i have a little problem,i buy a cloaking device MKII advance on the forum.
did the exchange in conn as usual whit a storta,now i cannot unmont it
i dont know what to do...i dont have a base and dont know any base owner
anymore....someone have any tought to help me?
Last time I read this issue, it was because your ship doesn't have the necessary cargo space to have two unmounted items with high capacity. So from what I remember them saying is to NPC vendor one of the items, mount the other item, then buy back the item from the NPC's. Just make sure you DO NOT undock before you have both items again. If this is incorrect then please let me know, don't want to give wrong advice.
EDIT: Don't sell to NPC's, below post explains it.
Well, when your unmounting Cloaks, Dockign Modules, Hyperspace Scanners, Jump Drives, it needs double the cargo. IF you have both thins mounted, and just they take up all of it, then I have no idea. Maybe try asking a ADMIN to unmount it for you.
(04-28-2013, 07:53 AM)Tel-Aviv Wrote: The only way to unmount it is to sell it on a player base ( not npc ) and buy it again for 1 credit. If you are close to Omicron 74 , I will help you.
I would like to thank all the poeple who try to help me!!
finally Tel-Aviv came whit the solution to my little problem!