Well judging from Aerelm's post about the release of .87, it looks like the CSV will no longer be used as the restart ship, the civilian shuttle will be used now instead.
So I was thinking about making the CSV a little more attractive in terms of stats, seeing as it is kind of pathetic right now and I am not sure if it will be changed at all in the future.
First off give it the freighter speed bonus. Up the powerplant too. Multiply the price by ten.
Throw a mine launcher on the back of the ship, where the Collector's mine dropper is, or instead put the thruster there and put a mine dropper where the thruster is now. A CD slot could be put on the underside of the ship near the front, between the two gray blocks, or perhaps a CD/Sile slot. Two more guns could be added on the bottom as well, near the lights on the sides. There may be room on either side of the cockpit for a pair of turrets as well on the yellow triangles.
Hull could be doubled up to 18,000 or a little less, bring regens up to 90-110 or so. Up the cargo as well to something like 400 maybe or perhaps more.
This would at least make the most common Junker vessel a bit more attractive to fly.
It sounds like you're describing a slightly worse CSF with a CSV model. But sadly, in the absence of proper utility in Freelancer, I'm not seeing much the CSV can feasibly do. Mini-repairship? Hell, even that'd be pretty pointless since the real thing isn't all that expensive.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
Protip: Your pilot gets out when you land. Launch, and you can see him still standing talking to the equipment dealer, while his ship flies away and abandons him.
Secret Protip: This is why players almost never die, they are all remote controling their ships.
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