ID: George Starstruck
Affiliation: Deep Space contractor.
Heya there. Name's George Starstruck.
One of your... associates, I pressume called Dexter (his ship was the LR_Dexter) informed me that the Platinum Ore field in Alberta is your turf.
Although I report to DSE, I like not to step on any unlawfuls' toes.
I 'greased' your associate's palms with a couple of million, and I'd like to extend a similar, although larger gratitude fee to higherups in your organisation.
If that motley assortment of bandits can be called that.
I'm awaiting your -discrete- response.
SHIP ID: LR-I.Blame.The.Parents LOCATION: New York, "Drunken Codger" FROM: Clyde Johnson RANK: Consigliere SUBJECT: Alberta Deal
Ahoy Mr. Starstruck,
that rookie was right - Alberta and its Platinum fields are indeed claimed by us, the Liberty Rogues. You're doing fine by contacting us in order to come to an 'financial' agreement. Though, I'll have to warn you, that not every rookie is obeying orders from the Council, and I can only give you my word that those carrying the LR- signature will respect our deal.
The terms would be as follows: You'll pay a monthly fee of 10 millions sirius credits to LR-I.Blame.The.Parents, whereas in return, we'll promise to leave a vessel of your choice doing its business in Alberta without harassment. Fines which have been demanded by nescience will be repaid, as far as one of my guys were involved.
Incoming transmission
ID: George Starstruck
Location: Platinum Incorporated HQ, Alberta
I appreciate the response.
A business opportunity has come up, and I may be working for Platinum| for the foreseeable future.
Nothing has been put to stone yet, and in the meantime a Platinum| rep told me you have already brokered a deal with the company.
Seeing as further questioning my prospective employers about their less lawful dealings is not a good thing to do for your career, I think it'd be best if I inquire you:
If I begin operating under the Platinum| identity, how will my personal dealings with you change?
As a sign of good faith, I've already sent the cash your way, and a bit extra, showing my appreciation for such fruitful talks.
My ship callsign is George.Starstruck, for now.
Signing off.