctuary" but I'm sending this transmission to the direction where the base should be acording to the man's information. I really hope anyone there gets the signal, let's hope it!
Why I'm interested in your platform? Easy enough. To do some business, really good ones. Basically we are in search of a safe place to keep two of our floating depots to stock good stuff imported from Liberty and exported from Bretonia too. I know, I know... One doesn't reveal it's position simply with a what it seams a "friendly" propoasal, so I'm just expecting you to send me a transmission, to meet somewhere and talk about business.
It's satisfying to hear that you, and your acquintances, are interested in establishing the dealing of business between our two parties. The Lane Hackers are openminded in these kind of cases. However, I must ask you a few things first before we start closing any deals.
As you may be aware, there are some that don't like us, mildly put. These groups regularly try their hardest at infiltrating both our ranks and hideouts in order to gather intelligence which, in the wrong hands, could harm us. I therefore ask for you to prove you are not one of these kind of snollygosters. Surely, a true businesswoman who is capable enough to not get captured by the law, while operating in the black market, should be resourceful enough to prove this to us.
Secondly, you are right to assume that we won't simply give you a free pass to Mactan after receiving a few words of flattery and apparent eagerness to bond as a group. What can you give us in return, and in the case of that being business, what kind of business exactly?
You may elaborate on these points in your reply. However, if you prefer to stage a meeting with one of our operatives, specify so, so we can come to a time and place agreement for this.
From: "Roxanne"
To: Mactan Base managers - Lane Hackers
Encryption level: ||||||||||
Apreciated Sir,
First of all tanks for your fast reply, I guess that i'll have to give a promotion to the informatic team who managed to send the transmission in the right direction. Seems that, afterall, we will be able to open a new market around Independent worlds.
Grabs some papers with a few notes and then continues
So... getting straight to the matter we have in hands, i have to say the following;
We have our own business in mind, basically importing stuff from Liberty as I told in the earlier transmission, but, and here comes your benefit, we could delivery an extra floating depot for your needs. I'm thinking of buying, in echage of your hangar expenses, some of the commodities you take from the lanes. I heard that your boys can clean a train at the lanes in less than 5 minutes. Not a piece of cake and an enjoyable task. Aditionally to this we are open to other demands such as getting "good stuff" from Bretonia to Mactan, I'm talking of souvenirs and fireworks for parties in this case.
As for the trust us question i think i have a more than acceptable solution, seeing as you have one of the best hackers in Sirius;
I will accept to install a single tracking device in all the freighters that dock at Mactan, like this you will have an up to date position of the vessels i dispose and a log of any transmission done inside the ship. I'm sure that your devices are so far better than our ones, so i'll let you install and/or bring to us such tracking thingies.
Said that, i think that we could meet at Freeport 4, i'll bring my own freighter. Like this we can arrange the minor details, as you may know the minor details are the most important details. Freighter Callsing: [*O]-Screw.Box
PD: Oh by the way, Perhaps you could find interesting some acutions at the Brixton market. Don't worry, the security level is "enough" to declare furniture when you are delivering Furniture
Best regards, "Roxanne"
// That also will let know to the police players if the pirated cargo comes from unlawful origin;
499 cargo + 1 counerfit software = Previously cargo pirated stuff
... if they manage to get us *cough*
I'm impressed by what seems to be quite the preparations you made before you decided to contact us. It goes without saying this will count up in your benefit.
First things first, our quarters at Mactan are in no need of any weaponry, amunition or explosives. The good news, however, is that these commodities get shipped to one of our other installations. For now, I will keep its whereabouts and name a secret, at least until the meeting has took place. Consider me on my way to Freeport 4 for this already.
As for what you like to call "souvenirs", this is a slightly more complicated matter, and I suggest you keep them out of systems where we have any influence entirely. I will elaborate more on this person.
It usually takes a lot of convincing to have tracking devices installed on one's ship with consent. The fact you proposed this in the first place does make me believe you are as resourceful as you make out to be. However, it's something I'd like to see in practice as well.
If you have any objections, I will see you at Freeport 4 shortly.
From: "Roxanne"
To: Mactan Base managers - Lane Hackers
Encryption level: ||||||||||
Apreciated Sir,
I'm sending this transmission just to let you kow that we had put in auction those tracking devices we have to install in our vessels docking at your base. Note that in order to cover the operation a the eyes of the authorities we have changed the package name. If you're still interested to deliver your own tracking devices, just drop a bet at the Market.
► Link to the Brixton auctions ► Link to the offer
Additionally to this, and seeing that this frequency seems secure enough we will turn this channel into our main way to contact you, unless you have any inconvenience.
I think it's all for now, expect the arrival of our first floating depot soon.
I am happy to inform you that today Mr Orlov and I brought you the devices you asked for. They were transferred to your floating depot at Mactan. We hope that this is the beginning of a mutually beneficial partnership. We also noticed that you have developed interest in high technology and have something that might also interest you. I am speaking of holo- and hypnotainment bands upgraded with our software. If you can find a proper market for them in Bretonia, we would gladly use your distribution network. Tell me what do you think about it.