(07-14-2013, 02:19 AM)crusading_angels Wrote: echo 7-7 thank you very much ill check with my dad and see if he installed the fl hook file. if he didn't how would he go about downloading the file so we can run the game normally
That file was included with the Discovery Mod v4.86 client download, so you should already have it.
Make sure you're running the copy FLServer from your Discovery v4.86 directory, not anywhere else.
can anyone provide screen shots of there step by step instructions as i am trying to walk my brother through the process over the computer. He is not computer savvy. lol
Go to: ...\Microsoft Games\Freelancer 4.86\EXE\flhook_plugins
Look for: techcompat.cfg
Open it with notepad and figure out which of the values are wrong.
Most of them are pretty straight forward if you get to know them a little after reading through it.
If you don't like the whole nerf system, change all the values to make them all give 100%
Explanation in the file on how it works.
And since I'm bored, I'll add...
1.0 = 100%
0.9 = 90%
0.75 = 75% etc...