Last Name - Sears First Names - Peter Birth Place - Planet Erie Age - 25
Employment History and Previous Occupations (//If Any) -
A freelancer trader hauling Helium
Why do you want to work for Interspace Commerce?
I became interested in it, I now haul Helium-3, which IC fits for me. Every other Liberty corporation shows little interest in Helium-3 hauling.
Biography[color=#color=#8efbf6] (//Write a detailed history about your character) -[/color]
I started as a freelancer hauling Helium in Pennsylvania. I graduated from school with a cum laude in Planet Manhattan. A friend told me that Helium trading isn't profitable, he told me of Helium-3 trading. I thought a list of Liberty corporations which are interested in it, and IC was the only corporation interested in it. I traded until I got a Stork, which I then equipped with IC identification. Through IC, I can make money for my needs.
Do you require starting funds? (Remove which does not apply)
[] Yes
[♠] No
Do you already have an IC ship (Remove which does not apply)
[♠] Yes
[] No
Have you read the Interspace Commerce Employee Code of Conduct and understand them? (Remove which does not apply)
[♠] Yes
[] No 5.K.Y.P.3 Protocol Call sign (// Skype Name) - the4dbeing
You seem rather ambitious. For the good of yourself, through the Interspace Commerce? Well it seems you at least have a grip on what it means to exist in the world we live in today. Your application has been ACCEPTED to our hauling fleets, you would be a good addition. Good luck out there.
Last Name - Frank First Names - Willson Birth Place - Los Angeles Age - 19
Employment History and Previous Occupations (//If Any) -
Independednt Miner in Pennysylvania
Transport Co-Pilot
Why do you want to work for Interspace Commerce?
I Wish to get away from the mining as the fields in Pann yeld less profits with every month
Biography[color=#color=#8efbf6 -[/color]
I was Born on planet Los Angeles where I was studying trought my life until age 17 after that I was hired by an man working in the Independent mining group in Penn worked there for about a year when the Yelds were decreasing with every day until it became unproffitable to keep mining now after a year of trying to find a Job to afford my mothers Oldelry care hospital I have to place my application here
Do you require starting funds? (Remove which does not apply)
[♠] Yes
Do you already have an IC ship [color=#8efbf6](Remove which does not apply)
[♠] No
Have you read the Interspace Commerce Employee Code of Conduct and understand them? [color=#8efbf6](Remove which does not apply)
[♠] Yes
5.K.Y.P.3 Protocol Call sign - szpakuz
You are so deep I cant even see you anymore!
[07.07.2013 17:22:11] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: The Nomad is describing Golanski rushing towards the ZA. and... wait. Oooo a rubby ducky!
[07.07.2013 17:22:40] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: Why are Rubber Ducks always yellow I wonder?
I cleaned up your tags and removed things that should be in reports, not everywhere, and at least blacked out. -Champ
But you have to say these two were hilarious Right?Sorry wont happen again
Last Name - Christensen First Names - Emma Birth Place - Planet Los Angeles Age - 33
Employment History and Previous Occupations (//If Any) -
Entrepreneur. I run a small business known as Nagano Import/Exports. We conduct shipping between Liberty and Kusari. Due to the recent rise in piracy (particularly unlawful bounty hunting), I've decided to apply for an insurance with IC and work under its flag. I'm already purchasing stocks at IC as we speak.
Why do you want to work for Interspace Commerce?
Well, as I mentioned earlier, piracy and unlawful bounty hunting is running rampant at Liberty. I'd like to have my ship, my crew and my cargo insured by IC in order to protect my business.
Biography[color=#color=#8efbf6] (//Write a detailed history about your character) -[/color]
After I graduated from high school, I attended the University of Cambridge to study a Bachelor of Science degree majoring in Economics. I managed (just barely) to pass with flying marks and I was on a full scholarship so that really helped my family's financial situation. After a couple of years working at an investment banking firm, I applied for Harvard Business School and studied an MBA degree focusing on operations management and finance. Once I got out, I qualified for a loan to start my own firm from the Bank of Liberty. I did some research into possible trade routes and I found some between Kusari and Liberty that were very efficient and profitable and so I chose to pursue those. That's how Nagano Import/Exports was born.
Do you require starting funds? (Remove which does not apply)
[♠] No
Do you already have an IC ship [color=#8efbf6](Remove which does not apply)
[♠] Yes
Have you read the Interspace Commerce Employee Code of Conduct and understand them? [color=#8efbf6](Remove which does not apply)
[♠] Yes 5.K.Y.P.3 Protocol Call sign (// Skype Name) - marcus.lindberg485
[07.07.2013 17:22:11] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: The Nomad is describing Golanski rushing towards the ZA. and... wait. Oooo a rubby ducky!
[07.07.2013 17:22:40] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: Why are Rubber Ducks always yellow I wonder?
I cleaned up your tags and removed things that should be in reports, not everywhere, and at least blacked out. -Champ
But you have to say these two were hilarious Right?Sorry wont happen again
Last Name - Eddings First Names - Cain Birth Place - Colorado, Liberty Age - 32
Employment History and Previous Occupations (//If Any) -
For the past year, I have been self-employed as a miner, working in whatever safe space I can.
From 812-817 I was working for Synth Foods Inc., mostly as a cargo hauler and occasional bodyguard if the regulars were short or the route was less important. I was laid off due to company cut-backs - many of the routes I ran simply became unprofitable. Well, that’s what I was told.
From 805-812, I worked a variety of jobs for various individuals and small companies in Liberty and Bretonia - anything from mopping floors to servicing cargo ships, from running private cargo between the Houses to guarding business doing shady deals in independent space.
Why do you want to work for Interspace Commerce?
After working independently for these last twelve months, I've realised that I want a stable job again. My various positions have given me broad experiences in mining, running cargo in safe and not-so-safe space, as well as working as a bodyguard for big transports, miners and personal transports. I've always preferred to get my hands dirty, and I know Interspace Commerce offers that kind of work.
Liberty has treated me well over the years, and I know that Interspace Commerce has played a big part in Liberty’s economic successes. I want to be part of that, making people’s lives better, spending time with good people and getting to see some interesting places. Life’s too short to spend it working for myself.
Finally, I see that Interspace Commerce pride itself on excellence and seeks to improve that further. I respect that. It’s not just about the name, but doing your best, and I want to be a part of that.
Biography (//Write a detailed history about your character) -
As I entered above, I was born in Colorado in 786. My old man was born in Rheinland, he told me, but with a name like Eddings...I think my forefathers moved around a bit, and you’ll realise why. You see, I don’t think my father was the most upstanding of citizens. He was often away for months, working, and no matter he told us, now I think it was more often than not running questionable cargo or mining in places he had no business being in. His work meant that from a young age I was taught a lot about flying and how to maintain a medium-sized ship, as well as how to help take care of my family. I think I was about seven years old when he actually took me with him for the first time. He may have been doing a job for Interspace Commerce Inc., actually. I remember a friendly guy named...what was it...Abe...Rothwell? You know him? Anyway, I admit that from then I was rather hooked on flying. The trivia about the cargo he was carrying around, the camaraderie of his fellow I said, half of it was probably illegal, but I didn't know that.
Anyway, everything was fine until I turned nineteen. After leaving for one of his trade runs around the entire sector, he simply didn’t come home. No communication, nothing. Whether he was killed by pirates or decided to become one, I’ll never know. Maybe he’s languishing in a Kusari jail right now...well, I had to start working properly, now didn’t I? For the next seven years I found whatever work I could, as I detailed before. I tried to stay near my family as best I could, but at times I couldn’t. I saw a lot of the different Houses though, and I think that’s what helped me get my job at Synth Foods. Someone who knew the space, knew the routes, knew some ways to avoid the incessant bandits. I was never much for fighting, I was always more of a miner, but I learnt to defend myself when the time came. I’ve had to kill a few men, and I can do it again if need be. Anyway, to get to where I was: The reason I started working for Synth. After one of my miscellaneous trips out to the Sigma systems, I cam home to find my mother and brother vanished. Again, no communication, not even an old-fashioned letter. I don’t know if she remarried and left for another planet, became a pirate as well or got herself arrested. No-one ever told me. Maybe you can imagine how I felt. After spending a few weeks aimlessly wandering, thinking about the future, I decided that I needed a stable job. I didn’t want whatever happened to my family to happen to me. So I applied for a few places, and helped by a friend’s recommendation I got the job in Synth Foods.
I met a nice girl in Synth, Amy, and we started seeing other a lot. I’d find ways to get assigned escort to her cargo runs, that sort of thing. We got married in 815, but never had any kids. We were happy enough working together, spending most of our lives en-route to somewhere. Well, I guess I’m just not exactly a role-model for family relationships, and in 817, two months before I lost my job, she said she was sick of me and just left. That double whammy was a little painful, but I suppose I have become used to it. I thought I would try the independent gig again, which is what I’ve been doing for the past year. Mostly mining on my own, or with whoever I happen to find myself with. There have been days of excitement and days of mind-numbing boredom, but it’s all part of the package. I learned some more patience, how to defend myself a bit better and maybe something about friendship. It can be hard to make friends when the helium cloud reduces visibility and scan range to a few hundred metres, and that’s your home for four days.
As I said above, now’s the point where I want a stable job again. I’ve done everything, but that’s where I want to go back to. So, that’s basically me. Very little formal education but I know a ship inside out - cargo hauler, civilian transport, pleasure yacht, you name it. Not much for family, but then I don’t really have anything tying me down, so I could be one of your more free employees. Please let me know if you want some more specifics about any of the jobs I’ve done; I’d be happy to provide details. Otherwise, thank you for considering my application.
Do you require starting funds? (Remove which does not apply)
[♠] Yes
[] No
Do you already have an IC ship (Remove which does not apply)
[] Yes
[♠] No
Have you read the Interspace Commerce Employee Code of Conduct and understand them? (Remove which does not apply)
[♠] Yes
[] No 5.K.Y.P.3 Protocol Call sign (// Skype Name) - dylan.petrusma
Last Name - Bettencourt First Names - Diogo ((DiogoBett IG)) Birth Place - California Minor Age - 26
Employment History and Previous Occupations (//If Any) -
Iv' worked for Universal Shipping has a Transport.
Why do you want to work for Interspace Commerce?
I want to work for Interspace Commerce because, iv been transporting everything across sirius for a long time, i thought it was a good time to start applying for a real Commerce agency.
Biography [color=#color=#8efbf6] (//Write a detailed history about your character) -[/color]
*Auido Biography Starts Playing*
- Diogo Bettencourt was born in California Minor, he came from a poor family, his dad was a Silver Miner on the next system, Pensylvania, Diogo learned how to drive his dad's Rhino when he was 10, the next year his mother died from Brain cancer, Diogo was told that his mother went on a Luxury Liner to New London, later on when Diogo was 18, his dad told him that his mother actually had died, Diogo took his dad's Rhino and ran away from home after hearing the news.
He came back 2 years later when his dad was 36, he came back from New London with a Firefly space ship and full of credits, he gave half his credits to his father so he could survive then went back to New London, his dad was in a bad condition when he left.
6 more years passed and Diogo was already 26, he returned again to California Minor with a Luxury Liner, he was economicly stable and could give his dad the house he wanted, a Mansion in California Minor's Mineral Zone, but when he returned to his Home Planet, Diogo had found that his dad actually died 2 years ago, Diogo was devastated and went with his Luxury Liner to Okinawa, after he got back on his feet he routed between Okinawa and New London transporting Hellium 3 from Shuri Station, that's how Diogo made a living until today without his parents.
The End.
Do you require starting funds? (Remove which does not apply)
[] Yes
[♠] No
Have you read the Interspace Commerce Employee Code of Conduct and understand them? (Remove which does not apply)
[♠] Yes
[] No 5.K.Y.P.3 Protocol Call sign (// Skype Name) - diogbett
Mr Eddings & Mr Bettencourt, your applications are currently being reviewed by the Interspace Commerce Board of Directors. Once our review has been completed we will inform you of our final decisions as soon as possible.
Thank you for your interest in Interspace Commerce,
--Mercana Shirou, Board Member; 3iC