Dirk was almost sleeping in his chair. Diplomacy was never something that interested him much, but after what had happened so far he knew why Christian had picked him. After all, he was one of the few senior Phoenix officers who had served in an actual military force. What had preceded here was so unlike what he had expected and assumed about Zoners, that it almost made this whole.... 'Circle Jerk' as they called it back in his old LNS days worth bearing. Almost. Maybe I'm the only one who see's this but these talks are going nowhere. They could hold us hostage, Hell they can shoot us in the back of the head and it won't change a thing.' Somehow that did not even seem that bad anymore, at least he could get a little shuteye. There were 3 of them now all making, what seemed to him at least, the same argument over and over. This was not going anywhere at all. In fact in Dirk's opinion they had really shot themselves in the foot. Even he knew you never get very far pulling weapons on people, unless you wanted to rob them or strike some kind of intimidation. And the TAZ were not going to accomplish either of those as long as Dirk still drew breath. With that option now out of the way, they seemed to want to filibuster and bore them to death instead. The name Doc Holliday was mentioned, and that perked his attention a little. He had a name well known by just about everyone in Sirius, and he might be making a visit to our little meeting. Finally a real surprise. Dirk thought with anticipation. Just then, Dirk's mobile communicator gave a hum, it was vibrating. This device allowed him to receive any communications sent to his ship while he was out of it, very handy. Dirk noticed that nobody was even paying attention to him, all still bleating about Gallia this and give me that, so he put the Mic/Headphone device in his ear and answered in a low tone. 'Dirk here' he almost wispered. 'Dirk its Burton, what the hells going on? You were supposed to have left almost 2 cycles ago, Report!''Aw hell this should be fun' Dirk mused. 'Well Sir, the talks have not ended yet we have not been permitted to leave.' 'PERMITTED?' Christian yelled 'What the hell did they do put a gun to your head?' 'Well actually...' Dirk paused for a moment, the other delegates had overheard Christians yelling and now were all looking at him. 'They want us to wait for another delegate, Doc Holliday.' Silence from the other side, and then 'You know my position on this matter Dirk, they could march the General Minister of all space out there and it changes nothing. Still, it would be rude to walk out on such a high profile meeting. Not many can say they've met the esteemed Doc, and you would be missing a great opportunity. However, you and Quiron are needed back in the Omicrons immediately. There has been many happenings in the last few cycles, and I need my staff here now! This has gone on for too long already. You may wait for Mr. Holliday but you are ordered to leave immediately after. I don't care if they put a gun to your head, as long as you have stated our position on this matter you need to leave. Is that clear Commander?' Dirk smiled at this. 'Perfectly sir.' 'Good to hear. Burton out.' Quiron looked over at Dirk. 'That was Burton, he wants to know why its taking so long to give over a simple no' Quiron Grinned, and Dirk looked to the 3 puzzled TAZ faces. 'We will wait for Mr. Holliday esteemed representatives. But then we are leaving, in fact I don't even think we can wait for a complete cycle at this point. You want to talk about your problems? Well we have plenty at home that require our attention as well, and we will be leaving very shortly. You can take it to the bank that there is nothing you can say,' Dirks gaze shifted to Brittonas, 'or do that will change Burtons mind. Period. You can try and take it out on me and Quiron all you want but as far as our leadership is concerned the matter is settled and final. So if you will please present Mr. Holliday it would be most beneficial. However if he cannot make it soon, I am afraid we will be leaving you. And pointing more guns or even trying to take us hostage will change nothing.'
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Finally, Doc entered the room dressed in his full robes. Being that he was literally walking in on some proceedings with no briefing or knowledge, he went close to where the guests were.
"To whom do I owe the honor?" he asked, looking for someone to exchange a handshake with, "and please, someone fill me in on what's going on so that I don't sound like a fool and of course, how may I be of assistance?"
Quiron turned to the famous newcomer. "Mr. Holliday, it is an honor to meet you personally." he reached out his hand to recieve the handshake. "I am Quiron Lacroix and this Dirk Danger. We are representing the Phoenix upon the request of your organization according to the Leviathan class warship. It seems we have a long dispute here about the mentioned vessel due to our different views and I must admit, the talks are stucked. I would like to let some of the present Popes sum up this discussion so far, if you don't mind."
"Kallisti Dr John Henry Holliday, as Quiron did meantion we had a discussion about the Levithian class warship. Some of the statements of the Phoenix where that it would be too dangerous to reproduce it. Even if we would be able to make a second one. I gave several arguments, yet the answer was as usuall no. In my view the conversation is almost done, yet i am curious how you look at the situation."
He looked with his left eye towards Quiron. He looked a littlebit uncomfortable, yet he nor his compagnion did notice he did take a look at Quiron.
"There are several things which concearns me the most in this matter. As there is only one Levithian class warship. One of it is the fact they failed in my view for hiding the ship. They showed it to the Order and i doubt that Phoenix didn't help the Order along with it. I did hear one of their objectives of the Phoenix was. And i quote 'Protect humanity against the nomad threat. The Order have been a stalwart ally against the nomads for many years, we will support them as best we can.' I really believe they did help the Order with knowledge which they did gain from the Levithian from their base within Zeta. So I think it might be better if we decide not to reproduce it. They had some valid points about its danger, yet i do disagree with them. But they deny us the full schematics anyways, so maybe we could research it like they are doing? I guess for that we better ask Elisabeth Tate as she is the owner of the Levithian."
He takes a look a Pope Brettonias and resumes.
"Not to meantion that i question their relations with the Gauls. I have the strong feeling they ally with em. And who knows even secretly pass hidden information. I am sorry Quiron, but i really have these feelings myself at this time. I hope both you and Quiron can understand and I hope that our beloved John Henry Holliday could bring a more clear view on this matter. Instead of a feud between both of our flocks. I hope it will never come to that as it would bring only hate and destruction by our own."
he sighs for a moment and takes from his right pocket a box of cigars with a lighter. "I will take a smoke Theodore. I hope you don't have smoke detectors in here." and looks above if he sees any smoke detectors, but he couldn't see any so he lighted his cigar. "Anyone else wants one?"
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Theo had recieved Doc Holliday and directed to the conference room. Now that the man was here, he could rest among the peace of the biodome. He walked through the trees and searched for the bench where he had left that woman sleeping. She was still there. He sat, stretched his legs and whispered before falling asleep.
While listening to Eric, Quiron watched the floor. Some of the Pope's statement made him shaking his head. "Mr. Stone. First of all, thank you for the summary. Although some of your sentences do disturb me.
He turned to Eric. "I think I may said you before at this very place that the vessel was already well-known in the ranks of the Order when it was placed into our custody, yet you still declare it as a major sin of the Phoenix exposing the mentioned vessel to them. That makes me think that you call the two of us liars or you didn't even listen to our argues. I hope I don't have to believe in the previous occasion, as we never ever gave you the reason to think this way." he made a little pause and turned to the window to see the space of Baffin. "But, considering further my latter statement something whispers within me that you may ignored other of our argues, and to tell you the truth, I wouldn't like to fight against a windmill. It is just like talking to a wall." he turned back to Eric. "And declaring us as the allies of the Gauls, simply nonsense and outrageous. I'm not obliged to explain myself for false accusations."
As he finished he turned to Doc Holliday. "Mr. Holliday, our main concerns about the TAZ having a Leviathan class warship is the geographic location of your home. Baffin is one of the highways of Sirius, bordering four Houses. Such a unique ship can easily draw unwanted eyes and our fear is that it may cause unforseen consequences, and not only for us or the TAZ, but to the whole Zoner movement. About the rest, your fellow associate summed up the situation well, I wonder if you have any questions about this case, I'm all ears." he bowed politely and waited.
'I would like at add something as well, sir' Said Dirk. 'The biggest reason I am against this at the moment is because of the aggressive tactics and overall gross ambition of some of your representatives here. Sir, I come from the Planet of Houston. It is a place where strong arm tactics and the use of fear and intimidation are common place. Now I haven't been a Zoner for my entire life like some of you gentlemen, but when I joined it was with the belief that there is always a better way to do things. Being a former Naval pilot, I know first hand that Defense is paramount and should not be put put to the side or forgotten. That being said, from what I've seen so far especially from a certain Pope, I have extreme doubts that this ship will actually be used for defense at all. So far in these proceedings, I believe I have now seen the true 'colors' so to speak of some of your leaders and I don't like what I've seen. The only rational mind I've seen so far is good Theo, who I doubt wants anything more to do with this meeting anymore. Personally, I think this whole conference has been a dark stain on the robes of us all and I am sincerely embarrassed to have been a part of it. I don't know why some of your delegates seem hell bent to start conflict with other Zoners, but after what I've seen so far, it would be foolhardy of us to give such a powerful weapon over to people who are so quick to use intimidation against their own allies, let alone anyone who is not.'
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Doc seemed to lose himself, studying the back log of the meeting and some diagrams and lay-outs of a Leviathon class warship. He was awe inspired by what he read and saw. Hearing the tense line of talk, he lightly smiled and put his arms out.
"Gentlemen," he said with confidence before putting his hands together before him, "let us relax a bit."
He then approached Quiron, "If anyone accused you of being an ally of the Gauls, it didn't come from my office. I know little of the Pheonix."
Doc then turned in the general direction of the TAZ delegation with a stern face. While he was saying it to Quiron, he directed it to his own, "And anyone who wishes to accuse had better be in my office with proof first!"
He again turned to Quiron, "Right now, that warship wouldn't draw the attention then Malaclypse Freeport already has. I understand why it is being sought. That base was built after two Outcasts used two Corvos in piracy against even us. We've had a lot of piracy going on in Baffin and as you know, it's illegal here. I didn't want to secure the system as we have but we had little choice. It has done a fine job of it and the administrator has done a fine job of keeping things in order there."
Doc then began to slowly walk side by side with Quiron, his hands behind his back, "As to the Leviathon. I still haven't weighed in on it. Know this though. I have tried numerous times now to hold talks with the Gallic Royals. Mostly I am met with threats. I see passing Zoner transports with damage from Gallic patrols or worse, their cargoes taken in name of the King. Did you know that Prince DeFrance just left in the middle of our talks? Now I'm not waging a war with them but it's my belief and the belief of others that the Baffin Superhighway is of strategic value to them. Why? It puts there ships on the Eastern border of Bretonia and it the border with Liberty in a lightly patrolled Cortez system."
He tried to re-assure Quiron, "I have to learn more of this ship. It could make a good Med.Force ship based on it's parameters. Know this, it won't be an offensive weapon, not while I'm administrator. Defensive? As I said, I have much to learn of it."
"I truly understand your situation with the Gauls" he started with a noticable sigh, "one of the hardest things in life when you try to resolve problems with talks but the opposite parties put their fingers in their ears. We have to bear the same difficulties due to certain threats in the Omicrons..." he spaced out a bit. "But our transports usually pay a lot more than their vital supplies."
Quiron turned to Doc Holliday. "As I am a Gran Canarian born man, I have heard a lot about your humanitarian activities Sirius-wide and I highly respect you for it. Your reputation assures me that the vessel in question wouldn't be abused. But despite all of your goodwill, serious problems can occur." he stopped a bit for considering his speak. "My fear comes from the thought that Gallia may will learn about the Leviathan's existence and infiltrate in your ranks to steal the technology. Or simply come and take it by brutal force. My whole body starts shaking come to think of they are holding such a war machine."
He turned to the window to see the space. "And as I said to your associates before, the Royalists are not the only one, who concerns us. Far be it from me to judge your allies as I don't know them well enough, but greediness or despair can change the greatest men or women from the basics. Also, I think that not a single Zoner will be in safe if the existence of the ship be revealed. Our ill-wishers may overthink that we have other warships and technologies and the witch hunt would begin against our kind. I have already experienced being on the wrong side of the gun and I would like to avoid it as much as I can."
Quiron turned back Doc. "Mr. Holliday, my conclusion about this complex matter is that we, the Zoners could loss far much more than we may gain. I feel it too risky to put that vessel into Baffin. As such a ship is being under our custody, we have to hold responsibility for the whole Zoner community. I truly sympathize with you according to Gallia and if I listen to my heart, I would made my recommendations to our leadership to give you a green light, but we should keep ourselves rational and cool headed."