Ok, I am the proud captain of Junker Forschung Schiff. Liberty declared me an enemy when I had nomads and illegal cargo. I could care less about them(illegal cargos) now as I have many other legal ways of making money, so I stopped smuggling.
From my understanding of RP as a Junker, if I am not doing anything illegal I should be left alone. One day LSF Goliath killed me. I wait my hours and come back later, with nothing in my bay but crew. LSF and other liberty officials swarm me and follow me. They managed to knock me out of cruise and I let them shoot at me without firing back, but when my shields failed and they didnt stop and I opened fire in defense, killing about 3. All I wanted to do was just as my name implied...Research!! I was going to the particle cloud(the one in Pittsburgh debris field) to collect samples...I take it mining scrap is now a crime.
What is interesting to consider in this event is that prior to the fight two other liberty pilots followed me into the field and when I stopped they opened fire, but they stopped when they noticed I was shooting at the junk nearby and tractoring it in....then the server crashed. When it restarted the LPI with "Swat" in his name(I cant remember the whole name) led the charge and he was the one that opened fire first. Swat was not one of the two who saw me in the field.
I talked with one SA after the incident and he said he wasnt told that LSF had killed me. Maybe I misread the role play rules, but it seems to me, Junkers and lib authorities are not official enemies, so once I die it should go back to normal.
I also ask you this, are we really getting anywhere? I can take out your fighters and then your cap ships take out me....again and again with no point.
I don't feel like killing anyone, but how many of you would sit and do nothing when liberty wants to kill you or fine you for carrying nomads, or mining scrap metal? I have no need to go to Zone 21 or bring nomads through liberty space, so no worries there.
Also I am confused. Today an LSF scanned me and we talked peaceably and with no threats or weapon's fire, and left wishing each other the best, than tonight everyone wants me dead. :mellow:
I would not kill or smuggle if LSF and LPI would just leave me alone(I don't mean don't scan, I mean don't kill me when I am doing legal things), but when that LPI Swat player opened fire on me when I exited cruise on my way to mine scrap...I wasnt just going to sit there and do nothing. That rp feeling kicks in and you want your crew to live. I know why the others fired too, they saw me defend myself by shooting the SWAT player and so it began, however Swat provoked that fight and where I come from that is illegal.
If this back-and-forth nonsense is what you want...so be it, but i am not going to be worth it. My official career(Real life) in Law enforcement will begin very soon and I will not have time to be good like I was a few years ago, being as I will not be able to play much.
(Though that brings up another question for the admins...somewhat off topic, but not a lot. The Police academy is several weeks long, and I will be there the whole time. How long can a char go inactive before being deleted? If it is less than the academy will be I will just delete them all now.)
In short I am asking for better communication. It is strange when I interpret the rules one way and then others take them differently. It is even more confusing when some police players talk peaceably to me and don't attack, and then others do. I wouldn't even have entered Manhattan space if I had known I was Kos, but again I took the rules to mean one thing and no one told me different.
If you all keep this up I will just stop caring about it all. When you attack I will just get up and get a drink or go to the bathroom, come back hit respawn and go on. Some fun eh guys? Once I am dead and because Junkers are not kos with liberty I interpret it to go back to just that, neautral. Bottom line, I am not roleplaying with people that don't care to be consistent or informative. I want to play the role of the obscure miner and that strange ship that is searching the galaxy and seeing what all treasure lie within. The ship the leaves others alone and is left alone in return. The main reason is that I am not a kid anymore and I don't have the time I had back then.
Now with all that being said, having played this game for over four years I am impressed by the chase I was given tonight. It was well coordinated. I can only guess what you were saying to each other being as I don't join clans so I wouldn't know how they communicate. I am saying this because I want you to know I am not throwing a fit about dieing. You know one day a long time ago I died about 13 or so times in one day in pvp fights? Death is nothing new to me. I am just respectfully asking for more communication and answers as to whether or not my interpretation of the rules is correct or not.
This is totally off topic but do you all realize that next month is March, 2008? Freelancer was released, I believe, on March 3rd or 4th in 2003. Meaning this awesome game is going to be five years old and we still have full servers! :yahoo: I just think that is awesome!!!
David, my understanding is (as a Junkers char, not LPI) that if LPI, [SA] or =LSF= bust you carrying contraband, you must drop cargo and pay a fine. If you run, they shoot. If you get away and/or dock, you become KoS. But if you comply you are allowed to go on your way, albeit "we're watching you!"
That all sounds fair enough to me.
The trouble is with the independents -- and it appears that's what gave you grief. They wanna be all, "stop, we be da FUZZ!", and stuff, but they don't want to follow the (RP) rules of the house. Like, anything red on their HUD automatically makes it public enemy #1.
Yea sucks badly... we're trying to think of ways to keep a leesh on the indies so this kind of thing doesn't keep happening:dry:
It would seem that the forces did act in accordance with their protocols. Since you didn't comply with the matter of the contraband in your hold they marked you a smuggler and a non-compliant one at that.
However, should you make contact with a member of the [SA] you can request to pay your outstanding fine and begin procedures to redeem yourself as much as possible.
I have a few Junkers also. ie. Chopstix for one. There really isn't as issue outside of NY. The problem -for the most part- with NY is the huge amount of independent new people to the server. If you get attacked then you get swarmed by all of these people coming out of the woodwork. I was once sitting in my collector sitting outside of Rochester when attacked by a transport. They ask for help and a swarm start attacking you.
Someone (supposed good guy) fires at you and then asks for help then you get swarmed without question. That is the problem. But you walk a fine line as a Junker and that for me is part of the appeal.
1- lately junkers have been hostile to law enforcement
2- A junker pirate cruiser shows up in orbit of manhattan, my gut reaction is to tell you to leave.
3- You don't respond, hence the pursuit begins
4- We chase you, trying to communicate the whole way, server crashes.
5- One of the ships that was in the debreas field, logs back on to find his hull half gone, someone had shot him up it would seem, we now run under the assumption you are hostile and will attack
6- again you return to Manhattan, and don't respond, this time we stop you and a battle starts, ending in the destruction of 3 small ships, compared to your cruiser.
So I apologize, there obviously was a misunderstanding, and I don't speak German, so I would have no clue what your ship name meant.
Iâll carry this flag
To the grave if I must
Because itâs flag that I love
And a flag that I trust
I guess that makes sense. Then again, Junkers in cruisers/battleships doesn't make much sense, until they recieve their own capital class ships (flying scrapheaps).
Anyway, on topic. The trick with being an unlawful junker is not to get caught in your activities. If you are caught smuggling, prepare to be fined and put on a blacklist. It is the factions rules, after all.
The problem is when you aren't caught doing something wrong. My first encounter with a lawful (Bounty Hunter) on my Junker was immediate, battleship turret-induced death. All because I was a Junker.
People need to realise that in-game actions determine who you are, not just the infocards. Just because some junkers smuggle, doesn't mean they all do. On the flipside of things, not all Junkers are lawful, so shouldn't be treated as lawful.