(04-28-2013, 12:17 AM)Bob_Chickman Wrote: Oh, and the player base status...Do you know where I can get that, I've lost ours.
On a side note, Where is the new character file, to adjust starting credits and faction reps?
Player base stats is configed in the base config file
And the new character file ur talking about is in the exe folder it should be mnewcharacter theres also a normal newcharacter file which is for SP u need to edit the second one ^_^ email me or skype me if u have any other questions
[img][/img] Leader of the Atlantian Empire Military Force|AEFLSM -Greetings-|USS. Mining Industries
It might help to check out your FLHook logfiles, see if there's anything relating to the base.dll plugin. If that one fails or isn't loaded, the player bases will not appear.
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.
(04-29-2013, 08:01 AM)AeternusDoleo Wrote: It might help to check out your FLHook logfiles, see if there's anything relating to the base.dll plugin. If that one fails or isn't loaded, the player bases will not appear.
Thanks for the reply, but the base file is loading fine. Plus, as stated before, some player bases load while others do not. We just purchased a new VPS and will be moving again soon, I'm sure Starworlds himself will be contacting Cannon soon to switch our IP. Hopefully with a "Genuine" windows, things will work out.
Also, saw you're a part of the dev team, any possibilities for an equipment modifying FLHook plugin?
Plus I did have another question about shiparchs; We offer the Venator and Battlestar on our server through server donations, Our players donate $60 to get one, but they don't have hardpoints for the jumpdrives, Hyperscanners, Cloaks and docking modules. Could you help us with that? I realize these are not the easiest things to do, but I will pay the dev team/make a donation to the GC server just to get these potential plugins.
Just lookin' for someone who can help, I need an FLHook plugin to edit the st_equip file to edit the cargo sizes of all of the equipment. A shiparch editing FLHook plugin would be greatly appreciated as well, to edit cargo sizes of ships. I also need the Venator and BattleStar ships to be able to have cloaks, jumpdrives, hyperscanners and docking modules. I'll pay money for these plugins to be made and use them according to how the GC dev team would like. Price is negotiable, I'm open to Ideas, compensation, restrictions and whatever. Please get back to me when you can. We love the Discovery Mod, but just want a few changes for our server. You can contact me at tylerdeniscasey@hotmail.com, the forums here at Bob_Chickman or the forums at PlayStarworlds.com at <SW>Radiation[Bob_Chickman]
Why would you want a Vanator to be able to use a cloak? Maybe if it was an admin ship, but you can get an unbreakable admin shield for a fighter. And Administrator cannons can take down a battleship group in 10 seconds.
These Venators and Battlestars are so powerful as it is, that no stock ship can withstand a full salvo if it's loaded out right. Like 7 mortars and the rest Cerebruses. I've taken down NPC valors in 1 shot. I've taken down player Valors (with their permission, as a demonstration) who had cap V armor. Cap VIII will let a player survive a salvo, maybe Cap VII. But anything less they will be hurting bad or dead.
It's not for me, it's for my players who have given a $60 donation to our server to be able to use these special ships. It's not the firepower they need, it's being able to use the special equipment on them as much as any other battleship.
Personally, My admin ship is Phantom Shadow with 8 admin cannons, admin shield, infinite power and an escape pod engine. The admin ships aren't what concerns me. But, again, my players have paid good money to be able to use the BattleStar and Venator. The Battlestar doesn't even have a CM slot. And neither of them have any special equipment slots. The Battlestar's supposed use is to launch fighters, but no docking modules can be mounted.
I know the things I'm asking for are somewhat taboo, but I would really like them to help improve our players' experience on our server. These are potential hook files that we could keep to ourselves, if needed. And I've said I'll pay for the modders' time.
Again, I'm not out to change the mod completely, just some changes to equip and shiparch. It's not like I'm going to give each ship 9999999999 cargo. I, and quite a few of my players, would just like to see a few things changed.
Our player base problem is solved, thanks to Cannon! Turns out one of our player bases was corrupt, so our server would load, alphabetically, using the default player base names, until it reached the corrupt file, and then wouldn't load the rest. But all is good at Starworlds now, though our new server VPS isn't the greatest(A little slow, sometimes laggy, but not too much), we may move again, but save for that, we are running with no problems.